"Sister Liya, when we get to the island, ask if there is any famous dojo nearby."

Noah took a sip of his coffee and said to Liya beside him.

""Yes! Lord Noah!"

Liya responded first, and then asked curiously:"Why does Lord Noah suddenly want to find a dojo? Is it troublesome to teach us kendo?"

Liya buried her face in the darkness, and the whole person seemed lifeless.

Noah waved his hands at Liya and said:"No, I just want to compete with other swordsmen. After all, only by competing with other swordsmen in kendo can we become stronger, or by receiving sword skills from other kendo masters, we can eliminate the dross and retain the essence."

"Of course, it's also for you. It's not that I find it troublesome to teach you, but it's one thing to teach others. If they open a gym, they generally have teaching experience."

Seeing Noah hurriedly denying for fear that she would think too much, Liya was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said,"Lord Noah is so gentle!"

"No, I just thought it would be better to explain it clearly so that you wouldn't cry again."

Noah's face flushed, but he still looked up and denied it firmly.

Hehe... Lord Noah is so cute.

Liya covered her mouth with her hand politely, but she still saw a smile between her eyebrows.


An island with a town in the East China Sea

"Go buy some supplies, try to stock up as much as possible, and then buy a few Den Den Mushi for easy communication."

Noah first learned about Den Den Mushi from a conversation among the sailors. After all, the people he knew before were all civilians. They knew that there was no such thing as Den Den Mushi. After all, a good Den Den Mushi would cost one million Baileys, which was not affordable for ordinary people.

Even many pirates did not have such a thing. The East China Sea Navy had one in every branch and every warship, but not everyone was equipped with it. At most, only the officers were equipped with it.

Along the way, Noah led the other maids to wander around and first went to They went to several weapon shops and spent a lot of money to buy several good swords, and then they looked for street food everywhere.

Of course, they had to buy clothes.

The maids had all kinds of clothes. Although Liya said that the maids should look like maids and insisted on buying maid clothes, Noah insisted that wearing maid clothes all the time would cause aesthetic fatigue, so Liya had nothing to say, after all, Noah was the boss.

Noah bought a lot of clothes for himself and the maids. He bought whatever he liked. Of course, Noah's vision was still very high, but he couldn't stand the prosperity of this island, which was one of the most prosperous in the East China Sea.

"Lord Noah, we don't need so many clothes.……"

Liya took a team of maids and all the sailors to buy supplies, leaving Vanessa, who was the same age as her, waiting beside Noah.

Vanessa was a little embarrassed to see Noah buying so many clothes for them.

"Dumb tape (It's okay), Sister Vanessa, if you like to wear it, keep it, if you don't like it, throw it away."

Noah didn't care at all. He had a lot of money. It can be said that he was so poor that he only had money left. He didn't have any treasures, and he only collected a few weapons worth collecting in this world.

Noah's goal is to collect treasures in this world.

Along the way, Noah was always looked at.

Among them, there were some young girls and ladies who thought Noah was very cute. Occasionally, some girls came to Noah with a smile and gave him some snacks. They couldn't help pinching Noah's delicate face.

Some ladies were much gentler. When they saw Noah, their maternal love burst out. They liked to touch Noah's head and hold Noah in their surging arms.

Well, Noah then discovered that there seemed to be no airports in this world.

But there were also people with bad intentions, such as some human traffickers. Seeing Noah's handsome face was as if they saw a box of gold and silver treasures, but because Noah was walking on the street in broad daylight, they did not take action.

But they did not leave. Instead, as time went on, Noah provoked more and more people.

How could Noah not know that these bugs were following him.

Thanks to his inherent skill - Mind's Eye (True), Noah could clearly sense the malicious eyes around him.

However, Noah did not take action for the time being. He planned to find a secluded place to catch them all in one fell swoop.


Noah led the maids to the woods outside the town.

"Come out! Uncles, I wonder what you have been doing with us for so long?"

Noah put his hands in his pockets and turned around calmly, squinting his eyes and looking at the woods in front of him.


As soon as he finished speaking, fierce-looking men walked out from behind the trees in the jungle. Some of them had fierce scars on their faces, some had hideous tattoos, and held machetes or maces in their hands.

One of the leading men laughed and said,"Little boy, you are so brave. You dare to run here when you find us? No wonder the other brothers say that the disciples of rich families are all fools, thinking that no one dares to touch them because they have a little power.""

"Hehehe! Yes, they don’t know that the richer and more powerful the cute children are, the more valuable they are. Maybe these flowers in the greenhouse don’t know the cruelty of the sea. There is a saying in the sea - the bigger the waves, the more expensive the fish!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Does this little brat think that these skinny beauties behind him can protect him?!"

"It’s true, each of these beauties is extraordinary. Who knows, we might be able to earn a lot more money!"


The smile on Noah's face did not change at all because of the traffickers in front of him. There are too many scum in this world. Noah knows that if he gets angry about everything, he will not be able to get angry. At least now Noah has learned to treat most of these scenes as watching a comedy in a theater.

To be honest, Noah thinks they are really interesting.

"The reason I dare to come to this place is because of the uncle……"

"You are so weak~"

Noah paused, then smiled and said the most arrogant words in an innocent tone.

These people were stunned at first, and then they became furious:"Tiemie! I will beat you up first, and then sell you to the auction house."

"Don't hit your face! Otherwise it's worthless!"


Looking at the aggressive enemy in front of him, Noah was very calm in his heart, and he curled his lips:"You are very lucky. I can't make too much noise here, otherwise it will be bad if I am targeted by those powerful people. It just so happens that I have recently awakened a new ability, which is just right for this situation. Of course, it would be a bit of a waste to use it on you, so you should learn to be grateful!"

"This is the largest magic that is closest to the realm of magic - the inherent barrier!"

As he spoke, Noah's body burst out with powerful magic power, and at the same time he spread his palms towards everyone and chanted the spell.

【This body is made of sword, blood is like iron, heart is like glass, I have fought countless battlefields without defeat, never lost a battle, and never won a victory.

The standard bearer is alone here, casting the sword on the sword hill.

Then, this life has no meaning, this body is made of"Infinite Sword"! 】

After speaking, a powerful magic power began to spread around with Noah as the center, and in an instant, Noah and others, along with the enemy, were brought into a brand new world.

The world as a whole was in dusk, and unknown swords were inserted on the flat red wasteland. The horizon was a leaping flame, and there were several huge gears intertwined in the distant sky.

The enemy, who was originally close at hand, was pulled to a distance of more than ten meters from Noah.

The people who were sprinting were frightened by the scene in front of them and were a little overwhelmed.

"what happened?"

"What is this place?"

"Is he a devil fruit user?"

"What should we do? We won’t die here, right?"


Many people were so scared that their swords slipped from their hands, and they covered their cheeks with tears.

At this time, a man who seemed to be the leader among them gritted his teeth and shouted,"Why are you panicking? No matter who the person with special abilities is, we can get out as long as we kill him!"

"The boss is right!"

"That’s right!"× N


As more and more people calmed down, they picked up swords, maces and rushed over.

""Iron Mee!"

Noah was not panicked at all. He casually pulled out the long sword beside him, twisted his hand and turned the sword to reflect Noah's beautiful face.

"Ha! I miss so many swords here. Although they are all fakes, what is the difference between them and the real ones in this world?"

Noah made a sword flower and rushed straight towards the enemy.

As Noah charged, the opponent no longer planned to capture Noah alive and took out a pistol to shoot at Noah.

But Noah swung the long sword in his hand to split or block it.

"This is a return gift!"

Noah's mind moved, and countless swords and knives rose into the sky behind him, flying towards the enemy like a black steel torrent.

"How can it be?!"


"Spare my life!"

Seeing the black steel torrent in front of them, the enemies' weapons fell to the ground again, and they also fell to the ground with weak knees.

The leader's pupils shrank and he trembled violently:"What kind of monster are we facing!"

Then everyone was drowned in this steel torrent.

Noah knew he had won when he saw them lose their will to fight and kneel on the ground.

"I thought I could have a close-range swordfight, but I didn't have the chance."

Noah was a little depressed, but he also understood that it was normal for these human traffickers to lose their fighting spirit in the face of such a natural disaster.

If they could resist these weapons, they would not have become such low-level existences as human traffickers.

""Wow! Master Noah is so awesome!"

The maids behind Noah screamed, and Michelle, the youngest of them, rushed over and hugged Noah.

"No, no, they are just weak."

Noah was not modest, because there were countless attacks on the sea that were more powerful than this, and among the heroes, only Jin Shanshan had obvious restraint.

As the battle ended, the inherent barrier dispersed and returned to the original world.

At this time, a group of human traffickers were falling in front of Noah and others, with countless blood holes on their bodies, as if they were pierced by thousands of sharp swords.

Noah called everyone back to the boat, and everyone lost interest because of the disturbance of these human traffickers and did not object.

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