"How is Uta?"

Shanks turned around and asked Hongo with some concern. After all, the impact of the collision between their Conqueror's Haki had reached the level of physical damage.

Hongo said,"It's okay, Uta is asleep, there should be no problem. Don't underestimate Uta. After all, she has lived with us on the sea since she was a child."

Uta's physique is stronger than Luffy's current one. Luffy can even defeat a gorilla, and an ordinary adult probably can't even beat a gorilla.


Shanks finally smiled when he heard that Uta was fine.

But when he thought of Noah, his face became a little sad again.

"That domineering aura, where will that man lead the world?"

Shanks said to himself.

He could feel that Noah was not serious when he confronted him with his domineering color, and he looked very relaxed.

He thought that it might not be a big deal that this man could defeat the golden lion Shiki, and from this man's domineering color, he could clearly feel the belief of being above all living beings and turning his back on all living beings. He couldn't help but worry whether this man would drag the world into the vortex of world war ahead of time.

Beckman knew that Shanks was actually talking to him. He thought about it and found that Shanks' views were the same as his. He could only comfort him:"Shanks, don't think too much, it's best to do what you can."

Shanks pressed his straw hat and said,"Let's go, let's go see my captain's son."

As soon as the boat docked, someone below helped pull the boat to the right position.

At this time, a little boy ran over to Shanks, with his hands on his knees, panting heavily, but he soon stood up.

The little boy looked at the pirates in front of him with a little timidity in his eyes, but he still mustered up the courage to purse his lips, staring with anger and asked:"Are you pirates?"

Shanks saw that the little boy was obviously very scared, but pretended to be fierce and powerful. He looked at Beckman beside him, then laughed and proudly declared:

""Yes! We are pirates!"

Then Shanks stopped laughing and stared at the little boy, asking:"Excuse me, little boy, do you have any advice?" The little boy was so scared that he was sweating, but he forced himself to calm down and said:"Pirates, get out!"

Shanks was stunned. He didn't expect that the little boy in front of him was so brave.

Jesus Bu behind him also folded his hands and said with a smile:"Good boy, you are the same age as my son, but much stronger than my son."

Shanks admired the look in the boy's eyes very much, and put away the murderous look in his eyes. He smiled and said:"Well, forget it, we are not here to fight, can you let us go? Little guard."The little boy took a step back, and did not relax at all because of Shanks' praise.

Seeing this, Shanks also showed helplessness. He jumped off the boat and landed in front of the little boy, scaring the little boy to step back a few steps, but Shanks stretched out his hand to shake hands and said:"My name is Shanks, and I am the captain of this ship."

The little boy saw that Shanks didn't seem to have the intention to hurt anyone, so he let down his guard a little, but still raised his fist and threatened:"If you dare to mess around, I'll make you pay for it!"

Shanks didn't get angry. Instead, he smiled and said in a toning tone:"Yes, yes, I will never mess around."

The friends behind him also laughed and said,"Look, the boss is threatened by a kid!"

"Hahahaha, the boss is such a coward!"

"Hey! Show some respect to me in front of outsiders. I am the captain after all!"

"That's too bad, Captain.~!"


The little boy found the way these people got along very strange. The man in front of him was obviously the captain, but these men didn't seem to respect him at all.

This group of people in front of him gave him a special feeling. He felt that they had no restraints or identities, as if they were the freest wind on the sea.

This was the life the little boy expected, and this scene also made a strong impression on his decision to become a pirate in the future.

"My name is Luffy, and I will become the freest person on the sea in the future!"

The little boy Luffy looked at the group of people laughing and playing in front of him, and for some reason he suddenly shouted out his name and dream.


The surroundings suddenly became quiet. Shanks and the others stopped playing and looked at the one-meter-tall child in front of them with surprise.

But soon Shanks's friends began to laugh.

"Little boy, you may be small in stature, but your dreams are big!"

"What a great dream!"

"Luffy, right? When we get to the island, we must toast to Luffy’s dream!"

"Yeah yeah!"


Even Shanks pressed down his straw hat, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he murmured,"The freest person?"

For some reason, this sentence reminded Shanks of someone - Captain Roger

"What a wonderful dream!"

Noah followed closely and entered the dock, just in time to see the conversation between Shanks and Luffy.

Noah pulled down the sunglasses on his face and smiled at the girls,"This sea is so full of despair, but there is never a lack of people with dreams. It's amazing."

Noah has been to many places in the East China Sea. Many villages or towns have suffered from the burden of pirates and taxes. Some people are full of despair, but hope has never been cut off. There are always a few people who have not succumbed to the status quo.

Noah passed by these poor villages and towns, watching their ups and downs indifferently, without taking out a gold coin to give to these people, but just buying some supplies from them, and then left indifferently.

The girls were silent. Obviously, they also remembered the scenes along the way. This was still in the peaceful East China Sea. As for other waters, people's lives were probably even more difficult.

When the girls were sentimental, Noah stepped forward, squatted down and smiled at Luffy,"Hello! My name is Macefield Noah, you can call me Noah."

Luffy was a little confused by the familiar older brother in front of him, but he seemed to feel Noah's kindness and smiled and replied:"Hello, my name is Monkey.·D·Luffy!"


Noah murmured."D"It reminded him of Shiki the Golden Lion. Shiki had once asked him if he was"D", but today I met the orthodox descendant of D.

Noah stood up straight, raised his sunglasses, and said with a smile:"So Luffy, do you know where to get something to drink? I'll treat you!"

"Really?! Let's go, I'll take you to a pub, the drinks there are definitely delicious."

Luffy heard someone invite him to drink something, and immediately walked in front to lead the way.

Shanks looked at Noah and the others and Luffy, and was a little unsure of Noah's real purpose, as if he really traveled to this place.

"Well, forget it, maybe I am really a mean person."

Luffy took Noah and others to a tavern.

Luffy jumped in and pushed the door open, smiling and shouting:"Makino, I'm here to bring you business. This big brother said he wants to treat me to a drink. Give me a glass of milk."

Noah looked around and found that although the tavern was simple, it was clean.

"Customer, what would you like to order?"

Noah came back to his senses and saw the girl with dark green hair and a headscarf smiling and asking him behind the counter.

"Oh, bring over any delicious drinks you have."

Noah didn't order any food, after all, they had brought food with them and were going to have a picnic in the forest.

"Hello, guest!"

Makino quickly poured the juice that had been prepared long ago and brought it up.

""Thank you, beautiful sister!"

Noah smiled.

Makino blushed and waved her hand, saying,"Oh, you're welcome. This is what I should do."

Then, under the leadership of Luffy, Noah started a picnic beside a small stream in the forest with a wide view.

""Wow, Arigato, Noah, you are such a good person!"

Luffy stuffed his mouth with meat and thanked Noah for treating him to a meal this time.

The meat was really delicious, even better than what Makino made.

Noah found it interesting to see how much Luffy ate. Such a small child actually ate as much as an adult.

"Take your time eating. Elena is a knife expert, and Rosalind is a grill expert!"

Elena raised the chef's knife in her hand and waved it, and the large piece of meat on the table was divided into several equal parts.

Rosalind skillfully sprinkled spices and secret sauces while turning the meat over and grilling it.

Soon, a pile of grilled meat was ready.

Luffy looked at the grilled meat in front of him, his eyes shining, and found that he couldn't finish it. He couldn't finish it at all.

Today was the most enjoyable day he had eaten since he was born.

Makino's side���

"Brothers, drink as much as you can!"

Shanks touched his head a little embarrassedly when he saw the chaotic scene of his brothers below, and apologized:"I'm so sorry, we brothers will book the place, please bring out all the wine, and bring up some snacks and meat."

""Uh, yes!"

Makino was also shocked by the pirates in front of her. They were fine at first, but they became excited after drinking. Even the fat man in green striped clothes wanted to fight with another man with a monkey.

And the people below were still cheering and booing.

Makino really didn't understand this scene.

However, she was not afraid of these people making trouble. On the one hand, she used her woman's sixth sense to feel that the pirates in front of her were different. On the other hand, with the name of Mr. Garp, these people should not dare to mess around.

Makino quickly got busy. The pirates of the Red Hair Pirates were very nice. They sent a few people to help her carry the barrels of wine.

Shanks quietly began to look for the son of his own Captain Roger amid the sound of a group of people drinking and bragging.

With his extraordinary body speed, he soon searched the entire Windmill Village.

But soon Shanks became depressed because he found nothing.

"Where did that crazy old man Garp hide Ace?

Shanks, who had found nothing, scratched his head and could only return empty-handed. Beckman saw Shanks' depressed face when he returned, and he knew without asking that he hadn't found him, but for some reason, Beckman still asked.

"What? Can't find it?"


Shanks sat next to Beckman, poured himself a glass of wine, drank it in one gulp, sighed comfortably, and said,"I don't know where Garp hid him."

"This is normal. After all, if the World Government knew about his existence, it is not impossible for them to come to the Demon Slayer Order, so of course he had to hide well. As for the hiding place, it must not be a crowded place. So the only thing left is……"

The island is a place where people can hide.

The two of them looked at the continuous mountain range - Mount Korpo.

"No way, is he raising the captain's son like a savage?" Shanks looked at Beckman in disbelief. Beckman calmly analyzed:"Besides the Windmill Village, the only place on this island that can support people is the city center, but the city center is obviously not suitable. After all, people come and go, and Garp's actions are easy to attract attention.

"It's different in the mountains, there's less sight, it's not easy to be discovered, just ask who lives on the mountain, I guess you'll know, Garp will definitely arrange someone to take care of Ace."

Shanks also nodded in agreement, then laughed and patted Beckman on the back, saying,"You're worthy of being my brain."’!"

All his worries were gone, and Shanks was in high spirits. He raised his glass and smiled at his friends:

"Guys, let's have a drink!"

"The boss is back?"

"Has the boss ever been out?"

"Who cares! Boss, I'm going to make you drunk today!"

"Get lost! You always lie down first, okay?"


Looking at the scene of these pirates playing, Makino couldn't help but laugh.

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