One night passed, and Joanna was defeated in less than two hours last night.

This was because Joanna's devil fruit was too durable.

Vanessa and Roland had rested and took turns to play.

However, Borsalino's attack was much more fierce this time. Perhaps he found that as long as he didn't use the killer, Noah would not stop him, so he took it seriously and Vanessa and Roland fell one after another in less than half an hour.

Later, Liya and Alisa went up and didn't last for an hour.

As for the subsequent battle, in the battle between the swordsman combination of Elena, Irene, Sibel and Kuina and Borsalino, Borsalino didn't play old age swordsmanship with them.

His identity as a great swordsman was shown in every move.

Although Elena relied on her newly broken through observation Haki to dodge several attacks, observation Haki is a thing that tests concentration. Elena will fall into the madness of fighting if she is not careful, so this newly broken through observation Haki is not very useful.

The four people played for about the same time as Liya and the two.

The main reason was that the swordsman was severely suppressed by the great swordsman. Every move seemed to be seen through. It was probably because the previous battle had made this"Second Uncle" who liked to let the other party win familiar with the swordsmanship of the four.

After Borsalino beat the girls to the point that they lost their fighting power, Borsalino slowly walked towards Noah.

Noah saw that the girls were beaten to the point that they couldn't even stand, but his face didn't change. Instead, he looked at Borsalino and said with a smile:

"Are you anxious? To be honest, I thought you should have taken action yesterday, but I didn't expect you to be so patient~"

Borsalino spread his hands and said with a smile:"There is no way. After all, in front of a monster like you, I have to keep enough physical strength to escape. Monsters like you are very scary~"

Seeing that Borsalino always liked to pout when talking, Noah couldn't help but frown.

However, Noah still had a good memory of Borsalino.

This was the famous"Uncle Wang" in his previous life!

It was obviously an instant skill, but he forced him to lift his legs for two and a half minutes, and no one thought it was strange afterwards.

If Noah saw it, he would probably ask, do you feel sore when you lift your legs like this?

In summary, this is an old actor with an unstable position, but the chance of winning him over is not high, but you can try to win him over.

Noah sat on the chair with his hands on his knees, looking at Borsalino who suddenly asked:"Do you want to leave the navy and become my subordinate?"

Borsalino raised his eyebrows with a slightly surprised expression, but soon raised his hands in surrender and said,"Please spare me~, I finally found a job to slack off!

But, calling yourself 'this king'? Do you have your own country?"

Noah opened his hands and laughed arrogantly, and in an instant, a despotic aura that shook the world gushed out of Noah's body, and instantly rushed towards Borsalino like a ripple, but in a moment, the pressure that was like the collapse of the sky dissipated, and the pressure just now was like a bubble, giving people an unreal feeling.

Noah said loudly:"All under heaven is the king's land. There have always been only two kinds of land on this sea, one belongs to me, and the other is what I have not taken."

When Borsalino felt Noah's Conqueror Haki, sweat broke out on his forehead like a tap, and he even took out his hands from his pockets, ready for battle.

But after hearing Noah's words, Borsalino's eyes became more serious.

The Noah in front of him was undoubtedly the legendary evil element who stirred up the storm. Without saying a word, Borsalino used the Eight-foot Mirror, and after several consecutive refractions, he appeared behind Noah, and then said in a casual tone:

"Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?"

Unexpectedly, Noah didn't even turn his head, but stretched out his left hand and grabbed Borsalino's leg as if taking something out of a bag.


Borsalino's pupils shrank and he shouted:"What?!"

Noah smiled evilly, then exerted a little force in his hand. A trace of pain flashed across Borsalino's face, and then Noah grasped his leg and swung it away.


Borsalino felt an irresistible force suddenly attacking him, and then his feet became lighter, and then he was thrown out by Noah like a javelin.

Borsalino looked at the dim sky and murmured:"Another physical monster?"

He didn't expect that Noah's seemingly thin body actually hid such a huge force.

For some reason, he thought of Teacher Zefa at this moment.

"Borsalino, how many times have I told you! Don't rely on the devil fruit!"

Borsalino murmured perfunctorily:"Yes, yes, Mr. Zephyr is too strict~"

Borsalino immediately turned into countless points of light and dispersed, and then gathered in the air. He was seen making circles with his index fingers and thumbs, pouting and saying obscenely:

""Yasakani no Magatama!"

Instantly, countless points of light illuminated the sky, but this beautiful scene contained countless dangers.

Each of these strikes could cost the life of an elite lieutenant general.

"Oh? That's a good attack!"

Noah took out the Dawn with interest, leaving behind a sharp sound of breaking through the air and instantly disappeared.

When Borsalino reacted, Noah had already appeared in front of the light spot.


Borsalino thought to himself with an unpleasant expression.

Is this another move that makes the observation Haki ineffective?

Noah didn't say anything, but just waved his sword casually, and the light spots in the sky were attracted like a magnet, and then Noah hit them back like playing table tennis.

Borsalino looked at the light spots flying back, his pupils shrank, and the flashes drowned his figure.


There was a violent explosion in the sky, and the explosion produced a thick smoke out of thin air, making it difficult to see what happened inside.

But Noah's figure disappeared from the spot in an instant.

Borsalino had just gathered from the light spots and hadn't habitually sighed that he almost didn't dodge it, when Noah appeared in front of him, and at the same time, the tip of the sword of Dawn was against Borsalino's neck.

Noah grinned and joked:"You monkey are really slippery, you can even dodge this.

Borsalino slowly raised his hand and said in a flattering tone:"Oh~, Mr. Noah is right, my future admiral code name is 'Yellow Monkey '’"

Noah glanced at Borsalino with a hint of surprise, then smiled even more. He held Dawn tightly and pressed it against Borsalino's neck again. As Borsalino looked a little frightened, he asked:

"How about being my subordinate? It's been a long time since I've seen someone as interesting as you!"

"Mr. Noah, please let go first.……"

Borsalino smiled and tried to remove the sword from his neck, but was interrupted by Noah:

"Don’t talk nonsense!"

Noah smiled and gestured at his neck with the cold blade, then said:"You should also be fed up with the World Government!"

Then Noah did not wait for Borsalino to speak, and began to complain:"This king walked from the East China Sea to the New World, and there are actually few good places in the world!

In many places, people can be happy even if they don’t have enough food to eat. This is simply the world’s mistake, and this is the mistake of the rulers of this world!"

Noah looked at Borsalino sharply, and said:"As a king, the people under his rule are content with poverty. This is a failure as a king!"

"This kind of king is not worth your efforts~"

However, Borsalino’s eyes did not change at all, he just smiled as always and said:"Yes~, you are right, I am willing to join!"

Anyone with a little bit of insight could tell that Borsalino was not sincere.

In fact, this was true. Borsalino was born in poverty. He relied on his own efforts and the Shining Fruit to become the current Monster Vice Admiral. He had seen too many people like Noah, some who did not hide their ambitions, some who claimed that they were doing it to survive, and he had even seen people who looked like saints, such as Long.

Long had also looked for him before he betrayed the navy. In order to win him over, Long even openly stated his plan to overthrow the world government from the bottom up.

But Borsalino refused without hesitation.

In this kind of battle, the people at the bottom will be the ones who get hurt in the end, and after the failure, the sea will be like a wild horse that has run away and can no longer be controlled.

Even if they win in the end, who can guarantee that the dragon-slaying warrior will not become an evil dragon?

The warrior won't, but what about the warrior's descendants?

In the end, they will return to their original appearance, but the dead will never be resurrected again.


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