"Huh, I finally killed it."

Joanna wiped her sweat and said.

Michelle nodded beside her and said,"This monster is really thick, and it is so big, but its speed is not affected at all, and its attack power is so strong."

Noah came over and smiled,"Not only that! I can feel that there is a stronger power in his body."

"No way!"

The two girls exclaimed in amazement, and the others also looked over with surprise.

But they all believed in Noah's vision, after all, he was the strongest here.

Noah gently tapped Joanna's head with his fingers and said,"Of course it's true! It should be because Uta is too young, and the ability of the Song-Song Fruit cannot be fully demonstrated. This thing has no personal consciousness and only knows how to destroy, so it is better not to summon it without authorization."

Shanks nodded, he understood that the last sentence was said to him.

Even if Noah didn't say it, he would never let his baby daughter take this risk again.

By the way!

Shanks carried Uta with one hand on his back, then took out several sheets of music, and said,"This may be the music score to summon that monster."

Noah took the music score with interest and found that the music score revealed an ancient atmosphere, and the paper was parchment, which felt strong and durable.

"It seems that this thing is correct."

Noah flipped through the music score and found that there was nothing special about it, but the music in it was indeed a very rare song handed down from generation to generation.

However, Shanks said very seriously:"I just don't know who put this music score in front of Uta. Was it carelessness or ulterior motives!"

When it comes to"ulterior motives", Shanks looks murderous.

For Shanks, Uta is his absolute reverse scale. She dared to plot against his own daughter. Could it be that his image as a good guy makes people think that his knife is not sharp?


Beckman put one hand on Shanks' shoulder. Shanks came back to his senses and turned his head in surprise. Beckman shook his head gently and said,"Shanks, don't be so hasty to draw conclusions. Besides, Uta is still on your back. Don't disturb her rest."

"Uh, good!"

Shanks finally woke up from his dream. He was so murderous just now that even Uta behind him frowned inadvertently and tightened his hands around Shanks' neck.

Noah smiled while appreciating the music score and said,"It may not be man-made. It may also be that the music score came out by itself. I can feel a trace of soul breath in this music score.""


Everyone was slightly startled when they heard this. Irene also looked up and down at the music score and said,"It seems that I don't see any long legs. How could it run out?"

Noah tapped Irene's head lightly and laughed unhappily,"This thing has a soul breath. Maybe it can control people's minds, or control itself to fly. After all, it's just a few pieces of paper."

When it comes to controlling people's minds, Joanna immediately retracted her hand that was about to reach out, and looked at the music score with some fear.

Noah shook his head with amusement and said nothing.

This thing can probably only be summoned by those with the ability of the Song Song Fruit. Well... Noah just hummed a passage softly, because he was confident that he could not be controlled, and the result was indeed no reaction.

Lime Jones looked around and said,"How do we get out of this place, Noah?"

Noah then remembered that he had not removed the inherent barrier, and said,"I almost forgot."

It's mainly because he has too much magic power now, and it's effortless to cast the inherent barrier, so he forgot about it.

As the magic power dissipated, everyone reappeared in the real world.

Seeing this scene, Beckman couldn't help but murmured:"It's amazing."

Shanks also wanted to hug Noah and ask about that space, but he was carrying Uta on his back, so he suppressed this impulse.

"Shanks! Sir Noah!"

Gordon saw Shanks, Noah and others suddenly appear at the same place, and happily ran over with his bamboo legs. Behind him were a large group of soldiers, previous guests, and some curious citizens.

They all held torches, and it was obvious that they were looking for Noah and others.

Gordon ran to Shanks and others panting, propped up his legs and took a few breaths, then said happily:"Shanks, I'm so glad that you are okay!"

Shanks didn't tolerate him at all, and said unhappily:"It's okay, but what happened to that monster just now, Gordon, and how did that music score appear at the party." Shanks shook his head and pointed to the music score in Noah's hand.

Shanks was a little angry at the moment. After all, shouldn't such a dangerous thing be kept well?

If it weren't for the fact that the people who were most hurt by this incident were Gordon and his citizens, Shanks would have been furious long ago.

Gordon also wiped the sweat off his face with a towel and explained:"Sorry, Shanks, I clearly remember that this music score was sealed in the secret room."

"As for the monster, it is actually called Totumjika. He is a destructive creature that has no thoughts and only knows how to destroy."

Shanks said with some dissatisfaction:"Please, Gordon! How come you didn't destroy such a dangerous thing!"

Gordon said with deep guilt:"As a music lover, even if there are serious hidden dangers in this music score, I can't bear to destroy it. After all, this piece of music is a rare treasure in the music world, so after discussing with the ministers, we decided to seal it up."


The case is solved. It turns out that there is another group of people who want faith but not their lives.

You say he disregards human life, but he is not.

Because the music score is sealed under his own castle, he will be the first to suffer if there is a problem.

Noah and others looked at Gordon speechlessly. That kind of pilgrimage looks like a music madman.

Punch stood up and said with empathy:"I can understand Gordon's feelings. This is a song handed down from generation to generation. Destroying it is indeed a loss to the music world."

As a musician, he can understand the feelings of these people, but……

"But I also firmly believe that people today will definitely surpass their predecessors. The surging waves of the sea are always pushed forward by the waves behind. So Gordon doesn't need to put you in danger for this music score. After all, you are the backbone of musicians."What

Punch said was not false. The knowledge in this world is somewhat concentrated, such as O'Hara.

After the demise of O'Hara, there was no historian in this world except Nico Robin who could understand the historical text.

If Elegia perished, the fragile music system of this sea would undoubtedly regress a hundred years.

Shanks also said to Gordon seriously:"Bunch is right, Gordon, I believe you are no worse than the creator of this music score, so let's destroy this music score!"

It's no wonder that Shanks is so concerned. This thing is too weird. He is afraid that one day this music score will cross the ocean and find his daughter again.

Gordon looked at Shanks in a daze, and finally nodded reluctantly and said,"Okay, you are right!"


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