
Xu Manman's baby is also bad.

There is a saying that you can learn from whoever you follow. Lucky star feels a fierce look. He looks up and finds that Gu fan is looking at himself with bad intentions.

"Cough, cough."

Lucky star quickly explained: "boss, this is not what I taught, this is what she taught herself!"

"Ha ha ha, don't fool new people, or they will kill you easily."

Old Musketeer came out to make a comeback: "I am old Musketeer, and my ability is very general, but I am an experienced old guy. Don't listen to lucky star's nonsense, he is the mascot of crazy hunting team."


Lucky star was exposed in public and touched his head awkwardly.

The old firecracker turned and took a look at Xu Manman: "but Manman baby, it's really possible that he's the second person in the wild hunting team. "

This makes Shen Mengxi even more surprised.

Xu Manman baby after two years of the end of the world, Huling Ling's big eyes a bit more ancient spirit, looks fleshy, fat, very attractive, but do not ignore her combat effectiveness.

Not to mention Xu Manman's several masters, they are all masters among the legendary fourteen.

Her own "space power" is almost bug like. Even Gu fan has to be afraid of it, and it also has a variety of very convenient powers, such as the storage room of different dimensions.

"Big sister singer!"

"You are so beautiful now, why do you still have scars on your face?"

Xu Manman asked naively. At this time, Shen Mengxi experienced metamorphosis. Her skin became white and smooth, as soft as snow. The original appearance of ordinary people also became much more exquisite. Although she didn't look as amazing as Le Zhiqi and Lin Yuxin, she could be regarded as a great beauty.

But the scar on her face, which is as ferocious and twisted as a centipede, destroys the overall aesthetic feeling.

The scar is the mark of the "inferior".

Shen Mengxi was a little silent. He bent down and looked into Xu Manman's eyes seriously. He said, "when you grow up, you will understand that this is not only a scar, but also a symbol of my past. It's always whipping me."

Xu man tilted his head and didn't quite understand.

But the rest of the team nodded with empathy.

Each of them has an unforgettable past, just like the scar on Shen Mengxi's face. In her eyes, it is no longer a humiliation, but a more complex and meaningful special symbol that outsiders can't understand.

Drop by drop.

At this time, some instrument in the death gun backpack rang.

As soon as his face changed, he quickly reported to Gu fan: "boss, we have news from the communicator."


It is a special communication device used to contact "fog" and "dragon eye".

The 14 legendary judges of the adjudication office, 07 and 05, were the initial pioneers, and they must have experienced many hardships.

But before has been in the state of losing contact, and with the development of Gufan hunting team, the signal of the communicator has also reached the maximum acceptable range.


According to Gu fan's order, the gun of death immediately connected the signal: "this is the crazy hunting team. I'm judge 13."

"Ask for help."

"Ask for help."

"I'm judge No. 05, Long Jing. Now I have contacted and reached an agreement with the non believers, but I need help urgently."

It is said that the eyes not only can see things ten kilometers away, but also can see through the mind and the intention of others.

He is not only an explorer, but also the best spiritual tutor and negotiator.

When he came to the southern war zone this time, he was shouldering the task of contacting with the other party. In addition, he represented the dawn alliance in the north, and apparently had reached some agreement with the unbelievers.


The gun of death immediately replied, "please elaborate as soon as possible."

"The rift in the abyss has collapsed!"

"The abyss crack of the crackdown of the non believer sects now has the omen of collapse, and more and more mutant species are climbing out of the crack."

The sound of the dragon's eyes changed everyone's face. The abyss crack is the most terrifying area for human beings. The monsters climbing out of the crack are like demons coming out of the ground.

The corrosive abyss magic fog will cover the surrounding area. Whether it is carrion or alien, it will be greatly enhanced.

"At the bottom of the rift in the abyss, there is more than one powerful and unparalleled breath."

"We suspect that some holy creatures are recovering. If they wake up, the garrison and the surrounding cities will be destroyed."

Longjing said anxiously, "please contact the grand adjudicator. I'm afraid only they can handle it now. It's about our future relationship with the southern theater.""No need."

At this time, a man's voice came from the gun of death.

The dragon eye on the other side of the communicator suddenly froze. Although the voice became a little fuzzy through the microphone, he could never forget the voice of the devil who tortured and trained himself day and night.

"Ancient Gu fan Lord death Is that you

"Did you come in person?"

Longjing's voice was trembling. He thought it was the limit that the ruling could send Le Zhiqi or other big adjudicators, but he didn't expect that Lord Gu fan should be present in person.

Now that this adult is here, then everything is not a problem.

"Where are you?"

Gu fan asked lightly.

"Steel Machinery City!"

Longjing said twice in a row: "we are in the steel machinery City."

Boom boom!!!

As soon as his voice fell, there was a huge roar from the other side of the communicator, and the communicator immediately lost its signal.

It seems that we are in a lot of trouble.

"Boss, what should we do?"

"The abyss crack, shouldn't there be the existence of dominating level?"

This is what the crazy hunting team is most worried about. They all know how dangerous the abyss crack is. If there is a dominant level in the abyss crack, it will be a disaster of the world.

Gu fan shook his head: "it's impossible that the cracks in the abyss that host the master will form a huge abyss canyon. With the growth of time, the surrounding area will be covered with abyss magic fog to cover up a city."

"That kind of big crack can't be controlled by manpower."

It is impossible for human beings to block the crack where the master is.

According to Gu fan's conjecture, it should only be an abyssal crack of an important hub, but the location is too important to block the crack. Now many changes have taken place and serious problems have arisen.

"Red bean, how much do you know about iron and Steel Machinery City?"

Steel machinery City.

This name makes red bean who has been following the crazy hunting team fall into thinking.

For a long time, she said a major event about the steel machinery City.

"That place was bombed by a nuclear bomb."



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