
Jinbei knelt on the ground, and said to Vanessa solemnly with tears in his eyes:"I am Jinbei! I will never forget your kindness!" Jinbei knelt down and patted the ground with his head.

Aladdin also knelt on the ground respectfully and said:"I am Aladdin. If you need me, I will drive you!"

Vanessa waved her hand and smiled:"It's okay. Princess Otohime and I are friends. And I recognized him just now. This is Fisher Tiger, right?"

Jinbei looked up and nodded and said:"Yes, he is the boss Tiger."

It can be seen that Jinbei is proud of Tiger.

Vanessa also looked at the fishman in front of her with a little respect and said:"Then there is no need to thank you. Most of the slaves he saved are us humans. Just consider it as my thanks for my fellow tribesmen."

Jinbei said with a serious face:"It's different. One thing is one thing."

In Jinbei's eyes, Tiger's life is more important than his and those slaves.

Although he is still young, Jinbei has already begun to show his loyalty as a sea knight!

Vanessa looked at him and said nothing. She changed the subject and asked casually,"Why is Mr. Tiger injured like this?"

Jinbei remained silent and turned his head away.

Aladdin saw that his eldest brother was reluctant to speak, so he told Vanessa the whole story.

Vanessa was also silent after hearing it.

The hero of mankind was stabbed in the back by humans.

It's no wonder that Jinbei was embarrassed to say it with such irony.

The irony is precisely the humans.

Vanessa also forced a smile and comforted,"Jinbei, there are many humans in this world, so don't feel resentful for what individual humans do. They are just incompetent. They don't have more choices, so they can only choose the best option they can choose.

If those villagers didn't do this, the girl would not be able to live, and they might also be implicated, so they just chose what they could choose."

"She's right, Jinbei!"

Before Jinbei could reply, a weak voice sounded behind Vanessa.

Jinbei stood up in surprise and shouted,"Boss Tiger!"

Sure enough, the physique of fishmen is still much stronger than that of normal humans, and Tiger's injuries are more due to excessive blood loss.

Tiger was wrapped in bandages at the moment, but he glanced at the blood bag and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that he did not need a blood transfusion. After hearing Vanessa's comfort, he couldn't help but agree.

Jinbei walked quickly to Tiger's bed and asked with concern:"Boss, how do you feel?"

Tiger moved his body, forced a smile and comforted:"Don't worry, I just don't feel strong."

Aladdin also said:"Brother, this is normal, the blood has not been replenished yet."

Tiger nodded, then said to Vanessa gratefully:"Thank you for your treatment, doctor!"

Then he felt it was ironic that the human he hated reported him, but it was also the human who saved him.

However, when he heard Vanessa's words, he suddenly realized something. He looked at Jinbei and said:

"The doctor is right, Jinbe! There are good and bad humans. Actually, I have a secret that I haven't told you.

When I went out to travel, I went to many places, but I was soon captured and made a slave, in Marijoa!"

Tiger scratched the mark under the bandage on his chest with his hand, as if he wanted to tear off the piece of flesh in front of his chest. It was a lifelong pain for him.

Tiger continued:"Jinbe, the opportunity for peace lies in the next generation. Princess Otohime is right. Maybe this generation is hopeless, but don't pass on the hatred to the next generation. Don't resent humans, Jinbe!"

"You are stronger than me, I saw that a long time ago, Jinbei.

I hope you can lead the next generation of fishmen to work for peace, and I……"

Tiger couldn't help but shed tears when he said this, and said:"I'm sorry, Jinbei, although my mind is clear, I can't get rid of the demons in my heart. The hatred has continued in me, so I can't let go of my resentment towards humans. I can only leave it to you."

"Brother Tiger!"

Jinbei held Tiger's hand tightly. He didn't know that his elder brother had such a dark past.

Vanessa also lowered her head silently and said,"I won't tell this to anyone, please rest assured!"

Tiger nodded and said,"Thank you, Dr. Vanessa!"


Vanessa looked up at Tiger and said,"You recognized me?"

Tiger nodded and said,"Of course. I was shocked by the report about Mr. Noah and the Celestial Dragons. I'm really sorry that I didn't recognize the identity of your benefactor at the first time."

Jinbei was also suddenly aware at this time. No wonder he felt that Vanessa was particularly familiar.

Most fishmen look down on humans, so the newspaper has always been read by him, Brother Tiger, and Aladdin.

They were too anxious at the beginning, and their minds were full of Brother Tiger, so they didn't recognize him for a while.

Vanessa smiled and said,"Mr. Tiger overturned Marijoa, I don't deserve the title of benefactor."

But Tiger was also stubborn and insisted on being a benefactor.

Vanessa also agreed reluctantly.

In fact, Tiger also knew that humans were different from fishmen. There were hundreds of millions of humans, so the relationship between them was not that close. So Tiger naturally didn't think that he could offset his kindness by saving a group of human slaves.

""Sister Vanessa, Lord Noah is here!"

Joanna poked her head out from behind the door, and then walked in carrying Aaron, whose nose was crooked.

Seeing this, Vanessa couldn't help but smile and apologize,"I'm sorry, Joanna was a little heavy-handed."

But Aladdin waved his hand indifferently and said,"It's okay, benefactor, Aaron's mouth is indeed a bit smelly, and he is very discriminatory against humans. Big brother has said it many times, but he hasn't changed."

Aladdin grabbed Aaron's broken nose and bent it. With a"click", Aaron's nose was straightened.

Then Aladdin skillfully wrapped it with a bandage.

Vanessa frowned and said,"Then we really have to let him hide later, otherwise Lord Noah will kill him."

Aladdin nodded hurriedly and said,"I understand."

Aladdin carried Aaron to another room and even prepared to tie him up with a rope.

Jinbei asked weakly,"Does Mr. Noah discriminate against humans?"

Vanessa shook her head,"How is that possible? Mr. Noah just doesn't like fishmen who discriminate against humans."

"Princess Otohime even adores Lord Noah!"

Jinbei asked with concern,"How is Princess Otohime's health?"

Vanessa nodded and said,"It's okay, just take the medicine on time and you'll be fine"

""Ah? Is the princess sick?"

Tiger and Jinbei exclaimed, and Tiger struggled to get up and asked.

Vanessa pushed Tiger back to the bed and said with a strange look in her eyes:"Don't you think that slapping someone and breaking a bone yourself is not a disease?"


The two looked at each other awkwardly.

Jinbei coughed twice and said seriously,"It's OK."

"Wow! I didn't expect that the one seriously injured was the famous Fisher Tiger!"

At this time, a voice of realization sounded at the door.

It was Noah.

He glanced at the fishman outside the house, and then saw a whale shark man, nodded secretly and said,"Is this the Sea Knight Jinbei in the future?

I have some memory.

But when he saw Tiger, he was very familiar with him, after all, he had read a lot of reports.

Noah knew at a glance that he was injured by the navy. In the original book, he should have died, but he forgot how he died.

It seems that fate has played a trick on him.

Did Tiger change his fate?

Or will he die again at the hands of the World Government in the near future?


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