
The girls looked at each other with strange expressions.

Even though they had made Aokiji helpless before, it was purely because Aokiji had to reserve part of his mind to guard against the attacks of Shanks and others.

After all, they took turns to fight.

If they were to fight one-on-one, except for a few whose fruit abilities were somewhat restrained, it would be good for the others to hold on for five minutes.

Now in Noah's mouth, it seemed that if they were not admirals, they were not worth mentioning, which made them feel a little strange.

Noah glanced at the girls, as if he understood something, and said:"The admiral level and the quasi-admiral level are both a qualitative leap. A general can fight for several days and nights, and the terrain can be changed in minutes."

"Brigadier General?……"

Noah curled his lips in disdain and said,"They are just a group of people who have some means to threaten the generals, but they become noobs in just a few moves!"

"It's impossible to ask them to fight for days and nights. This level of battle usually only lasts one or two days."


The women could only laugh dryly when they heard what Noah said.

Doesn't this mean that they are all weaklings?

They are quite satisfied with their strength in such a short time.

Noah was obviously trying to hit them. But Noah didn't emphasize it too much. After all, this speed of becoming stronger was good. Too fast is not good for the body.

It was just to hit their pride that they could fight with the future general yesterday.

Otherwise, he was a little afraid that one or two of them would dare to touch the general.

On the way back,

Noah and others asked the names of the two women they bought.

The auction only said that one of them was a princess of a fallen country and the other was good at housework.

As for the name?

They said that slaves don't need names.

After introduction, the princess of the fallen country was called Ochoa Helena and the housekeeper was called Strong Margaret.

But they were all trembling, and their eyes were a little evasive when they looked at Noah.

Noah understood that he was regarded as one of those perverted nobles, after all, he was surrounded by women.

But he didn't say anything. He signaled Liya to open their handcuffs and collars.

Then he said calmly:"Where is your home? Or is there any place you want to go in particular?" After the two girls were freed, seeing the kind faces of the girls, Helena mustered up the courage and said:

"My country is gone, I am homeless, could you please put me on a quiet and ordinary island if possible."

Noah nodded, and then asked Margaret and got the same answer, but she was sold by her family, her father was a gambler, and she had a vicious stepmother, so she learned housework skills.

Noah was not surprised at the decision of the two. After all, the experience of almost being a slave left them with an indelible shadow. What they probably want most at this moment is freedom and stability.

Noah replied lightly:"Okay, you stay on my ship for a while first." The

Sabaody Archipelago is not a good place, at least for civilians. Of course, there are safe areas, but because they have been auctioned, it is more appropriate to leave this sad place.

Noah plans to send them to the island where Shanks' friend who is going to teach Uta music is.

The two women naturally have no objection and nodded with gratitude.

It's just that Joanna and Michelle are a little sad. After all, they wanted two more helpers so that they could have more time to play.

But they didn't force it. Both of them are considerate and good girls. They don't force others. They can't do it.

The girls were kindhearted. Although they asked the two girls to help carry some things, they also went to the shopping street to buy them some clothes.

The two girls became more relaxed with Liya and the others, and were less restrained with Liya and the others. After shopping for a while, everyone returned to the shore where the boat was.

Rayleigh was carrying a bucket and brushing the railing with a brush.

At this time, most of Noah's boat had been wrapped in a layer of film, emitting colorful light under the sunlight.

Rayleigh paused and turned his head to see that it was Noah and the others who had returned.

"Ah, it's Brother Noah, why are you back so soon?"

Rayleigh originally thought that they would play until night, after all, there are many entertainment projects here and the business is even more developed.

Noah also nodded and said:"There is no way, there are too many things to buy!"

"Come back and put some things down first."

Even with the bubble car and some bubbles as shopping bags, there are still too many.

Rayleigh looked at the bunch of ropes in the hands of the girls, as if they were selling balloons, and couldn't help but teasing:"It seems that Brother Noah has spent a lot of money."

Noah said nonchalantly:"It's okay, it only cost tens of millions of Baileys. Although the things here are a bit expensive, they are complete in variety. We only visited a small part."

Rayleigh's mouth twitched slightly at this. Even the deputy captain of One Piece has never spent so much money on these useless luxury goods.

As for the robbed jewel necklaces and the like, they were all used to exchange money for wine. How could they spend money on these places?

Rayleigh didn't say anything. He felt that asking more questions would mean that his life was too dull and he was deliberately making trouble.


Rayleigh then noticed that there were two unfamiliar women among the group. However, when he saw Margaret in a maid outfit, he had some guesses, but he still asked:

"Who are these two ladies?"

Noah said lightly:"Oh, they were bought at an auction. Sister Liya and the others bought them because they felt sorry for them."

The two girls couldn't help but lower their heads in inferiority when they heard this, but Alyssa and Vanessa gently held their hands, giving them courage and comfort.

The two girls smiled.

Liya was also a little distressed by Noah's low emotional intelligence.

She knew it was not that Noah didn't know, but that Noah didn't like people who couldn't face their past, and he didn't need to cater to anyone's ideas.

Rayleigh showed an expected smile on his face, without any surprise, and just said:

""I see!"

Apart from that, Rayleigh didn't say much. He still respected these women. He was a gentleman on Roger's ship.

He also understood that not speaking was the best behavior for the two women. Time would heal all the pain.

After Noah and the others packed up, they started their sweeping journey again.


Doflamingo felt a little uncomfortable.

When he heard Diamante's report, he was completely confused.

What happened? The Gold-Gold Fruit was stolen? And it was stolen by an unknown weakling!

How strong can someone who can use all kinds of plans to steal the fruit be?

Doflamingo's forehead veins kept squirming at this moment, and he almost crushed the microphone in his hand.

Fortunately, his reason came back in time. After a few seconds of silence to calm down, he forced out his signature smile and said:

"It's okay, Diamante! I'm glad you're okay!"

"I'll just fine you one year's salary!"

"And remember to give the dead family members a respectful burial, and make sure the money is distributed to their families!"

Diamanti breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly:"I understand, Dover!"


Doflamingo's forehead had several bulging veins, and he said in a calm tone with a strong murderous intent:"I must find out who that ignorant thief is!"

"Mobilize the family intelligence network and all the intelligence networks in the underground world!"

"I'm going to tear this guy into pieces!"

Doflamingo hung up the phone after saying that.

Diamante could imagine Doflamingo's anger at this moment.

He wiped his sweat. Fortunately, he didn't have to face the young master, otherwise his legs would probably be weak at this moment.

As for a year's salary, who cares!


With a series of crisp sounds, a pile of expensive tableware and fruit plates on the table were all smashed to the ground.

The Den Den Mushi next to him was also trembling with fear, and its microphone broke into a pile of parts.

"Damn it!"

Doflamingo was so angry that he wanted to kill someone. He felt that he had lost money by using the fruit to get to know Noah, and now it was stolen, and he lost everything!

"Who is it?"

Doflamingo felt that everything was going wrong. He was betrayed by his own brother the year before last, and the Operation Fruit was eaten by Rona!

This year, the Gold-Gold Fruit that he finally got was stolen again!

Damn it!

Damn it!

Doflamingo became more and more angry, and he broke out of the window and flew away.

It was estimated that there would be another bloody storm.


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