Good ability.

The absolute force field, the gravity that distorts and crushes everything, can hurt Gu fan's perfect body.

Although it's just a scratch on the cheek, it's enough to see its powerful destructive power. There are not many strong people who can do it.

"Hell way."

Gu fan lightly spits out these three words.

All of a sudden, the situation stopped suddenly, as if there was an inexplicable force, and the turbulence in the surrounding space was also affected by this force, and became slow and sticky, as if the swamp formed by this force field was gradually freezing.


What is Tao?

That is a road that Gu fan developed by himself.

Hell blood, condenses a number of powers, plus the essence of countless brilliant Chinese civilization over the past ten thousand years, the understanding of martial arts converges, and finally embarks on a road of its own.

That is the way of hell that Gu fan just realized recently!!

I don't know how dark the road is.

Corpses, blood, dead bones pile up, as if it is the only way to the 18th floor hell.

However, it is not only a simple road, but also a collection of all the thoughts of Gu fan, his understanding of the world and his intention to kill.


Gu fan had already reached the realm of harmony between man and nature.

After the complete release of their own "hell way", the surrounding integrated space seems to have formed another field.

God's space turbulence then stagnates, and those gravitational waves controlled by him are forced to squeeze out by the "hell way" field, and are forcibly torn apart, opening a big hole in the seemingly invincible absolute force field.

The tear is still spreading.


Dong, Dong, Dong.

Gu fan walked forward step by step.

Every step is like stepping on the top of the clouds, and layers of cloud waves disperse, forming ripples and spreading out, and the rhythm of the earth also emits waves.

The ripples spread under people's feet.

Everyone in the field has a strange feeling that the whole earth is centered on Gufan, as if he is the heart of the earth.

At every step, the heart is beating, driving everything around to follow the rhythm, giving people an unreal sense of illusion, but feeling inexplicably reasonable.

Where the waves vibrate, the turbulence of space gravity dissipates one after another.

The twisted light burst out continuously, giving off dazzling hot light, baking the surrounding ground, leaving black scorched earth.

But when the light shines on Gufan's body, it seems to be blocked by another force place, and forced to twist and turn back to other directions.

"How could it be?"

"This is the force field of absolute defense?"

"God's power, why can you have it too!"

The expression of the emissary changed again. I can't believe what happened in front of me. It's his unique special skill. Why can Gu fan have the same ability??

More than that.

Gufan's powers are more powerful than his.

It is obvious that the field formed by the gradual disintegration of Zhou fan's divine body is unable to resist.



Gu fan continued to move forward, the circle of the field also spread rapidly, and the extremely bloody and dark hell road became more and more profound, with the roar of countless hungry ghosts howling.

"When the level of strength reaches a certain level, it can affect the surrounding environment."

"Self consciousness can cause the resonance of heaven and earth. In ancient times, it may be called the unity of heaven and man. In your words, it may be called the absolute realm, but in my opinion, it is a manifestation of Tao."

Gu fan seems to be explaining and reflecting what he thinks.

He has gathered his own Tao, and his ability to integrate is not explained by a simple "force field", nor can he be challenged by God.


When we reach a certain level, power will change qualitatively.

Gufan had completed this qualitative change, and the envoy only used a small part of it with the help of the power of the master.

"The power of the will, even if it doesn't overflow the body, resonates."

"Being self-centered, delimiting a domain of one's own Tao can even change some physical rules in the world, which is not just gravity."

Gu fan seems to have a feeling again. He slowly raises his hand, and the silent and invisible power condenses and flows in his hand. It is the traction field just used by God!!

This force field extends continuously, just like countless invisible hands, invading into the force field space around the God envoys.

A more shocking scene happened.

Although countless invisible hands are invisible and colorless, the traction of the force field is pulling countless rays.In the space of endless darkness The sun, which had been plundered, twisted back and forth like noodles. At last, it was taken away by Gu fan, forming arcs around his body.

Take it away!!

Gufan took away the light around him.

Half the world.

The force field of a semicircle.

Compared with each other, although Gu fan just tried to master this ability, he was more complete than the divine envoy

"What does not belong to you, does not belong to you after all."

"It's really powerful. You can experience it yourself."

Gu fan quickly mastered the sense of this ability, and the realm of hell also expanded to the scope of God's envoys, and even completely wrapped his whole person.


The realm of ancient hell blocked the source of God's almost endless power.

Originally floating in the air, the divine envoy suddenly felt that he had lost all his abilities, and his body became extremely heavy, falling heavily towards the ground.


A heavy sound, no power God planted on the ground, the bones are issued a brittle sound.

It turns out that his own strength is not strong, and even ordinary hunters can't compare with him. The reason why he became one of the top ten saints is only because he used the special strength of the Lord of the abyss.

"You What do you want to do

God can no longer maintain his pride, eyes full of fear and despair.

When a strong person loses all the power to maintain and becomes small and vulnerable again, the sense of "gap" is even more unacceptable.

The light is falling.

The light that twisted and condensed to the limit, turned and slowly fell in his direction.

The God made his face even more frightening.

He can't be more clear, which proves that the gravitational turbulence composed of "invisible palm" is rolling those lights and gradually approaching. With a little touch of him now, he will be torn apart by the super strong gravitational field.


"I'm still useful. Don't kill me. I'm willing to give everything to replace my life."

"I can communicate with the first seal, don't kill me!"

But when he looked back at Xiang Gufan, he found that the expression on his mouth was so cold and cruel.

He wanted to see himself brutally killed



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