
The stone statue depicts the soaring and dancing dragon.

It is not the image of flying lizard in Western mythology, but the five clawed Golden Dragon coiled on the stone pillar.

Like camel, horn like deer, eyes like rabbit, ears like cow, neck like snake, abdomen like mirage, scales like carp, claws like eagle, palms like Tiger It is the image of Chinese Orthodox dragon totem.

From afar.

The Dragon sculptures are superb. Their eyes are bright and majestic. Eighty one dragon scales make up the number of nine extreme suns. They look down on the world and look down on all living beings. The tens of thousands of "bad blood people" around them seem to be all living beings.

"Lord death, all those people are dead."

Fog filled the open hall, dust particles through the cracks of countless palms, around a circle back to Gufan's side.

All of them were not alive. Large body spots appeared on the surface of the body. The smell of corpses came out from under the skin bags. Some grease penetrated into the ragged clothes and flowed on the ground.

But one thing is strange.

These corpses sitting on the ground have a very low degree of decay, and judging from the extent to which some of the corpse oil on the ground has dried up The body was kept for at least a month.

"The magic pupil of hell!"

Gu fan leaped slightly, and the ice formed by extreme cold formed a high platform, surrounded by the cold air. The sharper eyes and pupils condensed into bundles, making the surrounding space more transparent.


The lines of "if there is nothing" implicate tens of thousands of people's foreheads.

Those silk threads are not made of matter or even solidified by energy, but a collection of "thoughts".

Tens of thousands of people's thoughts and ideas converge in one place, just like the sea is a hundred rivers. Countless small thoughts turn into rivers, surging in the direction of the dragon.

The dragon is shining.

All thoughts are related to it. "Thought" makes it full of spirituality. Sculpture seems to be alive and gives it a special meaning.

Spider web

In the eyes of the hell magic pupil, tens of thousands of people's thoughts form silk threads, condense into a large spider web, and finally gather into the Dragon carving, and then are poured into the ground, surging continuously.

"They didn't really die."

Gu fan jumped down, and the extremely cold stairs disappeared behind him. He came to a sitting corpse and touched it with his palm.

Click, click, click.

The corpse froze into ice at the speed visible to the naked eye, then slightly shocked, and the decaying body turned into ice crystal fragments, but some of them remained.

The brain.

It's a brain that's almost dry.

The original fresh and tender brain has almost turned into withered dried walnuts. The complex blood vessels are no longer pink and tender. The white brain kernel is also discolored. Most of the brain cells have lost their function.

Occasionally there will be a little plasma flow, the brain also with a little peristalsis, and then completely stopped, into a state of suspended animation.

Obviously, their bodies are dead, but their brains are still barely alive.

This makes Gu fan think of the "brain in the VAT" iron general.

The generals who hide in the deep underground take their brains out and put them into the nutrition cabin to survive through remote control of machinery, which is beyond the scope of ordinary people's understanding.

And these "corpses" are similar.

It's just that they don't have so much cost and can't stay in the nutrition cabin of the most cutting-edge technology. Instead, they are trapped in their own bodies, slowly rotting and finally losing their freedom.

In other words.

The brain in the VAT is still alive, and it's very moist. It's like a man playing games at home before the end of the world, controlling the mechanical characters in reality.

But these corpses, brain lost activity, unable to complete the normal thinking, their thoughts are fixed in a very narrow range, can only think of some fixed ideas.


Yes, those thoughts are worship.

The incomplete withered brains in the corpses are full of worship for the dragon.

They worship and adore the dragon's Totem as if it were a God, and no other "thinking" can be achieved.

Thoughts, beliefs, thoughts.

They keep pouring into the Dragon carving, just like tens of thousands of "belief" manufacturing machines.

"That's how the divine emissary came into being?"

Gu fan narrowed his eyes, and the person who called himself "divine envoy" before would use the power of belief in a similar field.

With the help of some power of the base, he can even hurt Gu fan's skin and scrape a shallow bloodstain on his face.

It seems that the power of belief comes from the sanctuary.

More than that

There is more than one dragon sculpture.

It's just a kind of "energy receiving station", which becomes the carrier of belief and thought, and is finally input into the deep underground.Gu fan closed his eyes.

With the spread of ideas, the strong consciousness of death spread in all directions, forming a huge circle.

"Sure enough."

"This hall of tens of thousands of people is not the only receiving station of faith."

"There are at least five more exits to the maze, each of which hides tens of thousands of people's belief machines."

Gu fan knew the principle of maze, so it was easier to crack it.

Faith machine.

Those sculptures depicting the dragon totem are like the core of each machine, and countless unconscious "dead bodies" are part of the belief machine. Each one will only think about how to "worship" the Dragon Sculpture in front of him.

There are tens of thousands of people in every belief machine. I'm afraid there are hundreds of thousands or even millions of people in all!!

They are all bad blood people from all over the world. The refugees who have been hard to find, as well as the refugees who have been displaced after the destruction of the surrounding bases, are all concentrated here There are only a few people around the queen of arms.

A little bit of thoughts, condensed into water drops.

Countless drops of water gather on the dragon sculpture, then turn into rivers and pour into the ground. The real big conspiracy is under the stone pillar!!

Boom boom!!

Gu fan, with his eyes in his eyes, took a step forward and hit the lifelike dragon sculpture with his fist. The fierce force with the style of boxing blasted the sculpture to pieces.

The falling of rock fragments.

They are just the most common stones. Just like the top ten sculptors, they are shaped by ordinary people. They have no magic in themselves, but they can give meaning under the blessing of tens of thousands of people's thoughts.

The stone wall burst.

Under the dragon sculpture, there is a passageway entrance with a diameter of 10 meters.

The channel is no longer "weird" and "ancient", but full of the future sense of science and technology, densely covered with electromagnetic pipes, calculating certain data.

This passage reminds Gu fan of the base hidden under the iron and Steel Machinery City, and the technology of "brain in a VAT" seems to have been used.

"Go down."

Without fear, Gu fan jumped down the entrance, surrounded by puffs of smoke, and the light of the surrounding electrons continued to shine, forming an optical network of strong electricity.


It's only now that we really have our defenses.



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