"Ah, we're finally there."

Our"Little Brother Ma" drooped his eyelids, looking like he had kidney deficiency. He saw the red earth continent in the distance.

Even old sailors don't like the feeling of being off the ground all day.

Joz and Vista were also eager to try. They knew Shanks well, but they couldn't tolerate him beating up their own brother.

Marco turned around and shouted,"Hey, Joz! You can ask someone to come over for coating, or Shanks will run away."

Joz responded in a muffled voice,"Got it, I'll go right away."

Then he turned around and asked someone to coat the ship.

As a royal group, they have several experts who specialize in coating ships. After all, coating is not only about having good skills, but more importantly, it has to be trustworthy.

Otherwise, if someone attacks them by mistake, even Whitebeard will be in trouble.

"" What is that?"

A crew member with a stubble on his face pointed to a black spot in the sky behind the ship.

The fat man next to him raised his hand to slightly block the sunlight and said uncertainly:"Is it a bird?"

"Idiot! How can a bird look like this!"

The bearded crew member laughed.

The fat man said dissatisfiedly:"Then what do you say it is?!" The bearded crew member stared at the black spot carefully and said uncertainly:"Has this black spot become a lot bigger?"

"This shouldn’t be the case. This speed is a bit too fast!"

"What? Can't you just use a telescope to look?"

The people around couldn't stand the two idiots arguing and interrupted them.

Marco suddenly heard what they were arguing about and walked over to ask,"What's wrong?"

The fat man saw that it was Captain Marco and said respectfully,"Captain Marco, he said something seemed to be flying over, I said it was a bird, and he scolded me, and……"

Marco looked in the direction the fat man pointed. He stared for a moment, his vision gradually moving away. When he saw the thing clearly, his face suddenly changed and he said in a hurry:

"Idiot! That's Kaido, that bastard! Be alert!"

After hearing that it was Kaido, the men turned their heads to look at the sky, their necks clicking like rusty gears. Sure enough, a blue dragon was coiled and flying towards them.

"how come!"

"It’s really Kaido!"

"Get back to your position quickly!"

"Alert! Alert!"


At once, everyone on the ship rushed to their own fighting positions.

Marco stood at the stern, with Jozu and Vista standing on his left and right.

The three of them had solemn expressions, and even had some sweat on their faces.

Vista asked calmly,"Do you need to tell Dad?"

Marco smiled fearlessly,"With the three of us, even if we can't beat Kaido, it will be difficult for Kaido to beat us!"

Jozu snapped half of his body into diamonds, and smiled,"That's right! I want to see if Kaido can break through my defense!"

The other people on the ship saw the three captains standing fearlessly in front, and their confidence increased instantly.

Yes, what are you afraid of! We are the Whitebeard Pirates, and there are three captains on top, and the enemy is only Kaido!

In terms of seniority, Kaido is far behind Big Mom and Whitebeard.


Kaido was burping at the moment and said in annoyance,"I still didn't die, it's so painful to live!"

"Who can kill me?"

It is not difficult to hear that Kaido did a parachute jump from an altitude of 10,000 meters without a parachute when he came here.

Kaido's strength has improved by leaps and bounds in recent years. The continuous battles and suicides have made him famous.

Since Kozuki Oden eight years ago, Kaido has rarely suffered the feeling of brushing shoulders with the god of death.

At this moment, Kaido has some shadows of the strongest creature ten years later. It is estimated that in another four or five years, his strength will be almost the same as it will be twelve years later.

""Uh-huh! Go to Fishman Island and guard it. The two precious mythical beasts on Noah's little ghost ship will definitely pass by there!"

Kaido burped and looked a little groggy. It can be seen that he just drank a lot of wine.

Although many people think that Kaido is a rough drunkard and often doesn't make sense, he is still very smart when it comes to business.

What do you mean you don't know the location? You must pass by Fishman Island when you come to the New World. Why don't I go to Fishman Island to guard it?


You said that's Whitebeard's territory?

You ask the old man Whitebeard to fight with me. It just so happens that my bones are a little tight recently.


Kaido glimpsed a ship not far away with his drunken eyes, and smiled with some surprise:"Well, there just happens to be a ship, so I don't have to go through the trouble of using my ability to run to Fishman Island directly."

As the strongest creature on land, sea and air in the future, he naturally has the means to enter the sea, but it is naturally best to have a boat to sit on.

So Kaido swung his body, and the dragon's tail circled and flew towards the ship of Marco and others.

Kaido's speed is naturally very fast.

He is very good at playing with the Azure Dragon's Flame Cloud. In the future, he can even use it to carry Onigashima on his back and play a round-robin battle with Luffy and his crew. In the end, Luffy won by cheating.


Kaido arrived above Marco, his hundred-meter-tall dragon body hovering above, giving the people below a feeling of being covered by the sky and the sun, as if they were facing a prehistoric beast.

""Hiccup! I have requisitioned your ship. If you know what's good for you, take me to Fishman Island and I can spare your life."

Kaido arrogantly declared that the ownership of the ship belonged to him, and he didn't even focus his eyes on Marco and the others, which clearly interpreted the idiom of"looking down on others".

Kaido didn't wait for Marco and the others to say a few words, and he fell straight onto the deck.


A puff of thick smoke rose, and the ship shook violently a few times.


Marco's eyebrows jumped, this damn Kaido actually didn't take them seriously.

Vista drew out the Western sword in his hand, smiled and said:"Although I don't have the skills of Sachi, I still have the ability to cut a long insect sashimi."

The smoke and dust dissipated, and a big hole was smashed on the deck of the ship.

The people around stared at the hole, raised their pistols and aimed, ready to shoot at any time.

Marco shouted:"Don't go up, bullets and ordinary blades are useless to him!"

Kaido is a frequent visitor of the Whitebeard Pirates. He often comes here to get beaten, but he always runs away staggeringly. Even Whitebeard can't do anything to him. He is a complete rogue. When he comes, he desperately wants to die, and when he runs away, he doesn't care about his face at all.

They have learned from countless battles that ordinary people can't even penetrate Kaido's flesh with guns or knives, in other words, they can't break his defense. The people below looked at each other. It was obvious that some of them were newcomers who had never seen the world. However, some old men took back their guns and knives with solemn expressions and retreated.


At this time, a big hand stretched out from the hole.


Another big hand also stretched out and pressed on the deck.



Finally, a seven-meter-tall strong man with human-shaped bull horns jumped out from below.

Gulu gululu gululu


Kaido took the wine flask at his waist and drank a few gulps. He sighed comfortably, and seeing that everyone was motionless, he snorted unhappily:

"What are you guys still standing there for? Hurry up and prepare for the coating dive!"


Marco curled his lips and shouted without any fear on his face:"Kaido! This is not the place for you to get drunk and crazy, this is the Whitebeard Pirates!"


Kaido stopped drinking and looked at Marco.

In his blurred vision, Marco was just an afterimage, but when Kaido looked closely and saw the familiar pineapple head, he instantly remembered Marco's identity.

Then he gulped down a few more sips of wine without caring, then he sighed with satisfaction, looked at Marco and smiled heartily:

""Wu la la la! It turns out to be you! 'Phoenix' Marco!"

Then Kaido said domineeringly:

"How about Marco becoming my subordinate? I can give you the status of the Three Disasters!"


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