Shanks and the others were relieved when they saw Vanessa had a solution, and started to grab food and drink again.

Hongo was very interested in Vanessa's treatment plan and went over to help.

Vanessa said he was welcome to look at it, and handed the prescription to Hongo generously.

Neptune was ordered out by Vanessa, but he was always cheerful, and it can be seen that this guy really loves his wife.

Noah had no opinion on Otohime's decision not to go on board, and was even happy to see it.

Otohime first thanked Joanna, then came to Noah and toasted him with a glass of wine, then bowed and smiled:

"I really failed Mr. Noah's kindness."

Noah smiled and shook his head, saying,"Nothing."

Otohime saw that although Noah responded with a smile, his words were brief, giving people a feeling that he was not approachable. She thought that her impoliteness at the beginning had left a bad impression on Noah. She had no way to pry into Noah's thoughts on her, so she could only tentatively ask:

"Sir Noah, are you still blaming me for my rudeness at the beginning?"

Noah shook his head and said,"No, Princess."

Seeing that Noah looked honest and didn't seem to be lying, Yiji asked the question she wanted to know.

"Sir Noah has sailed on the sea and has seen a lot. Do you think the merfolk and humans can coexist peacefully?"

Otohime looked at Noah expectantly, hoping to get a positive answer from him.

But Noah smiled and shook his head, saying,"Although this is my first time on the island, I have heard of the princess's reputation. After all, the islanders are full of praise for her." Otohime listened to Noah's praise for her, and for some reason she felt a little awkward, so she could only smile dryly and nodded.

Noah's words were actually very obvious, and he was satirizing her that Otohime had brainwashed the entire island.

Only mermaids like Otohime who were ignorant of the world could not understand.

But this is normal, because before, Otohime had always relied on her bug-like observation Haki to distinguish right from wrong, and these were useless to Noah, so she couldn't hear the meaning for a while.

Noah shook the wine glass in his hand and smiled lightly,"I heard that Princess Otohime often collects speeches and signatures, hoping to express her appeal for migration to land at the World Conference."

When Yiji heard the topic coming, she immediately found a seat and sat down, nodding seriously and said,"Yes"

""What is Princess Otohime's bargaining chip?"

Noah asked casually.

Otohime was a little stunned:"Bargaining chip?"

"Do you mean the signatures I collected?"

"I have collected quite a few……"

Unexpectedly, Noah interrupted and said,"Oh? Quite a few? Do you mean just those few?"

At this time, Tiger was still alive. Although the fishmen greatly appreciated Tiger's behavior, when they saw the group of fishmen slaves coming back, they didn't think from the bottom of their hearts that they could coexist peacefully with humans.

Not to mention after Tiger's death.

Yiji was speechless after hearing this, but she still argued excitedly,"Give me some more time, I will convince them."

"Believe me!"

"The next generation of the fishmen should not live in this deep sea where there is no real sunlight all day long!"

Noah shook his head calmly and looked at Yiji with some disappointment. Is she really an out-and-out idealist?

"Princess Otohime is such a kind person~"

Even Otohime could hear the sarcasm in Noah’s words.

Otohime was a little angry and asked in confusion:"Isn’t that right?"

"Are merfolk only fit to live in the deep sea?"

Noah sternly shouted,"Isn't it? Do you think merfolk are fit to live in the sea?""

"" What's wrong with you?"

Otohime looked at Noah with an ugly expression, as if she had just recognized Noah's true face.

Even the girls couldn't help but frowned when they heard Noah's words.

Shanks smiled and interrupted,"Okay, Noah, how can you say that? Otohime……"

"Shanks, if dreams are just bubbles, then they should be exposed earlier! As a pirate since childhood, you should not be as naive as her."

Noah interrupted Shanks's words of easing and asked sternly:"This sea is cruel. Even humans may be in danger on it, not to mention fishmen worth millions, and even mermaids worth hundreds of millions?"

"She is fine, with the blessing of her status and some powerful guards who can ensure her safety, but what about other mermen and mermaids?"

"So when Princess Otohime first mentioned the proposal to the World Government to allow the fishmen to migrate to the mainland, my first reaction was funny."

"First of all, I would like to ask, what is your bargaining chip? After all, Princess Otohime should not have moved to the land to facilitate the operations of human traffickers. Then how can you let the World Government protect your merman tribe? How can you make people afraid to capture mermen and mermaids?"

"You have to understand that Mary Joa is your biggest buyer."

"In the deep sea, you can still live a good life with this barrier and Whitebeard's flag, but when you get to the surface, I can guarantee that the number of missing people will increase several times every day."

Noah gestured and smiled,"In summary, you are really a kind person. You have gone through so much trouble to push your people into danger just for your untimely ambition."

"Your Fishman Island doesn't have any fearsome characters, yet it's so valuable. Do you think your Fishman Island is really qualified to go to land?"

Otohime lowered her head after hearing this, and soon her sobbing voice was heard.

She raised her head and asked with red eyes:"Sir Noah, don't we, the Fishmen, have any way to coexist with humans?"

Noah took a deep breath, sat back in his original seat, and said:"I'm just saying your���I didn’t say it was untimely, but I didn’t say it was unrealistic! Do you know why you and humans don’t have the opportunity to coexist peacefully?"

Otohime said weakly,"You mean the World Government?"

"Half and half."

Noah put down his glass, folded his hands and said,"Also, this world is too scattered, there are too many countries."

"You should know, Princess Otohime, that many humans discriminate against you fishmen, thinking that you are no different from fish, that you smell fishy, and that touching you will make you sick."

"The reason is that there are too many countries in this world!"

Noah said with a smile, emphasizing each word. Everyone around could hear Noah's ambition.

At the same time, Shanks was sweating profusely.

My goodness, there are too many countries?

What do you want? Do you want to unify the world in the future?

Noah spread his hands and said,"Even if there is a country that advertises that you fishmen are not sick and are clean, and hopes that their citizens can live in peace with the fishmen, what can it do?"

"Other countries won’t recognize it!"

"As for the World Government, they will not interfere in the politics of the member states of the world."

"There are hundreds of countries with different cultures in this world. How can you make them all live in peace with you?"

After hearing this, Otohime's body shook a little, as if the belief that supported her collapsed in an instant. After hearing Noah's words, she realized how ridiculous it was that she thought that she could realize her dream with the support of the world government.


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