the second day.

Click, click, click.

The doors of Gu fan's room cracked and burst into pieces one after another, turning into pieces of ice debris scattered on the ground.

Wu Ze and Le Zhiqi have been waiting outside the door for a long time. They are like children who have made mistakes waiting for adults to teach them lessons. At a glance, they see something wrong.


Gu fan asked casually, "tell me, what's the matter with you two?"

Wu Ze did not dare to hide.

"Here's the thing, boss."

"I've been in the inpatient department for a long time. Some people usually take care of me..." Wu Ze told us what happened yesterday.

Gu fan glanced at Wu Ze and sneered, "do you want to be a bad guy?"

Wu Ze immediately knelt down on one knee and said in a deep voice, "if you feel unhappy, I am willing to accept punishment."

Gu fan didn't care.

He patted Wu Ze on the shoulder and said coldly, "get up. As for punishment, there will be soon."

Punishment will come soon. What does that mean?

Gu fan did not explain.

He took Wu Ze and Le Zhiqi to the corridor.

On the contrary, Wu Ze and Le Zhiqi are puzzled. Is this all right? When is old Gu fan so approachable?


Wu Ze and Le Zhiqi found something wrong.

All the people who were still alive on this floor disappeared.

At the end of the corridor, in the direction of the stairs of the safe passage, some blood gradually spread, and the blood was still fresh.

What's going on??

What happened!!

As soon as Wu Ze's face changed, his two beast eyes started immediately.

Found that this floor of the original survivors all left, it seems that all fled downstairs.

They went to the next floor, near the corner, where a human lay, or rather a cold corpse.

That's a man.

He covered his abdomen with blood flowing all over the ground. His face was ferocious, painful and full of resentment.

If the corpse is killed by a carrion or a monster, the corpse will not survive. Even if it is not eaten up, it will become another monster because of infection.

"He was killed by human beings."

Wu Ze half squatted down, a bad hunch hovered in his heart.

Gu fan looked at Wu Ze with a trace of ridicule and said contemptuously, "you and Le Zhiqi were too careless. Last night you were wandering near my door for a long time. When you left for a rest, the voices of those people fighting with each other were not heard."


Wu Ze and Le Zhiqi were shocked.

After dealing with these things yesterday, they went to rest and sleep, but they never expected that these people would fight in private.

And Gu fan knows all these details!!

Gu fan, who has experienced the dark end of the world, has long been used to the dangerous environment where he may lose his life at any time.

Even if he had a rest in the middle of the night, he would be in a very shallow sleep state. Any wind and grass would wake him up. The sound of those people's fighting could not escape Gufan's ears.

"Pifu is innocent, huaibi is guilty."

"You gave them the seed of the abyss yesterday. It's like pie falling from the sky. Who doesn't want to be an evolutionist?"

Gu fan sneers. You don't have to guess what happened to him.

In a world where there are no moral and legal constraints, people may fight for a bag of instant noodles, not to mention the seeds of the abyss that can make people evolve??

"Do you mean..."

Wu Ze's face was gloomy, and his bad feeling grew deeper and deeper.

He quickly ran forward, but found more and more bodies nearby, some people were stabbed to death by a scalpel, some people were blunt smashed in the head.


Wu Ze saw a man.

It was a little nurse who had taken care of him, but now she was black and blue, covered with blood, and was cut dozens of knives.

Her hands were empty, her eyes were more empty, and she looked into the distance. The seed of the abyss given by Wu Ze was obviously robbed, and the little nurse was killed by others.


Wu Ze clenched his fist and felt a deep anger in his heart.

At this moment, Wu Ze finally knew what the boss meant by "punishment".

Wu Ze was ready to be punished.

Whether boss Gu fan wants to cut him a few wounds with an ice blade, or ask him to kill thousands of decaying corpses to pay off debts, or even cut off an arm He can take it!

But there is nothing more severe than the immediate punishment.

Wu Ze saw that the little nurse who used to take care of him died miserably, and he died miserably because he kindly gave the seed of the abyss. That kind of mental torture is beyond other people's understanding.Good intentions do bad things.

The seed of the abyss, on the contrary, killed the little nurse.

Wu Ze gave others hope, but others let him see real despair.


Wu Ze clenched his fists, continued to walk forward, followed the blood line all the way, and finally came to the next step.


Click, click!!

In the corridor on the 13th floor, the sound of the monster chewing was so clear.

A monster like a night demon is lying on the ground, apparently eating the human body.

Its body is much larger than that of the night devil. It has six limbs and has become a real water spider. The human it chews is one of more than ten people yesterday.

Wu Ze looked at the ugly monster with a diameter of 2 meters.

He froze.

Although the monster's face was extremely distorted and his flesh and blood were rotten, Wu Ze had a sense of deja vu.

Her swollen muscles and bones tore the clothes, but the fragments of the nurse's clothes were still left. A famous brand with her name before her death was another nurse who took good care of Wu Ze!!

"Severe mutation."

"It has six limbs, and its muscle strength and posture are far stronger than ordinary night devils."

"This monster even has the possibility to break through to the second level and become a different species. The number of abyss seeds she takes is bound to be very large. Unfortunately, her will is too weak to survive, and she becomes a monster."

Gu fan and Le Zhiqi's footsteps came from behind, analyzing the monster in front of them sentence by sentence.

She took a lot of abyss seeds to become such a monster??

Does Gu fan want to say that the little nurse killed another companion and robbed her of the seed of the abyss??

How is that possible?

This year he was paralyzed in bed.

Two nurses took turns to take care of his special patient. Wu Ze had the impression that the two nurses were sisters. How could they fight each other??


"They have a good relationship. It's impossible!"

Wu Ze's eyes are red and flawed, and some of them can't accept the reality.


"Brothers can turn against each other for the sake of inheritance."

"Father and son can kill each other for their own benefit."

"You give them the chance to evolve, which is more attractive than wealth or beauty."

Gu Fan said indifferently that this is the darkness of human heart gradually revealed in the end of the world.

For the sake of these seeds of the abyss, what is it to kill my best friend?

It's just a little thing.

After hearing this, Wu Ze even pricked his fingernails into his palm, leaving a drop of red blood along his fingers.

No one knows how he is feeling at the moment.

Guilt, regret, pain, anger?

"Kill this monster alone."

"This is the punishment for your unauthorized actions."

Gu fan finally said coldly, it turns out that this is the real punishment.

Wu Ze's kindness killed everyone.

Two nurses took good care of him, one was hacked to death, the other greedily swallowed all the seeds of the abyss, and became a monster.

In the end, Wu Ze will kill the monster himself.

The most severe punishment in the world, but so

This is just killing the heart!



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