"Please come over and register."

As expected of the country of music, even the soldiers were polite and well-educated.

As soon as they saw Noah and others' boat docked, they bowed slightly and extended their hands to invite Noah to register.

Shanks did not make trouble and followed to register seriously.

After Noah put the boat into the King's Treasure amid the exclamations of the crowd, he asked Liya to go over to register.

After Shanks registered, he smiled and said to the little brother in charge of recording in front of him:"Please notify your king and tell him that Shanks is here to see him."

The little brother was a little embarrassed at first, thinking that the man in front of him was inexplicable, but he also vaguely remembered that Shanks seemed to be a big pirate, so he didn't curse out loud, but just kept complaining in his heart.

Are you kidding me? I'm a gatekeeper who registers, and you want me to find the king?

Not every gatekeeper is a sweeping monk. Obviously, this little brother can't lead Shanks directly over.

Beckman was speechless when he heard this and said,"Shanks, don't embarrass me."

He nodded apologetically.

At this time, an old man saw that it was Shanks, and came over to greet him with a smile,"Shanks, you are here, are you looking for King Gordon?"

Shanks turned around and saw that it was an acquaintance. Although he didn't remember the name and felt a little embarrassed, he remembered that the old man seemed to be a minister, so he quickly laughed and skipped his name, saying:

"Yes, could you take me there, please?"

The old man smiled enthusiastically,"Of course, no problem, King Gordon misses you very much!"

Shanks laughed and said,"Then I'll have a couple more drinks with him tonight!"

Others frowned when they heard this, thinking that the pirate was a bit rude, but the old man didn't think so at all. Not to mention the bounty of this gentleman, his identity as a crew member of Roger's pirate group alone was enough to make people pay attention to him.

"That would be the best, of course. There are excellent wines here, you should know that!"

The old man smiled and was obviously very confident in the wines of his country.

Shanks' eyes lit up when he heard this. Although he would forget many people and many things, he still remembered the taste of this wine even though he hadn't drunk it for several years!

Then the old man saw Noah again. Seeing that Noah and others were extraordinary, he thought they were princes and nobles that Shanks knew from some country, and he also saluted and greeted them politely.

It was normal that the old man didn't recognize Noah. After all, Noah had grown up a lot compared to before, and his facial lines had changed a bit.

When he came to Gordon's castle, Gordon saw Shanks and smiled happily, saying,"I haven't heard about you in the newspaper for a long time. I saw that you made such a big thing happen all of a sudden recently. Although the reports about you were a little understated, only you dare to do such a thing!"

Gordon turned his head and looked at Noah and smiled,"You are Shanks' friend, hahaha, does he often make you sweat!"

Noah smiled and nodded and said,"Hello, Mr. Gordon. My name is Macefield Noah, or Noah is fine."

"" Okay, Noah, eh Noah?"

Gordon muttered the name, and suddenly felt that it sounded familiar. The minister next to him opened his mouth and eyes wide, covered his left chest with his right hand, and whispered in a low voice:"Legend... Legend... Hunter."

Gordon's eyes widened when he heard it, but after looking at Noah's appearance, he felt that he didn't look like him. Seeing that his minister was so scared, he quickly waved his hand and called the soldiers to help him leave, and then asked weakly:

"You are the Noah in the newspaper’?"

Shanks nodded for Noah and said,"Gordon, it's him, don't be nervous."

Gordon was fine after hearing that. He took a few breaths and recovered. He just asked in confusion,"But I don't remember that he doesn't look like him."

Shanks didn't understand either. He just put the blame on the devil fruit and said,"Because of the devil fruit."

Gordon nodded in understanding, but he automatically understood that Noah was afraid that the navy or the world government would come, so he used this method to avoid the limelight.

So he gave Shanks and Noah a look of"I understand".

This made Noah and Shanks a little confused, but Noah used his observation Haki and the omniscience and omnipotence to explore it and then he felt angry and funny. He was actually thought to be afraid of the world government?

If it were at the beginning, he would have hit Marijoa and pointed his sword at Im's throat.

Shanks didn't dwell on this point. He smiled and led Uta over, saying,"I've found you an apprentice to inherit your legacy. Come, this is Uta, my daughter!"

Gordon nodded with satisfaction when he saw Uta's cute face and fashionable dress. Then... he took out a lollipop from his pocket and smiled like he was coaxing a child:

""Little boy, come here, uncle will give you a lollipop."

Uta's face froze instantly, and her originally ladylike expression could not be held tight anymore. She yelled with sharp teeth and fierce eyes:"I'm not a child!"

Then she folded her hands and glanced at Gordon proudly, saying:"I am the singer of the Red Hair Pirates. Shanks said that as long as I reach the age, I can become a formal crew member."

Gordon laughed and stroked his head, apologetically saying:"I'm so sorry, Miss Song Girl.

Since Miss Song Girl wants to learn music from me, do you want to come with me to test your level?"

Uta said confidently:"Of course."

Although she is young, her talent is real. She has created several songs by herself.

She glanced at Shanks and Noah. Noah gave her an affirmative look, and Shanks touched her head and smiled:"Relax, don't use your ability accidentally!"

Uta hummed heavily and followed Gordon.

As for Noah, Shanks and others, they certainly didn't follow. After all, who knew how long the test would take, so everyone decided to wander around separately.

Along the way, Noah saw a group of people holding books, laughing and talking, and some holding guitar-like instruments on the lawn and playing, as if they were musicians who were composing.

In addition, there were some people who posted uncomposed music on a wall, hoping that someone could help fill in the blank melody.

Benk Punch and Mengshida were very interested in wandering around, giving some advice to those who were composing from time to time, and even Mengshida took a pen to fill in the music on the wall.

At first, the group of musicians were very angry when they saw a monkey using a pen to seem to be scribbling on the music score. They cursed and even took books to drive it away, but they were all avoided by Mengshida's flexible movement.

When they saw Mengshida When seeing the finished product, a musician was stunned and exclaimed that it was the finishing touch, wonderful!

Following his exclamation, a group of people looked at the score and found that it was completed very perfectly, the melody and the theme were very consistent, and some parts even made them feel bold and bright.

So everyone bowed to apologize, and then smiled and humbly asked Mengshida for advice.

Mengshida did not blame him at all, and generously answered their questions with gestures. The wonderful and detailed answers made the musicians marvel.

This scene was particularly interesting to Noah.

A group of people asking a monkey for advice is also a magical thing.

Even Loran felt that although this group of people was a little strange, when he saw that a group of people were not ashamed to ask a monkey for advice, he also felt that they were strangely cute, and his initial impression became much better.

Noah asked with a smile:"Do any of you want to learn music or dance?"

The girls were somewhat tempted.

Music aside, learning some dances might make Lord Noah happier.

But thinking of the many studies and practices they had to do every day, they all gave up.

Noah was not too disappointed, after all, they probably didn't have good conditions before, so they didn't learn these things when they were young.

Liya, who came from a poor noble family, had some basics, but she also gave up.


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