Noah was lying on a recliner, reading a book in the breeze, and occasionally taking a few sips of juice on the table next to him.

At this time, all the bandages on his body had been removed. His half-human, half-god bloodline gave him super recovery ability. Any broken bones or ruptured internal organs had already healed back on the third day with adequate nutrition.

Liya found a chair and sat next to him, asking,"Why are you in such a hurry to leave, Lord Noah?"

Noah tilted his head and looked at Liya and smiled,"Why? Sister Liya, what are you reluctant to leave? The island is almost sinking."

"What a pity, the food there is pretty good!" Elena was holding a plate of snacks, feeling a little sorry for the various animal meats on it, and then asked Noah curiously:

"Where will Noah go next?"

"Just wander around, there's nowhere to go anyway." Noah said indifferently, picking up a skewer and putting a meatball into his mouth.

"I hope to find some exotic ingredients on the next island."


Windmill Village

""Luffy, Grandpa is back!"

Garp strode towards a tavern as soon as he got off the boat, shouting Luffy's name while laughing.

In the tavern, Luffy, who was only seven years old, was just squinting his eyes and enjoying the juice sent by Sister Makino.

Suddenly, he heard Garp's iconic laugh, and the juice in his mouth sprayed out immediately.

"Grandpa... Grandpa!"

Luffy looked around in panic, as if he was looking for a place to hide.

""Yabai! It's Grandpa's voice. Grandpa is back. What should I do? I will be killed by him!"

Makino was also helpless at this time and took out the tablecloth to wipe the table that Luffy had just soiled.

She was also aware of Garp's various strange trainings for Luffy, but she had no choice but to look at Luffy with sympathy.

Just as Luffy was walking back and forth in the tavern, Garp had already pushed open the door of the tavern.

""Luffy, grandpa is back, are you so happy that you can't sit still? Do you want to give grandpa a family hug?"

Garp said as he opened his arms and closed his eyes, expectantly waiting for little Luffy to fall into his grandpa's arms.

However, Luffy just picked his nose and said nonchalantly:"No, I don't miss you! I don't even want to hug you!""

___*(  ̄Dish ̄)/#Garp

's forehead had several big crosses on it, and he instantly transformed from a loving grandfather into a ferocious beast. He picked up Luffy and raised his fist to threaten him,"Damn Luffy, do you know that grandpa has finally come back from thousands of miles away to see you despite his busy schedule?"

Luffy was also frightened and sweat broke out on his forehead, but he still turned his head away and said stubbornly,"Then grandpa, go back to work, I'm doing well."

Garp was instantly angry and said,"Luffy, it seems that I haven't trained you for too long. Today I will teach you how to be a righteous navy!"

Luffy heard the word"navy" as if he had heard hell, and he didn't care about the majesty of his grandfather anymore. He shook his head firmly and said,

"No! I absolutely don't want to be a navy! I want to live freely!"

When Garp heard this, he immediately thought of the unfilial son who made him happy, and hit him with a"love fist".���Luffy's head.


Luffy covered his head, tears were about to flow, and he wailed:"Ah, it hurts, Grandpa, are you going to kill me?"

Garp grinned and said,"Luffy, this is a fist that contains the love of grandpa for his grandson."

"How can you be a righteous sailor if you can't even bear this little pain?"

"Grandpa, I told you I don't want to be a navy!"

"Grandpa will use his fists to correct your wrong idea."

Garp said with a smile while holding Luffy, then turned his head to look at Makino who seemed to feel sorry for Luffy, and said with a smile:"Makino, I will take Luffy away first, thank you for taking care of Luffy."

Makino waved his hand and said:"Mr. Garp, please don't say that, I like Luffy very much!"

"Then I'll lead Luffy away."

"Hi, Mr. Garp, take care!"

Bogart's mouth twitched as he watched Garp's family education method for his grandson.

He thought: Will little Luffy still be a navy with this? He won't go out to sea as a pirate to avenge his grandfather.

But thinking of Vice Admiral Garp's genius son, if it weren't for that incident, he would probably be a strong candidate for the admiral of the navy.

From this point of view, there should be no problem with Vice Admiral Garp's education method.

Bogart shook his head. This was not a problem he should think about. After all, it was Vice Admiral Garp's family affair.

The important thing now is which direction to go to find Noah and his group.

Thinking about it, he scratched his head with a headache.

In the end, he found a direction by tossing a coin and left the Windmill Village.

That direction was surprisingly opposite to Noah's location.

The first search was destined to fail before it even started.


Half a month later, the Navy Headquarters

"Moshimoshi, this is Borsalino."

In Sengoku's office, the voice of Borsalino, the current vice admiral of the navy monster, came from the Den Den Mushi.

Sengoku's brows jumped at the sloppy and wretched appearance of his future admiral candidate, but when he thought of his fruit ability and strength, he calmed down and said,"This is the headquarters of the navy, I'm Sengoku, what's the news?"

The Den Den Mushi raised its lips, acting as wretched as possible, and at the same time said,"Admiral Sengoku, there seems to be some unusual movements in the Big Mom Pirates recently. I don't know why Perospero and Katakuri from the Big Mom Pirates were dispatched, especially Katakuri, who is said to be Big Mom's most perfect work. It's really scary~!"


Zhan Guo felt that things had not been going well recently. Garp had called and said that he had searched many places in the East China Sea but could not find Noah and his gang. He also vowed that he would try his best to look for them again.

How could Zhan Guo not know that Garp was just planning to fish in the East China Sea!

"Then you go and keep an eye on what they are going to do. If they want to leave the New World, you must block their way."

Sengoku shook off the distracting thoughts in his mind and gave an order to Borsalino.

But Den Den Mushi raised his hands and said in a mean tone:"Spare me, General Sengoku. I'm busy hunting down Fisher Tiger. I just happened to receive information about them, and I can't get away now. After all, the Celestial Dragons are urging me."

Sengoku also thought of Borsalino's pursuit of Fisher Tiger who committed a heinous crime in Marijoa.

The Celestial Dragons were almost making a scene. They called every once in a while to ask about the situation, and then started to scold the navy for being incompetent.

He was a prospective admiral of the navy, but he was scolded like a dog by the Celestial Dragons.

Sengoku had begun to think that being a navy admiral was boring.

"All right."

Zhan Guo said tiredly and hung up the phone helplessly.

Borsalino on the other side was sitting cross-legged peacefully, took a deep breath and said,"That was a close call.~……"

"Please pour me a cup of tea to calm my nerves."

Borsalino turned to the soldier beside him and said, apparently there was no intelligence or hunting for Tiger.


"Sengoku, call Garp back."

Tsuru spoke at this time, and slowly analyzed the current situation to Sengoku:"Kuzan has to stay at the Marine Headquarters and guard Marijoa at the same time. He can't leave. The Celestial Dragons were scared by the previous incident. Someone must guard here so that he can rush to help Marijoa at any time."

"Borsalino is now chasing Fisher Tiger all over the world with the orders of the Celestial Dragons, and he has no time"

"The G1 branch in the New World is guarded by only Akainu, and he cannot leave without permission. In addition, Kaido often goes to the naval base to commit suicide recently. Only Akainu can barely resist."

"We don't have time to deal with Noah's unclear stance now. Let's get Garp back. Even if the worst-case scenario is just Noah fighting the monsters in the New World, it will be good for our navy."

"On the other hand, our navy's combat power is very limited now, and it will collapse in an instant if we are not careful."

After listening to He's analysis, Sengoku also felt that the current situation was indeed a bit like walking on a tightrope, and nodded and said:"Xiaohe, you are right, I have too many things to do recently, and I haven't paid attention to these things."

He shook her head. After all, this is her job. Even if she is a marshal, she can only take charge of the overall situation. It is impossible for her to grasp every single thing. At this time, she needs the help of the staff.

Sengoku immediately called Garp.

In the East China Sea, Windmill Village.

Garp was holding the Den Den Mushi microphone and answering the call from Sengoku.

"Nani! You want me to go back? No, I still need to find Noah!……"

"Grandpa, let me down!!!"

Luffy was tied to a balloon by Garp and flew into the sky. He begged for mercy from his grandfather in a terrified tone.

"My sixth sense tells me that if I don’t bring Noah back to the Navy Headquarters as soon as possible, there will be big trouble in the future!"

"I'm sorry, Grandpa, I won't dare to do that again! Put me down!"

Garp, sweating at his temples, covered the microphone and hushed to Luffy,"Keep your voice down, Luffy, don't you see Grandpa is on the phone?"

Then he quickly turned around and said with a smile,"Sengoku, I'm still���I'm busy searching. If there's nothing else, I'll hang up first."

Sengoku looked at Den Den Mushi in silence. Den Den Mushi had just replicated Garp's movements one by one.

"Garp, stop making trouble. The Navy Headquarters is short of manpower. Come quickly to replace Aokiji. There are changes with Big Mom again."

When Garp heard about the changes with Big Mom, his expression became serious and he nodded seriously:"Okay, I will go back as soon as possible."

"Grandpa, let me down.……"

At this time, Luffy was already shouting weakly.

After Garp hung up the phone, he leaped up with a moon step and grabbed Luffy.

Seeing that Luffy was a little limp, Garp thought for a while and finally punched Luffy on the head.

""Ah, wuwuwu! Damn Grandpa, it hurts so much."

Luffy stroked the bump on his head, jumping in pain, and he instantly became energetic.

But Garp said regardless:"Luffy, Grandpa has something to do and needs to leave. Don't forget to practice hard while you stay here, and strive to be a righteous sailor!"

"Ah, Grandpa is leaving?! Great!"

When Luffy heard that Grandpa was leaving, the pain on his head was gone. He didn't even refute the phrase"justice navy" that he always hated. He was even a little excited. Garp saw that Luffy didn't feel sad at all when he heard that he was leaving, but looked like he was going to open champagne to celebrate, and his fists hardened instantly.


"It hurts~~!"

Luffy 's head has a big big bag with a hot air.

When he came out of the cocoon, he couldn't help but be sad.


"It's okay, Mr. Garp has important things to do, and this is all I can do to help."

Makino smiled gently and replied.

She, or the whole village, knew that the reason why Windmill Village and even the entire East China Sea were so peaceful was all due to the reputation of this old man in front of them.

So the whole village was very willing to take care of Luffy.

""Sa, Luffy, grandpa is leaving, don't miss him too much!"

After saying that, Garp laughed and left with Bogart on the boat.

Only Luffy wiped his sweat and murmured,"I'm saved."

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