"Damn Morgans, how dare you promote Kaido like this!"

The captain of the 7th Division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Lakeyo, cursed angrily. He was still wearing bandages, and it was obvious that he had been through a big battle.

Although there were some words praising Whitebeard in the newspapers, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Whitebeard had become a supporting role to set off Kaido.

"Gulala! My sons, there is nothing much to say. Kaido is indeed cunning, and his strength has improved a lot in recent years."

Whitebeard laughed without caring at all, and openly acknowledged Kaido's strength. However, it was this kind of courage that made more people support him.

"But Dad, it's obvious that you can defeat Kaido alone, but it's written that we worked together to beat Kaido away. Isn't this slander?!"

Thatch also stood up and expressed everyone's dissatisfaction.

Indeed, at the end of this battle, everyone beat Kaido away together, but before that, it was his own dad who pinned Kaido down and beat him. If Kaido wasn't thick-skinned, Whitebeard could have shocked him to death. Whitebeard still didn't look angry at all. Instead, he asked Marco for wine with a sad face, but was rejected by Marco.

Marco looked at his father helplessly. People who are close to Whitebeard know that the strongest man in the world actually has a childish personality in private, just like at this moment, he drooped his face, pouted his lips and said dissatisfiedly:"What's the matter!" Marco scratched his head, shook his head firmly and said:"No, Dad, although you don't have any injuries on the outside, your lungs are a little injured, so you still have to rest for a while."

Whitebeard was not without injuries, but they were mostly external. His internal injuries were caused by his own Tremor-Tremor Fruit, plus the hidden injuries from years of fighting, so Marco, contrary to his usual behavior, firmly rejected Whitebeard's request for a drink.

However, this scene seemed particularly satisfying to the crew on the deck.

Whitebeard said with a serious face:"What the newspaper says is one thing, but how can this newspaper be hidden from the smart people in the world! The most important thing is that the top group of smart people know it."

"Do you know that your father is Whitebeard?"

"The three words"Whitebeard" seemed to have a kind of magic, which made the enemies afraid and made the companions feel at ease.

Whitebeard smiled and said:"So……"

"To celebrate this victory, let's have a banquet!"

The crowd below was instantly excited.

Whitebeard picked up a barrel of wine and raised it.

Marco held his face helplessly, but he couldn't refuse.

Shouldn't the pirates celebrate for surviving the battle?

There was no other way, so he had to bear the burden.

Marco consoled himself secretly, then put on a happy expression and mixed with his companions.


Naval Headquarters

"It seems that Whitebeard is still as good as ever!"

"Unfortunately, we didn't get any advantage. Kaido managed to shake us off in one breath, and he probably changed direction several times along the way."

"There is no way, that kind of monster has become a big deal!"


""Oh my, mom, it turns out Kaido actually dared to provoke Whitebeard, no wonder he refused to tell me where he was when I asked him!"

When Big Mom heard that her brother was beaten up by Whitebeard, she laughed with gloating.

When talking about Whitebeard, a trace of fear flashed in Big Mom's eyes.

"How come Whitebeard is still so strong? If he had a child with me, it would definitely be much stronger than Katakuri!"

Big Mom said, and a green light flashed in her eyes.

Well, she was a little greedy for Whitebeard's body.

On the other side, Whitebeard, who was toasting with his sons, suddenly felt a chill, but it was gone in a flash, and then he murmured:

"Could it be that he was injured and still drinking?"

Then Whitebeard began to drink in small sips, which made Marco feel relieved. It seemed that his father still listened to his advice.


Shanks and Hawkeye looked at today's newspaper.

Shanks scratched his head and said,"What a pity that Whitebeard didn't kill Kaido!"

If possible, Shanks still hopes to kill Kaido. Anyway, the current situation is not stable. Killing Kaido will at most make things more chaotic, and he can also grow in it.

The most important thing is that Kaido is very likely to have killed Kozuki Oden.

Shanks felt a pain in his heart when he thought of the heroic samurai who called himself"Koutaro".

As Shanks who inherited Roger's will, he cannot forgive anyone who hurts his partner!

Hawkeye just looked at the newspaper indifferently, drank the coffee used to sober up, and said calmly:

"I'm curious about the strength of the strongest man!"

He didn't care about the outcome of the battle or the impact of the battle. Anyway, he didn't plan to fight for territory in the New World.

Shanks was stunned, and waved his hand in a mean way and said,"Forget it, Mihawk, you will be killed by a punch from that monster old man!"

Even though Shanks is now proficient in domineering, and his armament and observation colors have reached a very good level, he still didn't think he could beat Whitebeard, but guessed that he could not be defeated in a few punches.

Mihawk glanced at Shanks, unmoved, just calmly took two sips of coffee, and said,"We'll have to wait until I become the world's number one swordsman. I can't measure his weight now."

Although Mihawk is aloof, he is not a person without eyes.

"All right, I'm leaving now."

Mihawk put down the coffee in his hand, then walked to the side of the ship and jumped off.

Shanks hurried over and said,"Hey, you're leaving so soon, why don't you stay for two more days!"

Mihawk knew his temper very well. If he stayed for two more days, he would have a reason to hold two more parties and drink two more days of wine.

So Mihawk just held up his top hat and said without looking back,"Forget it, Shanks, practice sword skills hard, and when I defeat Noah, I'll come to you for a sparring match!"

As he spoke, Mihawk sat upright on his throne, and the coffin ship moved without a sail, and it was unknown what power it used to move forward.

Shanks just pouted and muttered,"What! Aren't you going to the first half? This is just the way!"

"And... hehe! Defeat Noah and then come to me for a sparring match? Doesn't that mean you won't spar with me in this life?"

Shanks secretly rejoiced.

Although he made rapid progress in swordplay by sparring with Mihawk, he was different from Mihawk, who was obsessed with swords. He preferred adventure and banquets.

Besides, he didn't say that he couldn't spar with him...

Not long after Mihawk left, he suddenly remembered that Shanks and he were on the same road. He was careless and left too early!

Thinking of rowing at night again, Mihawk couldn't help but regret it secretly. He must have drunk too much yesterday and his mind was not clear!

But his face didn't change at all. He would go on with the decision he made even if he died!

Turning back?

If he turned back, his dignity would be completely ruined!

If Shanks knew, he would laugh at himself for the rest of his life! He would never look back!

So Mihawk resolutely adjusted the direction and headed towards the doldrums.

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