This is a world full of dreams and despair!

The whole world is divided into four seas by the Red Earth Continent and the Great Route, namely the East China Sea, the West China Sea, the South China Sea, and the North China Sea.

The Great Route is also known as the most magical and dangerous route in the world.

At this time, the world is about to usher in a variable.

In a certain sea area in the East China Sea, the sky is now overcast, and from time to time there are a few silver-white lightnings that cut through the sky and illuminate the dark sea. While the heavy rain was pouring, the waves rose one after another, and the huge waves lifted up some ships and crushed them.

This doomsday-like scene is rarely seen in the four seas with a relatively peaceful climate. Even in the Great Route, it is a natural disaster-level bad weather.

At this time, a space on the sea suddenly collapsed outward, as if there was a broken mirror hanging on it. The bottomless black gap in the middle of the"mirror" made people feel that they would fall into it if they looked at it for a second longer, and they were shuddering.

A huge sea beast happened to leap up and passed through the side of this"mirror". As a result, it was silently cut in half as smooth and light as cutting sweet butter.

Seeing this scene, the nearby sea beasts were so scared that they scattered, and they didn't even dare to approach the prey at their mouths, because their keen beast instincts were constantly sending alarms to their brains.

Not long after they left, a boy about ten years old who was in a coma fell from the space crack. Miraculously, he did not sink to the bottom of the sea. Instead, it seemed that some force was holding him up and drifting away along the waves. At the same time, the space crack was also healed like a broken mirror.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, but as soon as the boy left this sea area, the rain stopped, the wind stopped, and the waves calmed down. If it weren't for the sea beast's body still floating on the water, I would have doubted whether what just happened was true.

This force held the boy up and kept floating until he was tripped by a piece of wood and disappeared. Fortunately, the boy lay on the board and continued to drift with the waves.

It was a sunny afternoon with no clouds in the sky, which was a blessing for people who make a living by the sea. It indicated that it was a good day to go out to sea, and the risk factor was much lower than usual. You could also go fishing farther from the shore.

A small island in the East China Sea.

Two fishing boats met one kilometer away from the shore.

"Barry, today’s harvest is great. We’re returning home so early!"

""Hahaha! That's right, Wright, I caught a rare elephant tuna, I'm rich this time!"

A burly middle-aged man with a naked upper body and a turban on his head couldn't suppress his excitement. He held up a meter-long fish in his hand and proudly showed it off to his friends.

This fish has a long nose like an elephant and gorgeous patterns. When the sun shines on its surface, it is obvious that it is not an ordinary fish.

"Hey, hey, hey, is this true? How could this thing appear in the East China Sea, and you are so lucky to catch it."

The other one looked a little thin, but the six-pack abs exposed in the middle of his white shirt told others that his strength should not be underestimated.

At this moment, he was looking at his friend from the same village with disbelief.

After all, this thing is really valuable.

Elephant tuna mainly lives in the South China Sea.

Not to mention how much it costs to transport it from the South China Sea to the East China Sea, this kind of fish is rare even in the South China Sea.

It is rumored that the meat on its nose is a rare treasure.

Not to mention the delicious meat, the meat from other places is also a rare delicacy.

In this situation where there is a price but no market, many nobles want to taste it.

It is normal to spend a lot of money on such a delicacy, so it is several times more expensive than the normal price.

Wright took a look at the fish in Barry's hand and found that it was almost the same as the description of the legendary elephant tuna. He couldn't help feeling a little jealous. After all, this old guy really has been running a business for three years!

Although he was jealous, Wright still kindly advised Barry:"Barry, you should sell this fish to that guy Vic. Although he usually lowers our price when purchasing, we have cooperated for so many years after all. He used to be a pirate and knows a lot of people. The price he sells to can be higher.……"

Barry also understood the hidden meaning of Wright's words. Vic was a ruthless pirate in the past. Although he has retired now, if he knows that he does not give this thing to Vic to sell, he will probably have a hard time in the future. The fish is rare and precious, and it is expensive. On the other hand, it has a higher added value for Vic. For example, he can use this fish to curry favor with the nobles. If he is lucky, he can even establish a relationship with them.

After all, those nobles attach a certain degree of importance to their reputation. If they can show off at a party and satisfy their vanity, they may get more.

"Eh? Barry, look, is there a person over there?"

Wright was relieved when he saw Barry's thoughtful look. When he was about to go out fishing again, he saw a person lying on a wooden board in the distance, rising and falling with the waves.

Barry came to his senses and turned to look:"It's true, I guess he encountered a shipwreck, come on! Let's go and have a look!"

The two of them looked at each other and hurriedly rowed towards the target.

Wright was the first to arrive because he was closer. He picked the boy up from the water and probed the boy's nose with his hand to feel his breath. He was relieved when he found that he was still breathing:

Fortunately, fortunately, otherwise I would have to give this kid artificial respiration, and the first kiss that I had worked so hard to preserve at such an old age would be gone.

Wright thought about it for a while, then he was relieved and observed carefully and found that the boy was dressed brightly and beautifully, in a suit and trousers, a white shirt inside, with blond hair, and his handsome face. It looked like a blind man felt that there was a noble temperament coming over him.

"It's a child. Judging from the clothes he wears, he must be a nobleman!"

Wright shouted to Barry who was rushing over, somewhat excitedly and hesitantly.

Barry took a closer look and saw that the boy's clothes were indeed different from those of ordinary people. Ordinary people were often seen wearing rags and linen. For many people, being able to wear old clothes was a symbol of family happiness. There were also many people with several patches on their clothes. Therefore, it was easy to distinguish between nobles and commoners by their clothes. At the same time, Barry also understood why Wright had such a contradictory look on his face.

Although Wright was a fisherman, this old guy was very cunning and usually very cunning.

He understood that this kind of noble exile certainly had its benefits.

If he saved a kind-hearted nobleman, then the natural reward would be a huge wealth.

However, most nobles looked down on common people.

If they met someone with a bad temper, then there was a possibility of disaster.

The most important thing was that they didn't know why the boy was in trouble.

If it was because of a power struggle, then the boy would be a hot potato, and no one knew whether he would be pursued.

"Wright, if you are afraid, just leave it to me.

Are you afraid of being discovered at sea? At worst, I can wrap him up in a piece of cloth and take him back.

This matter is known to heaven, earth, you and me.

I don't think you will betray me, right? Hehe!

My father used to be a doctor.

I can take care of him.

When he wakes up, I will ask him what happened.

If it is really a grudge between nobles, then at worst, we can send him away after he recovers and never mention it again.

I promise to share some of the rewards with you when the time comes, just as hush money, hehehe……"

Barry was much more decisive than Light. Besides, he was on a small island in the East China Sea and had never seen the world. He didn't know there was such a thing as life paper, otherwise he wouldn't be so sure that no one could find it. More importantly, compared to Light, although Barry had been influenced by him, he still couldn't bear to let a child who looked only about ten years old drift on the sea.

"What are you talking about? How can a man be afraid? Now that you have made up your mind, don't think of excluding me. I will go back with you first and help you take care of it."

Wright puffed out his chest, looking very tough and angry, as if he was dissatisfied with Barry's contempt for him. In fact, he knew the faces of those nobles. If there were really pursuers, the whole village would have no chance to escape. If he gave up, wouldn't it be a risk without reward? If so, it would be really a donkey face. Of course, Wright did not refuse because some of what Barry said was not unreasonable. The sea is unpredictable. Who knows where this child came from? The

East China Sea is very large, almost accounting for a quarter of the world.

Barry did not doubt him, thinking that it was his willfulness that forced the usually cautious Wright to agree. He felt a little guilty and moved. He kept patting Wright's shoulders with his big hands, muttering"You are worthy of being my good brother". One hand was placed across his eyes, but he couldn't stop the tears from flowing.

Wright could only look at the innocent middle-aged man in front of him speechlessly."Child", some people's personalities are destined to be like this. Although I have learned a lot from him since childhood, Barry is still a naive and kind person in essence.

However, it is precisely because of this that Light became friends with Barry. After all, it is not too reassuring to be friends with such a person.

Barry took the boy from Light and wrapped him with the spare clothes on his ship.

Barry's body is very strong, and Barry himself is two meters and five meters tall. Excluding some monsters with giant bloodlines, he is also above average in the world of pirates, so Barry's shirt alone wrapped the boy several times.

Barry covered the boy's head slightly but not tightly to prevent poor breathing, and then tied a knot on his chest with two sleeves like a backpack.

After finishing, Light took a look around and found that there was no flaw, and then the two rowed back.

A house on the east side of Cleves Island, this is Barry's home

"Bang bang...Dad, I'm back!"

"Come here, why are you back so early today, little brat?"

An old man with a thick white beard and a turban on his head, who was probably bald from the edge of the turban, opened the door. His short stature of more than 1.7 meters was in sharp contrast to his son.

"Huh? Wright is here too, why did he come back so early today?"

Bart was a little surprised to see Wright behind his son, but he didn't care too much.

Bart still felt pretty good about Wright, after all, his son was so honest, and having Wright to help look after him made him feel at ease.

"Dad, let's go in and talk first."

"Yes, Bart, let's go in first."

Barry and Wright walked quickly into the house. The house was not big, but it had two bedrooms and a living room, and it was clean and tidy.

"You little brat, why are you being so secretive?"

Bart saw that although Barry and Wright looked normal, Bart, who had watched them grow up, could still tell that they were a little nervous.

"Dad, please come and help me take a look at this child."


Bart looked closer and found it was a child. His clothes were wet, so he must have been in a shipwreck.

"Wait a minute, I'll go get some tools."

Bart's expression suddenly became serious, and he quickly came out of the room carrying a small box, then took out a stethoscope, listened a few times, and then flipped his eyelids. After confirming it, Bart suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and his body collapsed and returned to his previous lazy look.

"It's okay, this kid is lucky, he may have hit something and fainted, but judging from his eyes, his brain should be fine, and there was no special sound from his lungs, so there should be no problem. Change his clothes and feed him some broth, he will wake up tomorrow morning at the latest."

Bart waved his hand, telling them to rest assured and go back to work.

"Oh, that's great! I'll go make some broth right away. Dad, you don't know, but I was lucky enough to catch an elephant tuna today. I think it will be no problem to sell it for a few million."

"By the way, Bart, please don't tell anyone about this boy."

Wright added.

Unexpectedly, Bart suddenly jumped up and hit Wright hard on the head with his hand.

"I know, Wright boy, I have walked across more bridges than you have seen roads."

Wright could only cover his head and watch Bart walk out slowly.

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