Although Noah looked fine, that was because his body was tough, but his bones were still a little fractured.

At least he needed a meal to heal, or a night's rest.

At this time, Noah thought of Joanna, who had just obtained the ability of Suzaku, and the healing flame in it was just right to try out its effect.

Then Noah turned to Joanna and said,"What are you still looking at? There is a wounded person here, why don't you try your healing flame!"

Joanna was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and went over Noah's words in her not-so-smart mind before she remembered that she had such a skill.

""Oh oh oh."

Joanna was a little excited. People who have just obtained the devil fruit are like this, they can't wait to show their abilities, and Noah happened to be willing to be the first to try it, which made her think wildly.

Should she be a little rough at that time? After all, Lord Noah never treated her as a sister.

She walked in front of Noah, tried to mobilize the healing flame in her body, and then a ball of flame rose in her hand.

This flame was different from the previous hot one. On the contrary,

Joanna put the flame on Noah's chest. This scene made the girls tremble with fear. At the same time, Joanna tried to use all her strength to activate the healing flame.

But Noah did not show any pain.

On the contrary, Noah felt as if his whole body was immersed in a hot spring. The damage to his body was constantly being repaired, and even some minor injuries were smoothed out in this vital flame. It took only a while for Noah to recover. Except for the fact that his clothes were a little torn,

""Master Noah, how did you feel during the treatment?" Joanna asked cautiously.

"Well, it feels a little itchy, right? But that's because the bones in my body are healing. Overall, the treatment is very effective! I believe that it's better to treat yourself. It seems that I don't need to treat you anymore. You have to come and help me."

Noah announced to Joanna a piece of news that was not good news for her.

"Ah? Oh, okay."Joanna could only nod depressedly. After all, with this ability, she must bear the corresponding responsibility.

"Okay, the last one, Sister Xibel!"Noah nodded to Xibel, indicating that it was time to start.

Seeing Xibel's hesitation, Noah thought for a moment and said,"If you don't want to taste it, you can consider not chewing it and just swallowing it in one mouthful!"

Xibel's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she pulled off a grape and threw it into her mouth and swallowed it.

Her throat gurgled.

"Ah~, Lord Noah is unfair! He didn't tell me at the time!"Joanna was making a fuss at this time, pouting and shaking Noah's body angrily.

Even Leah and Alyssa, who were usually the most obedient, looked at Noah with resentment.

"Ahem, I just thought of this." Noah said a little embarrassedly, and then immediately interrupted Joanna's words and said,"Let's stay away. The cold fruit doesn't have any gestures, and it might get out of control."

Noah pulled Joanna and ran away.

Sure enough, after Noah and others walked away, frost gradually appeared around Xibel, and then the dew on the leaves on the trees slowly froze.

But this process was restrained by Xibel soon, otherwise the range would have expanded.

Noah saw that Xibel had mastered the power of the fruit, and then he led everyone over.

When they got close to Xibel, they felt as cold as if they were on a winter island, and this was still the cold air that had not dissipated.

"" How does it feel?" Noah laughed as he walked forward. He was only wearing one piece of clothing, which was torn. This forced him to use magic to keep warm, but he could still vaguely feel a hint of chill, which showed the power of this fruit.

Sibel smiled with satisfaction and said,"It's very powerful, Lord Noah!"

"Okay, let's go back to the boat. My clothes are torn, my body is dirty, it's late, and I have to practice early tomorrow."Noah didn't ask how strong he was, and he kept talking about going back to the boat.

Well, the most important reason was that his clothes were torn, and he was covered in smoke and mud.

"Oh~" The girls were a little unhappy when they thought about getting up very early the next day. After all, their usual waking time was linked to Noah, and Noah didn't like to get up too early.

Well, there was also an"unknown""Six Styles" placed on Noah's desk and no one cared about it...

The next morning, at dawn.

Noah and others were awakened by the two big sisters, Liya and Vanessa.

Although she was reluctant to leave her bed, for the sake of strength, Liya set the alarm early.

Everyone changed into training clothes and ran to Isshin Dojo.

When they arrived, they saw Koshiro waiting at the door of the dojo, and a group of disciples were also there. A group of people gathered, including Kuina and Zoro.

Noah and Koshiro nodded and greeted each other, and then talked to Kuina about swordsmanship. Unexpectedly, Zoro also greeted Irene, and wanted to arrange another sparring match with Irene in the afternoon.

It can be seen that Zoro was still upset about fighting with Irene for so long before. He thought it was because of his carelessness, but Irene's kendo intuition also made him pay attention to her, so he paid a lot of attention to Irene.

However, Zoro did not challenge Noah like he did to Kuina, which made Noah a little strange.

Did Zoro specifically pick female swordsmen to fight?

"Kuina! Why didn't you come last night!"Zoro shouted at Kuina indignantly.

Then Zoro caught a glimpse of Noah beside Kuina, and his mind was filled with thoughts.

Zoro suddenly thought of something, and without waiting for Kuina to reply, he pointed at Noah and shouted:"I know, you went to challenge Noah, right! Damn it! I almost defeated you, but you secretly went to Noah to learn how to become stronger behind my back! So cunning!"

Noah, who was standing aside, was watching the show with his arms folded, but Zoro's words turned to him, and his tone made Noah feel a little amused. It made

Kuina feel guilty.

In fact, at this moment, Zoro also had a subtle strange feeling in his heart, as if he was betrayed, but not really. It was as if his friend had met a new friend and then left him to go out and play with the new friend. Anyway , it was a bitter feeling.

Well, but this feeling only stayed in his mind for a second, and was completely washed away by the envy of Kuina learning from Noah and becoming stronger.

If someone knew about Zoro's emotional changes at this time, they would joke:

Young man, you have a bright future, and you have already comprehended the general outline of the Supreme Sword Manual.

Without women in your heart, you will be as divine as a god when you draw your sword! Kuina wanted to tell Zoro that she didn't want to duel with him anymore.

But she didn't know how to start. Could it be that you are too weak?

Well..., it feels a little hurtful.

But after hearing Zoro's next words, Kuina felt inexplicably ashamed and angry, and said,"Ah? I didn't beat you last night, and it made you feel itchy. It's my fault! Zoro is so weak that he can't even beat a girl like me, but you dare to say that you're going to defeat me!"

"I will fight with you tonight, is that okay, Noah?" Kuina turned around and asked Noah.

Just now Kuina and Noah had discussed sparring together in the evening, and Noah had no objection, since it would not interfere with his sparring with Koshiro, and Noah planned to bring his three talented maids with him, so Kuina readily agreed.

"Of course no problem! It's just right that we compete in groups of two, and everyone can exchange opponents."Noah answered with a smile.

This time it was Zoro's turn to be surprised, and at the same time he couldn't help but sigh at his own wit.

Kuina really asked Noah to give her special treatment, but fortunately he was always smart and let Kuina pull him in at once.

Zoro was secretly glad, otherwise he didn't know how big the gap would be between him and Kuina.

Zoro looked at Kuina firmly and said,"Kuina, I will defeat you soon, and then surpass you to defeat Noah! Noah, wait for my challenge!"

Facing Zoro's eyes full of fighting spirit, Noah was not angry at Zoro's tone that was even poking his nose. Instead, he found it particularly interesting. Zoro's will made Noah recognize his arrogant challenge.

""Okay, you have to work hard! After all, you have been enjoying the benefits of Kuina before, so your kendo skills have improved faster than Kuina's. Now that I am Kuina's opponent, Kuina will also usher in a period of rapid growth!"

Noah knew Kuina's talent. Except for her poor physique, Kuina's kendo talent was not weaker than Zoro, and it was even possible that she was stronger than Zoro.

After all, Zoro's physique bonus was too great, and Kuina was only two years older than Zoro.

""Huh? Is that so?" Zoro was a little bit unbelievable, but thinking that his swordsmanship had indeed improved rapidly during that period, and he could also feel that Kuina's strength had not increased that fast, he felt that if he was a little stronger, he could defeat Kuina.

"Forget it, I won't lose to Kuina!" Zoro shook his head and couldn't think anymore. He felt like he needed to grow a brain.

"All right, everyone, be quiet. Just like before, come here and get the weights. Remember to get the weights according to the weights you used before." Koshiro saw that everyone was here, and asked them to get the weights.

Seeing that everyone had put on the weights, Koshiro nodded and said,"The route is the same as before, let's get started!"

Time passed quickly, and everyone was relaxing their muscles after running, because they had kendo practice later, so they didn't run to their limits like yesterday. After all, it was just for testing.

"Hmm?" At this time, a trace of doubt flashed in Koshiro's squinting eyes, and he asked:"Joanna, have you and Alyssa eaten anything recently?"

""Huh?" Joanna was stunned by Koshiro's strange question, not knowing what Koshiro wanted to express.

Unlike Joanna, Noah knew what Koshiro meant as soon as he heard it. He slapped his forehead and said in annoyance:"I'm sorry, Master Koshiro, they ate the animal-type devil fruit yesterday, so their physique is a little different from before."

"But it doesn't matter, just let them run as fast as they can. Joanna and the others are mythical beasts, so they recover very quickly."Noah said that it was just a limit, and the mythical beasts would recover very quickly, and Joanna was Suzaku, so the healing flame was enough to help her recover quickly.

Noah suddenly remembered that Joanna wanted to practice the healing flame, and these disciples could just serve as volunteers, so he suggested to Koshiro

"Oh, no wonder! Joanna and the others are mythical beasts! And Joanna's ability can also be used for treatment!"Koushirou couldn't hold back his calm expression now. He knew that the mythical beasts were rare, and each one was a strong one, not to mention that Joanna's ability could also be used for treatment.

Koushirou didn't refuse. With Joanna, he even saved the medicinal wine. Although he used a bamboo sword and wouldn't hurt people, the cost of the medicinal wine was still a lot.

So Noah asked Joanna and the others to run to the feeling like yesterday and then come back.

Joanna didn't know yet that she was arranged by Noah so well that she would have to treat all the disciples when she came back.

The only lucky thing was that there were not many disciples in the dojo, only about twenty, all from the villagers on the island.

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