Alyssa didn't eat it, obviously planning to eat it last and didn't want to waste Noah's time.

Joanna wanted to eat it, but when she saw that Alyssa didn't eat it, although she didn't know why, she also followed Alyssa's example and put the fruit aside.

Noah saw that the two girls had no intention of eating it now, and he also understood what they meant. He didn't force it. He turned around and took out the next devil fruit and continued to look for the real name of the fruit.


Hmm~, where is the green apple with a spiral?

This kind of fruit doesn't have any special animal characteristics, and Noah has no way to determine whether it is an animal-type fruit. He can only look for it page by page.

Fortunately, the comparison is very fast, and only when encountering similar fruits will he stop for confirmation.

"Hmm?! Found it, this is it."Noah saw a similar fruit and compared it to the Devil Fruit and immediately confirmed that it was this one.

"This is the superhuman barrier fruit!"

Obviously, this is the fruit ability of Bartolomeo, the loyal follower of the future Straw Hat Pirates. Maybe someone came to Paradis Island and ate it later, but unfortunately he was not suitable for the Suzaku fruit, so the Suzaku fruit did not appear in the world due to various coincidences. Later, this unlucky guy also died, and the fruit was reborn in Bartolomeo's hands.

"The ability of this fruit is very simple, the ultimate defense!"Noah described the characteristics of the fruit with an interested smile on his face.

"The book states that as long as you overlap your middle finger and index finger, you can create an indestructible barrier. The barrier can be shaped like freshly baked candy, and can fly out to hurt people. The book states that no one has ever been able to break this barrier head-on!"

Noah was very curious about the statement that"no one has ever broken the barrier head-on" and had doubts about it, but then he changed the subject and said,"But this barrier has several shortcomings"

"First, if the hand is restricted and cannot make the corresponding gesture, it cannot be activated."

"Second, the area of the barrier is limited, which is probably related to physical strength."

"Third, the barrier is not soundproof. I wonder if it is because a soundproof barrier has not been developed yet."

Noah exhaled deeply and said,"But the flaws do not outweigh the merits. After all, being indestructible means that it is not only a hard shield, but also a hard spear. Even if the appearance is refined, it may become a magic weapon."

"So, does any of you want to eat?"

"Me!" Liya stood up without hesitation, turned around, put her hands on her waist and faced the other girls, showing the majesty of the head maid.

"Don't fight with me for this fruit!"

It is true that this fruit is not as powerful and dazzling as the previous two fruits, but its defensive ability alone makes the girls look at it sideways.

After all, the wish of the girls is to become Noah's strongest shield.

The barrier fruit perfectly meets this characteristic.

After hearing what Liya said, the girls also put down their thoughts, after all, Liya is indeed the best candidate.

She is the head maid, and generally speaking, she will always stay with Noah. In terms of identity, Liya is more suitable.

Seeing that no one else objected, Noah handed the barrier fruit to Liya, and at the same time did not forget to joke and said:"Then my life and property will be entrusted to Sister Liya."

"My pleasure! Lord Noah!"Leah responded to Noah's words very seriously. She knew that Noah was joking, but for her, this matter was serious.

Noah also knew the character of his maid. Although she was not serious on weekdays, she was like a big sister, but once it came to serious matters, she was definitely the most serious among the maids.

"cough……"Noah coughed lightly, put aside the embarrassment just now, and continued to take out the last fruit.

"This is the last one!"

Noah was a little emotional. He found that his luck was as good as ever. He picked up only the best devil fruits. Unfortunately, it was only the last one. The feeling of opening a blind box made Noah feel very interesting.


"Mm~, azure blue grapes, azure blue grapes……"

Noah was mumbling to himself as he was looking for information about the last devil fruit.

"Wow! Found it!"

Because this is also a superhuman fruit, Noah quickly found the corresponding fruit information.

"Let me see, this fruit is the Parahuman Cold Fruit!"

After Noah read out the real name of the devil fruit, a trace of disappointment flashed across the faces of the girls.

The girls were not ignorant people. In order to understand this sea, Noah and others bought a lot of old newspapers.

They knew that Aokiji, one of the three monster vice admirals who was about to be promoted to admiral on the sea, was a natural-type ice fruit ability user.

And this unknown cold fruit was obviously a lower-level fruit of the ice fruit.

"Hmm?" Noah noticed that the girls behind him were silent, not as excited as before, so he turned around and asked,"What's wrong? You look disappointed."

Rosalind said dejectedly,"Because the Cold Fruit is just a lower-level fruit of the Natural Ice Fruit."

If the people on the sea heard what Rosalind said, they would probably be furious.

After all, the Ice Fruit is already the top devil fruit on the sea. If everyone aims at this level of fruit, there will be few people in the world who eat devil fruits.

Hearing this explanation, Noah was a little amused and looked at the girls seriously and said,"Is this what you mean?"

""Hmm!" All the girls nodded in unison, obviously thinking that the cold fruit was inherently inferior to the frozen fruit.

Noah thought for a while and said something that surprised the girls.

"On the contrary, I am very optimistic about the potential of this fruit!"

"Why? Lord Noah!"

Seeing Noah's expression, Michelle was a little confused and jumped out to ask

"If you insist on saying it is lower, then the Cold-cold fruit must at least be a natural fruit. You said that the Snow-cold fruit is a lower fruit of the Ice-cold fruit, and I can still believe it, but it is really far-fetched to say that the Superman-type Cold-cold fruit is a lower fruit of the Ice-cold fruit."

"Moreover, the development of the superhuman series generally relies on imagination. In my opinion, the potential of the Cold-cold fruit is not inferior to the Ice-cold fruit."

"Think about it, why are things frozen?"Noah asked with a mysterious smile.

Roland came to his senses first:"Because the temperature is low enough, wait, because it's cold enough!"

Roland then discovered the power and potential of this fruit.


Noah clapped and looked at Roland with approval:"You are worthy of being our scientist maid. Have you thought about it?"

"Yes, the root cause of freezing is cold enough. To go further, freezing is the appearance of cold, which we can objectively observe. If we see an island covered with ice and snow, then we can react that the island will be very cold."

"So, as the fruit of the origin of freezing, will its power be weak? It can be said that except for the inability to transform into an element, the cold fruit can do everything that the freezing fruit can do, and it can do it better. After all, cold is closer to the rules!"

"and……"Noah crossed his legs, put his hands on his knees, and said with a habitual elegant smile:"I said that the development of the superhuman system focuses more on imagination. Have you heard of 'discouraged’?"

"this……"The girls were a little bit incredulous. In just a few words, Noah praised a fruit that they thought was useless, as if eating it could make everything in sight.


If it can really be developed, wouldn't the attack of the Cold Fruit also be a mental attack?

If this ability can be developed, it will definitely be a killer in the world of pirates.

Because the power of this world comes from the body, but more from faith!

Thinking back to Moriah, who once fought with teacher Kaido, he was disheartened because of the death of his partner. He became a fat otaku who only wanted to eat and drink for free and rely on his zombie subordinates and his partners to make him the Pirate King.

When he fights Luffy in the future, he won't even have the domineering aura.

"It's not impossible, isn't it? We just have to think about it, and whether it works depends on whether the fruit responds to your imagination."Noah spread his hands and shrugged, indicating that failure doesn't matter, as long as you dare to think.

"but……"Noah's smile faded, and he reminded the girls seriously,"The more terrifying the ability, the more physical strength it requires to use it.

In addition, the speed at which the Cold-cold Fruit freezes things is definitely not as fast as the Freeze Fruit.

For example, the temperature caused by the Freeze Fruit may also be -10 degrees Celsius, but it does not mean that things can be frozen all at once at -10 degrees Celsius.

This requires a process, so I just said that it is not inferior to the Freeze Fruit.


"Have you decided?"

"Let me do it!"

Noah looked over and saw that it was Sibel who stood up.

Sibel turned to the remaining girls who had not obtained the fruit and said seriously:"Everyone, I have the best physical strength, so leave it to me!"

Yes, Sibel had the best physical strength among all the girls, even Irene could not compare to her.��

Because Sibel was the only one among them who was abandoned by her parents, and the reason for the abandonment was that she ate too much.

It was hard to imagine how much this 1.78 meter tall person could eat.

Apart from Noah, Sibel was the one who ate the most on the ship.

You know, because Noah's body was adapting to the world, he had to eat 300 portions of food per day.

Otherwise, Noah's big ship would not have to go to the island to replenish supplies every few days.

At first, Sibel was worried that Noah would drive her away if he saw how much she ate, so she deliberately ate very little.

But once Noah discovered that Sibel was weak, he ordered her to eat as much as she wanted. This was also the first time that Noah seriously criticized Liya, the head maid, for not being conscientious enough and not caring about the physical condition of her maids.

Although she was abandoned, Sibel did not resent her parents. After all, her family was not rich, and her parents did not sell her to supplement the family income. They just abandoned her on an island with a town. She was already thirteen years old at that time. Because she ate a lot, she was very strong, so she had been relying on various odd jobs to make a living. Until one day, she was caught and made a maid.

She was hiding her strength and wanted to find a chance to run away, but when she saw Noah wanted a maid, who was a cute and charming child, and the big ship had no worries about food and drink, she stayed with Noah for some reason.

""Oh, sister Sibel, are you sure?" Noah was a little hesitant.

It stands to reason that other fruits, except for the animal series, do not have any specific requirements for the host, but Sibel's personality is lively and active, and although she has developed a keen insight after experiencing the dangers of life, her heart is still soft and kind, and she treats people very warmly.

To be honest, it is not very compatible with the cold fruit, but Sibel is indeed the most suitable candidate.

Noah didn't know that this world is always so magical. The person with the warmest heart will eat the coldest fruit, and the person with the coldest heart will eat the hottest fruit.

It seems that the fruit was born to complement the host's personality.

Sibel nodded affirmatively:"Well, Lord Noah, I believe I can use kendo to cooperate with the devil fruit to reach the top!"

Sibel's talent in swordsmanship is not as good as Irene's, but Irene's strength is much worse than Sibel's. With the blessing of this fruit, it is hard to predict who will be stronger between Irene and Sibel in the future!

Noah joked to Irene:"Sister Irene, it seems that you need an animal-type fruit to make up for your shortcomings, otherwise you may not be as good as Sister Sibel."

Irene was a little dazed except when she was competing.

At this moment, she reacted and was scratching her head and face in distress, worried about the fact that Noah said

"Eh!! Yes, what should I do???"

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