"The most important thing is, turn to the last page. See... that's the life return. That's what I value most." Noah pointed at the booklet and asked Liya to turn to the last page. Then he excitedly introduced it to Liya.

"Injecting your will into every cell of your body and then controlling your body, what does this mean? Faster energy intake, more scientific energy distribution, and stronger life-saving ability! These are not all of this skill, the potential of this skill is definitely yet to be developed!"

As he spoke, Noah began to dance with his hands unconsciously.

The girls looked at Noah in surprise. They had never seen Noah so excited that he lost his composure, which showed the excellence and potential of this skill.

Noah felt the girls' eyes on him, and then he realized that his behavior at the moment was a little too abnormal.

"Well, you know, I have no resistance to mysterious and interesting things."Noah laughed dryly and explained.

Joanna looked at the description of the six styles and asked in confusion:"Sir Noah, this 'Moon Step', my sister Alyssa and I don't need to practice it, after all, we can fly by ourselves."

"Da meeyo!"Noah raised a finger and moved it left and right to indicate no.

"You must learn it. As I said before, the moves are secondary. The intensive training on the movement of Qi and blood is what you really need. This complete and scientific move will help you understand the return of life."

""Okay." Joanna could only lament and give up.

Noah flicked Joanna's forehead and said,"Why do you always want to be lazy? Sister Michelle didn't even complain!"

He didn't see that Michelle had opened her mouth, but was beaten to it by the more anxious Joanna.

Joanna pursed her lips and muttered,"It's because you arranged so many things for me to do."

Noah thought about it and found that he had indeed arranged a lot of things for Joanna, such as treating disciples and Guina, asking Liya to watch her train, and arranging six styles as the content of training. Thinking of this, Noah couldn't help but soften his tone and said,"Okay, Sister Joanna, just work hard for this year. You don't need to be so hard when you go to sea, but you have to undergo combat tests."

Joanna actually knew how much of an advantage she had taken, plus what Noah said, but she would not say nice things to reassure Noah, because if Noah was relieved, her tasks might become heavier in the future.

So Joanna just pouted, showing that she was very aggrieved, until Noah's eyes turned to other places and she returned to normal.

Well, the crying child gets the milk!

Joanna said: She is actually not stupid at all, most of the time she is very witty.

Noah said to the girls:"Tomorrow, except for those who practice swords, you will come to the open space outside the village to find me. Irene, come after you finish practicing in the dojo."

The practice in the dojo was actually disbanded very early, just like in the original work, Zoro often went to the woods to exercise by himself or to practice with Kosaburo.

The open space outside the village is actually not far from the cape where Kosaburo fishes, and Noah often goes there to chat with Kosaburo.

The next day.

In the morning, after Noah and everyone finished running, they left the team and came to Kosaburo.

"Oh ha! Grandpa Kouzaburo!"Noah came to Kouzaburo wearing a loose training suit.

"Noah, why are you here again today? I have no fish to bite here."Kozaburo, the"air force guy", put the blame on Noah for the lack of fish.

Noah looked at the cape, which was six or seven meters high, and looked at Kozaburo in silence.

But the old man was as thick-skinned as a city wall, lying on his side and staring at Noah with dead fish eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll be practicing over there later and won't disturb you."Noah pointed to a large open space not far away and said to him helplessly.

I just spent two days here to gain some experience, but this old man is already annoyed.

"Oh? By the way, Noah……"Kosaburo smacked his lips a few times as if he was savoring something:"Do you still have the wine from yesterday?"

Noah's face was twitching a little, and the muscles around his eyes were shaking unnaturally.

It seemed that the old man didn't want to nag beside him today, but also wanted to buy wine for himself.

However, Noah thought that he had gained a lot of domineering experience from the old man in the past two days, so he didn't mind these bottles of wine. Every time he drank a good wine, he would buy all the stock of the store and put it in the King's Treasure, so Noah had no shortage of wine.

Noah reached into the King's Treasure and took out two bottles of wine and put them in front of Kosaburo, saying unhappily:"I say, you are probably over 80 years old, and you still drink and smoke, is it okay?"

Kosaburo immediately stood up when he saw the wine, took a glass of wine and drank it all, smacking his lips and said:"You are still young and don't understand, how can a man live without wine? If a man can't do what he wants to do, he might as well die!"

"Your wine is so delicious, it reminds me of the wine from my hometown!"

"This wine, I remember it was brewed by an old shop, I thought it was pretty good so I bought it all!" Noah thought for a moment and said

"But, is this why you taught Zoro to drink?" Noah said jokingly.

Kozaburo's cheeks were slightly red, and he didn't know whether it was because he was drunk or because he was embarrassed by Noah seeing him teaching a child to drink. He said:"Oh? You saw it?"

Noah did not hide it and said:"Well, I saw him coming to your place yesterday, but I saw you were teaching him kendo, so I didn't go over."

"However, if Kuina knew, she would probably cry to death. She didn't know that Zoro's strength increased so quickly because of her dear grandfather."Noah thought it was very interesting

"Hahaha, there's nothing I can do, I just like this kid!" Kosaburo poured another glass of wine and drank it all, saying:"And Kuina is just stuck in swordsmanship because of her heart knot, and she has never been able to comprehend the breathing of all things. To be honest, I have nothing to teach her."

After that, Kosaburo looked at Noah again and said,"I can feel that you have the edge of a swordsman. It seems that you have become a swordsman?"

Noah nodded and said,"Well, yesterday Master Kosaburo taught me personally, and I was fortunate to capture the secret of the breathing of all things."

"Hahaha, that's fast. To be honest, I've never seen such a talented kid before!"Kousaburo burped, looking a little disappointed.

"What a pity! If you had come five years earlier, I would have helped you make a great sword even if I had used up all my energy."

Kozaburo felt regretful. Although he had already achieved success and fame, and had made two great swords of the 21st level in succession, which was enough for him to go down in history, people are greedy. He firmly believed that if he could make a great sword and entrust it to Noah, this sword would definitely be ranked among the supreme great swords in the future.

As for forging a supreme great sword, it depends on the materials, the right time, the right place, the right people, and other factors. It cannot be forced, otherwise there would not be only twelve supreme great swords on the list.

"If you could go back to your forties or fifties, what level of sword could you make?" Noah looked up at Kozaburo.

Kozaburo held the wine glass and thought for a moment, then said,"It depends on the right time, right place, right people, and the materials."

Noah recalled the past two days together, stared at Kozaburo and said seriously,"I can help you recover to your thirties, but you have to use all your strength to help me make two king swords!"

"Hahaha, Noah, stop joking, this... is... not... funny.↘" Kozaburo looked at Noah with a smile, but when he saw Noah’s expression which did not seem fake, his voice gradually became smaller.

Kozaburo sobered up from his drunkenness at this time and asked:"Noah, are you serious?"

"I never lie!" Noah took out an exquisite bottle from the king's treasure. Even the mouth of the bottle was made of gold.

"This is a longevity drug, it was supposed to be an elixir of immortality, but for some reason, it can only make people rejuvenate."

Noah explained the effect of the drug, but he didn't have any memory of the drug in the middle, so he could only jump to the topic.

Kozaburo wanted to kill Noah after hearing this. Rejuvenation is good enough?

Kozaburo asked seriously:"You should understand the value of this drug, why do you want to give it out?"

Noah just said lightly:"This medicine is of no use to me. I'm still young and don't desire immortality. There is only one bottle. If I give it to the maid, it will not be good for anyone. Besides, it can only make you live a few more decades."

Listening to Noah's indifferent tone, Kozaburo felt that the world had become something he didn't recognize.

"But, if you become younger, will anyone notice? I'm afraid someone will cause trouble for you."Noah suddenly thought of this and hesitated.

"Most of the people who knew me are already dead, not to mention that I am in my thirties.���I guess even my son wouldn’t dare to recognize me, hahaha!" Kosaburo thought it was very funny and laughed out loud.

After all, he was in his thirties, and Koshiro was only in his thirties or forties. It would be fun to let him call him"father" when the time comes.

"I wanted to take another look, but the fire of your life is like a flame, and I am afraid it will go out if I am not careful. And I believe in your courage as a great swordsman."Noah explained, and then stared at Kozaburo and asked:

"So, do you agree to this deal?"

"Hahahaha, why don't you agree? Not only the two king swords, as long as you can provide me with materials that satisfy me, I can also help you make other swords!"Kousaburo laughed frankly and heartily

"Deal!"Noah handed the"elixir of rejuvenation" to Kosaburo.

Kosaburo didn't hesitate at all. He unscrewed the bottle and drank the whole bottle. Then he looked at the exquisite bottle in his hand and felt it was not easy to throw it away, so he wanted to return it to Noah.

Noah waved his hand and said,"Keep it for yourself as a souvenir!"

Kosaburo was about to say something when suddenly a surge of energy rushed out of his body. The wrinkled skin on his hands seemed to be straightened by a force, and his face became smooth.

He felt his teeth were a little sore and swollen. Before he touched them, his teeth fell out and new teeth grew out.

The most obvious thing was his height. He had shrunk to more than 1.6 meters, but he grew to more than 1.8 meters.

Kosaburo clenched his fists, feeling the endless power in his body. He couldn't help but draw the sword at his waist. The muscles in his arms bulged. At the same time, Noah felt a domineering aura wrapped around the whole sword. This power was constantly flowing, dyeing the whole sword black.

Then, Kosaburo suddenly slashed at the sea in front of him.


A slash several tens of meters long with a domineering and outstanding sword force split the sea in half, extending to a distance invisible to the naked eye, leaving only an abyss. It is unknown how long it will take for the sea water to flow back and recover.

This sword showed the true strength of a great swordsman and a top-level armed color strongman!

Noah was shocked when he saw this scene. He couldn't do this when he lost all his treasures. Even if it was a treasure, only his sword of separation could be comparable. However, even if he had the sword of separation, he didn't know how the world suppressed the sword of separation.

"Too white! The noise is too loud! If we accidentally attract the navy, we're done for!" Kozaburo's words were no longer as fierce as when he just struck the sword. He only said he was afraid, but his hands were not panicking at all.

"Forehead……"Noah's mouth twitched, and he said helplessly,"At least there was no sign of the navy around your slash."

"Hmm?" Kozaburo asked doubtfully;"Can you see where the slash disappeared?"

"Well, my eyesight is better, and the sea is wide and there is no obstacle. About 80 kilometers away, I cut an uninhabited island. Well, I almost cut it in half."Noah stared at Kozaburo with dead fish eyes.

This guy is not afraid of cutting innocent passenger ships.

"Hahahaha, what a mess! I'm a little too excited��!"Kosaburo rubbed the back of his head a little embarrassedly. He looked exactly like when he was old and drunk.

It seems that only when you are drunk can you see the true face of a person.

Well, I wonder if Kosaburo looked like this when he was young.

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