"Put me down!"

"Gufan, please let me down."

"You said you like me, you said you want to be with me, I'm willing to..."

Gu Xuerou was also tied and hung on the ceiling.

She begged for mercy in every way. She cried about what she had done. She recalled Gu fan's vows, just like the most infatuated woman in the world.

It's no use.

Even if she cried with rain, no matter how wronged, Gu fan did not have any pity.

Gu Xuerou.

Once a goddess.

Her fate is no different from others, let alone special treatment.

The same bait!

They're all hanging upside down on the ceiling, just lures to attract night devils.

"You girls!"


"Betray me, flatter other people's bad feet, now you know the end?"

Yuan Hua, also tied to one side, said in a hoarse voice. Seeing Gu Xuerou, a woman who betrayed herself, suffer, he felt a little happy.

Gu Xuerou glared back.

"Betray you?"

"You used to be rich and powerful, so I chose you."

"Now what are you? You're just a loser, living in your own fantasy every day and pinning all your hopes on Dad!"

"Maybe your father died early and was eaten clean by those rotten corpses!"

Gu Xuerou's words are even more vicious.

Especially the last sentence.

Gu Xuerou's words completely broke Yuan Hua's hope!!

She is such a woman, powerful will follow you.

And when you lose everything, Gu Xuerou will abandon you decisively and mercilessly, hoping to kick you hard again.

Yuan Hua's eyes are full of flaws.

He has been waiting for his father to save himself. This fantasy is his only hope to live.


"My father is so powerful, he has so many people, how can he be eaten."

"He won't die. My father won't die. He must have found a large number of people to save me!"

Yuan Hua does not give up the roar, but no matter who will feel that this is a dream.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Joke, joke, what a joke!"

In the middle of the room, Zhang puchuan, who had been selected, laughed.

"Don't you understand?"

"In this last age, the law of the jungle, the winner is king."

"And we all lost, all prisoners, all losers!"

Zhang puchuan's words stunned Gu Xuerou and Yuan Hua.

He laughs at Yuan Hua and Gu Xuerou, and thinks that he is so ridiculous.

"Hundreds of millions of wealth, powerful?"

"The whole world is destroyed, and money has long been meaningless. Even if your father is the richest man in the country, he will still be killed by the rotten corpse."

"And you."

"How many men have you seduced for your own benefit?"

"That butcher, how can you not see through such a rotten flower like you?"

Zhang puchuan laughs wildly. Yuan Hua and Gu Xuerou look at him fiercely at the same time, as if Zhang puchuan had talked about him in his heart.


"Aren't you hanging here with us?"

Yuan Hua roared, this man mocks others, he is not the same as hanging on the beam??

Zhang puchuan's smile gradually cooled down in exchange for a deep sigh.

"The king is defeated by the enemy."

"You're right. Even if I become an evolutionist, I'm still hanging here like you."

"Soon, we'll be food for those monsters."

"Soon, we'll be dead."

"At that time, there was no difference between us."

Zhang puchuan's words make people feel chilly. It makes no difference to be a dead man.

The country is as rich as it is powerful. After death, there is nothing left.

It's beautiful and graceful. After death, it's just a red skull.

Even if you become an evolutionist, like Zhang puchuan, who has gained the power that ordinary people can't imagine, in the end, you will still feed the rotten corpse.

There is no difference between the dead.

Hearing this, Gu Xuerou is more anxious.

"Let me go!"

"Gufan, come back and let me go!"

"For you, I will do anything, anything!"

Begging for mercy spread far away, but no one paid any attention to her. There is no regret medicine in this world.


……In the evening.

Gu fan and his two younger brothers set many traps in ambush.

The smell of blood in the room wafts far away along the window. When night falls, it will surely attract those monsters.

Little lucky side fixed the hands of the piano thread, while quietly on the side of Le Zhiqi said: "boss really don't put that woman?"

Le Zhiqi gave him a white look: "nonsense, who do you think the boss is, and who is Gu Xuerou?"

Little lucky thinks a little bit.

"The boss is unfathomable, unpredictable and cruel."

"Gu Xuerou, there's nothing to say, green tea bitch!"

Le Zhiqi snorted coldly: "that's right. Even you know she's a green tea whore. How could the boss not know?"

Little lucky scratched his head and asked suspiciously, "but according to what Gu Xuerou said The boss has chased her before, even been hurt and dumped by her? "

Hurt by love?

I didn't expect that Gu fan, who was like a demon butcher, had such a miserable past.

This kind of feeling is like a devil who is climbing out of hell, but is dumped by a little girl who is a little scheming. How to listen to it makes people feel a little surprised.

Le Zhiqi gives little lucky a big white eye.

However, when Le Zhiqi was ready to continue gossip, a cold voice came from behind them.

"What about me?"


It's the cool voice that comes from Gufan.

Little lucky and Le Zhiqi shudder, and the tools in their hands drop to the ground with a clatter.

"No, No."

"We work, work hard, work hard!"

Little lucky cold sweat was scared out. Even if he didn't look at Gu fan's eyes, he could feel a trace of flow in the air.

"About me."

"The less you know, the better. I don't mind hanging you on the ceiling."

Gu fan's words let the air cool down a few degrees again, at least it felt like this.

"Keep working."

Gu fan patted them on the shoulder and went to another room to polish the tools.

Little lucky and Le Zhiqi hanging heart this just relaxed down.

Take a closer look, two people's forehead has been covered with fine beads of sweat, really scared.

This is really a walk from the edge of huangquan road.

Who knows if Gu fan will kill both of them??

"It scared the hell out of me."

"Hurry to work. It's getting dark. Don't mention a word about the boss in the future!"

Little lucky and Le Zhiqi look at each other with a lingering fear, quickly pick up the tool to continue to be busy.



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