The next day after leaving Changpa Island.

In the training room on the boat.

Blue magic flashed in Noah's hand, and then he projected the big sword Frost and Snow.

He found that the magic consumed by projecting the big sword was already equivalent to some treasures.

It was mainly because of the craftsmanship and material of the sword, and the legendary experience of the previous owners of the sword gave the sword a legendary color, which constituted the preciousness of the sword.

Noah can read the skills of the original owner of the weapon through projection magic, so as to perfectly master the projected weapon.

So Noah read the experience of the great swordsman of its original owner while holding Frost and Snow.

However, this is only temporary. Only when holding Frost and Snow can it be exerted. Once it leaves the hand, those experiences will become like rootless duckweed. Although you know that this is how to swing the sword, the actual effect will be much worse, or even completely ineffective.

Because swinging a sword is definitely not a one-to-one dance that can be practiced according to a mold.

A person's physical parameters are different, so first of all, you need to fine-tune the swordsmanship you have learned. Secondly the muscles of the arm when swinging the sword. Which muscle or even which muscle fiber to move may lead to different swordsmanship power, so swordsmanship requires a lot of practice. The real great swordsman has practiced swordsmanship to the bone.

And the way of kendo contains a person's spirit, which is not something that others can imitate.

So when Zoro was in Isshin Dojo, Koshiro, who was a great swordsman, only passed on the tricks of the swordsmanship to Zoro.

That's because the great swordsmanship itself depends on personal perception, and everyone's path to becoming a great swordsman is different, there is nothing to say.

There is no free lunch in the world!

Only through constant practice, and even continuous fighting with frost and snow, can you fully grasp the essence of the original owner's swordsmanship experience!

Noah does not want to completely learn the kendo of the original owner of Frost and Snow, after all, he is the king!

A true king, whether he is cruel or gentle, has a unique way of doing things. The opinions of all schools of thought can only be advice, and the king can only rule all ways.

So Noah only planned to learn some of the techniques he agreed with, as well as some basic knowledge such as sword Zen and basic sword techniques (sword techniques).

Just when Noah finished sword Zen and was practicing basic sword techniques, Liya, who had been waiting beside him, spoke up.

""Master Noah, could you please train us?"

Leah looked into Noah's eyes and begged.

Noah stopped practicing after hearing what Leah said, took the towel from Leah's hand and wiped his body, and asked:

"Why does sister Liya suddenly want to become stronger? You know, becoming stronger is very hard."

Liya clenched her hands tightly, pursed her lips and shook her head firmly:"As a maid of Lord Noah, how can I not be able to lift things with my hands and carry things on my shoulders? How can such a maid take good care of Lord Noah?"

Liya didn't have this idea at the beginning, but when she went to Paradis Island yesterday, she found that they were too weak. As maids, they should stay with their masters no matter what the situation is, but because of their strength, they can only stay on the boat, and finally the master has to come back to lead them to the island garrison.

Until then, Liya felt that they were too arrogant, so when she saw Noah practicing swordsmanship today, she asked Noah to become stronger.

"As for the hard work, Lord Noah, we are already mentally prepared.

Seeing the determination in Liya's eyes, Noah looked around at the maids around him and found that each of them had an expression of fearless death. He was speechless and understood their intentions.

"All right! You guys do some basic exercises first, and as for swordsmanship, I’ll teach you after I learn the basic swordsmanship in a few days."

Noah pointed to the exercise equipment around them. The youngest of them was only sixteen years old, and the oldest was only twenty years old, which was exactly the best age for training.

Noah planned to find some devil fruits for them to eat, because he found that there were too few strong women on the sea, which meant that women’s physique was still a little bit poor, so if they wanted to practice successfully, they still needed the help of devil fruits, preferably animal-type ones.

Noah would definitely not give them some ordinary devil fruits, but there was no way to find a way to identify the fruits, so he could only see if there were any knowledgeable people. He believed that there must be people in this world who collected information in this area, but this knowledge was blocked at a certain level.

""Okay, Lord Noah!"

The maids responded in unison with joy.

They had discussed it last night and wanted to become stronger to help Lord Noah. At the same time, according to Liya's idea, they wanted to gradually replace the abilities of the sailors, cooks and navigators.

In Liya's opinion, these people who work for money have no loyalty to Noah. If any of them are bribed, it will be a troublesome thing for Lord Noah.

Fortunately, Noah bought a lot of books and filled the library on the ship. There are all kinds of books, including various recipes, navigation knowledge and medical books. There were books on mechanical science, and even some books on gun making.

So every time after work and at night, Liya and the others would learn their own knowledge.

At this time, there were two contrasting scenes on the ship. On one side, the sailors on the deck were bragging and drinking, and on the other side, the maid and Noah were sweating and exercising.

Perhaps from the beginning, this group of sailors were not the same kind of people as Noah and his friends.

Suddenly, the hull shook violently, and at the same time, the sound of cannonballs came from their ears.

At this time, the sailors were running to their respective posts in a panic, and at the same time, a sailor knocked on the door of Noah's training room.

"Captain Noah! Captain Noah! Pirates are firing at us!"

Noah casually put on his shirt without buttoning it up, revealing his faintly visible abdominal muscles, opened the door and quickly walked to the deck.

"You don't need to come and tell me, I'm not deaf, which pirate group is it?"

Noah felt the turbulence of the ship. Although these pirates used the"outline" method to prevent the ship from being directly damaged, the swaying feeling was really uncomfortable.

"Blood Axe Pirates! The captain is the killer Hank, bounty 18 million Baileys!"

"Why are you still standing there? You are already in the range of the flintlock rifles, why don't you shoot?"

Noah was a little angry when he saw the sailor's stunned look after reporting the information. The enemy was almost approaching the ship, but he didn't shoot.

"Um, Captain Noah, the contract we signed only includes helping you sail the ship and other matters. We can fire the cannon, but we will not participate in the battle."

The sailor said to Noah seriously. Seeing his serious look, Noah had no doubt that if it wasn't for the emergency, he would run to get the contract and point to it and read it.

"Um, you can all fire, so why doesn’t that include combat?"

"Hehe, you are joking. Firing cannons is not a big deal. If it is a fight, whether it is a knife fight or a gun fight, the death rate is very high."

The sailor said to Noah with embarrassment. It can be seen that they also want to save face. I guess firing cannons is their compensation.

Noah was speechless at this time. He didn't take it seriously at the time. He just signed it because the price was so high. He thought it was expensive for a reason. In the end, someone tampered with the contract.

"I said, if you don't do anything, what if I can't beat you? You don't think the pirates will let you go, do you?"

"Well, we have a backer. Our company is controlled by the shipping king, Lord Umit. Generally speaking, as long as we give up resistance and tell them our background, the pirates are usually looking for money and will generally let us go. After all, if we anger the shipping king, he will issue a bounty on the black market."

The sailor proudly stated that he had a backer and was not an ordinary sailor. Killing them would have no benefits, only disadvantages.

"Of course, there are also unruly, arrogant fools, but there is nothing we can do about it. After all, there is no such thing as danger at sea."

"For the sake of the days I sailed with the captain, I will speak the truth for once. Generally speaking, merchant ships recruit sailors who are familiar with the port, not those from big companies. People like us generally don’t accept orders from the captain. Our job is usually to transport goods."

Noah was a little speechless at this time. No wonder people in this world recruit partners by themselves when they go to sea. It turns out that these companies that hire sailors are so shady.

Noah didn't care. He didn't expect them to help anyway. He took the projected frost and snow, jumped onto the railing beside the ship, took a deep breath, fixed his eyes, and swung two swords at the pirate ship in the distance.

"Ittoryu: Flying Swallow Piercing Willows!"


Instantly, two sword beams flew out, cutting the two pirate ships in half.


A group of sailors and maids were so frightened by this scene that their eyes bulged out and they let out deafening exclamations.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss~, snap!"

"Phew~, done!"

As the sword slowly���After returning the sword to the scabbard, Noah felt his body was a little weak, and he found that he had lost all his physical strength.

These two slashes were made after he used magic to enhance his physical fitness, but Noah felt that he had not even exerted one thousandth of the power of a great swordsman.

In Noah's mind, the slash of a great swordsman was like a sword that split the sea and even the sky.

As a result, his own slash barely split the boat a hundred meters away. He only had some advantage in using force, otherwise it would have been just an ordinary swordsman's slash. At this time, Noah truly felt how strong the strong people in this world are.

"What are you still looking at?"

"Pull the boat over!"

"Gather the spoils for me!"

Noah said calmly, looking at the people who had not yet recovered from their surprise.

After hearing Noah's words, the sailors came back to their senses from their amazement. Seeing Noah's gloomy face, they were too scared to say more:"Yes, yes! I'll go right away!"

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