"Well, it looks like we have a fight. After taking the medicine, the man's observation Haki has become stronger. It will be difficult for Sister Luo Lan to find the right opportunity to hit him."

Noah muttered while biting the straw.

"However, the most difficult situation is actually Kuina and her team. But that's right, after all, they are good swordsmen, and they are also very skilled in using the two-color domineering."

Noah glanced at Kuina and her team. The battle situation can only be said to be quite intense. If Kuina's team loses one person, it is likely to collapse.


A few minutes ago, on Kuina's side.

Irene took the lead, and Sibel, because of her fruit ability, attacked from the side to deliver the final blow.

Irene and Kuina covered on the side.

Irene used a shaving to dodge and disappeared.

Duke drew his sword and slashed at the place next to him.



Irene dodged and appeared at that position, and at the same time, she slashed at Duke with Frost and Snow.

Snap, snap, snap!

After the two of them were in a stalemate for a moment, Irene took the lead in withdrawing her sword.

After all, Irene is a girl, and she doesn't have the armed color domineering. It is a test for both herself and the sword to keep holding on.

Fortunately, Duke's knife is just an ordinary good-quality knife. Although the workmanship is good, it is far from Frost and Snow.

""One sword style·Draw the sword·Dragon roar!"




The sound of wooden boards cracking was heard, and then the surroundings were covered by dust.

Kuina smiled and said,"Sister Irene's sword-drawing and iron-cutting skills should hurt this person a little!"

Sibel and Irene also smiled and nodded. After all, they watched Irene perfect her sword skills step by step. The attack power of this move is much stronger than when she stepped into the sword master.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and the faces of the three women changed.


Duke caught Irene's sword firmly, and the sword was not damaged at all.

Irene's forehead was sweating a little. She gritted her teeth and stared at the other party's calm eyes. She glanced at the dark energy covering the other party's sword, and her heart suddenly understood.

I didn't expect that the armed color could protect the sword from being hurt by the iron-cutting sword.

That's right, otherwise the duel between swordsmen would be meaningless.

Duke suddenly slashed, dodging Irene's sword, and then raised it diagonally upwards, intending to hit Irene with a knife.


Irene's eyes flashed red, and she quickly retreated back to the three women.

Irena forced a smile and said,"It seems that this person doesn't seem like an enemy we can solve."

However, Sibel stared at Duke with fighting spirit, not at all shocked by his strength.

"Just right! If you are too weak, there is no value in training. The battle of equal strength and life-and-death crisis is the fast track to becoming a strong man."

Said Xibeier stared at Irene in front of him and shouted:"Irene, I will attack, you come to cooperate with me!"

Irene also knew that Xibeier was far better than her in terms of attack and strength, but the current opponent was stronger than them in terms of realm and strength, and he could also use two-color domineering.

So she nodded and retreated to one side.

Duke looked at the women changing their formations calmly, his face did not change at all, as if he was an emotionless killer.


Xibeier rushed towards Duke with his sword, without using any fast-moving skills, and clearly wanted to fight hard.

Duke's expression moved slightly, and he did not dodge and directly raised his sword and chopped Tang Zhu fiercely.

Xibeier swung the sword at an upward angle and hit Duke's sword.




Duke's hands holding the sword were shaking a little, which was not the case when he fought against Irene before.

This female swordsman is so strong!

This thought flashed through Duke's mind.

But Duke didn't care. The swordsman who can use Armament Haki and the swordsman who can't use Armament Haki are simply on two different levels.

Just as Duke was about to exert force to press the sword towards Xibel, his expression suddenly changed.

This was the first time that his face showed an emotional change since the battle.

He withdrew the sword abruptly.

Xibel curled the corners of his mouth, without any surprise.

Duke picked up the sword and took a look at the sword body, only to see that some frost had appeared on it at some point, and even his hand holding the sword was cold.

Duke clenched his fists, and only after the domineering aura surged up did he dispel the chill.

Duke looked up at Xibel and said in a low voice:"You are not a pure swordsman!"

Sibel shrugged, did not deny, and said:"Well, there is no way. There are two people on the ship who want to become the world's number one swordsman. Our captain's swordsmanship is terrifyingly strong. There was also a kid in the place where I learned swordsmanship who was also terrifyingly talented in swordsmanship."

"As for me, although I have a good talent for swordsmanship, since I have no chance of becoming the strongest, I will not reject the idea of integrating my fruit ability into swordsmanship. After all, I am not as sincere as those people towards swordsmanship."

Duke's eyes twitched slightly, and he did not speak. He clenched his sword tightly, and after wrapping his armament color around it, he swung out a flying slash.

""One-sword style: Wind cut!"


A green slash flew towards Sibel.

Sibel defended herself with her sword with a serious expression, but the speed was too fast and she had no time to dodge.

At this time, Irene had observed the power and trajectory of the sword with the help of her observation Haki, and instantly flew to Sibel's side and swung her sword.


The two of them blocked the slash tightly.

Kuina's expression was slightly condensed, and she said,"What a sharp slash!"

Kuina and Elena looked at each other and nodded, and then the two of them used shaving skills to dodge to both sides of Duke.

At the same time, Irene and Sibel also looked at each other, suddenly kicked the slash away, and then they both slashed out two flying slashes to cover the two women.

"One-sword style·Tiger pounce!"

"One-sword style: Cold cut!"

Swish, swish~~~

Duke's eyes flashed red and he made the best judgment in an instant. He hastily swung out two slashes to block the blow, and then turned his body 270 degrees.

Clang~~! The two women who were close to him were instantly chopped away, and a bloody mark appeared on their chests, and a large amount of blood began to spurt out.

"Irene, Kuina!"×2

Irene and Sibel's expressions changed and they shouted anxiously.

Duke gathered his strength and easily destroyed the two attacks that broke through the slash, then dodged and missed the two women.

"One-sword style: The wind is passing through the forest!"


""Ahem!" ×2

The two women leaned back, and each of them had a slanted wound on their chest.

Duke turned his back to the four women and said in a flat voice:"The strength is good, but it's too early. What a pity.……"

Seeing Duke's good situation, Umit smiled proudly and said,"You are worthy of being my shield. Humph, Jace and Reagan are just two pieces of trash. They are simply incomparable."

As he said that, he focused his attention on Jace and Reagan.


Noah saw that the four girls were chopped to the ground, but he was not too panicked. Instead, he watched with relish.

Shanks was speechless:"Your maids have all been chopped down, and you are still drinking beverages here leisurely."

Noah smiled:"They have never been injured in battle. I have taken them to see blood before, but they were just a group of soldiers. Now they are fighting against the strong. Isn't it normal for them to get injured?"

In order to train these maids, Noah is really acting as a nanny.

There is no other way. If you want to live more comfortably in the future, you have to invest more now.

Seeing that Noah was not nervous, Shanks couldn't help but ask curiously:"I think those knives are not fatal, but they should not be able to fight. Why are you still watching here?"

Noah smiled, raised his chin, and motioned to continue watching


Liya glanced at Irene and the others, sweat on her forehead could not help but come out, she smiled and said:"It seems that Irene and the others' opponents are very unusual, they are lying down."

Vanessa was also a little worried, but she felt that although their breath was much weaker, they should still be conscious at this level, so she was relieved and smiled flatteringly:

"There is no way, there is no help from you, Liya."

Liya laughed and scolded:"Don't give me that, they should be well prepared, right?" Vanessa nodded and said:"Of course, if you are not well prepared to fight against a strong person, you deserve to die."

Luo Lan beside him also breathed a sigh of relief, patted his chest and said:"That's all right"


Duke was holding a knife and walking slowly towards Kuina and Elena, the two closest to him. He was also slowly raising the knife in his hand, obviously intending to kill the two first.

"What a pity for the kendo genius, goodbye, I will remember you!"

Duke swung his knife and slashed at Kuina's neck.


At this moment, the long sword in Duke's hand suddenly turned around and slashed to the left.


Suddenly, Xibel appeared on his left side and slashed at his neck with the same sword.

Fortunately, Duke's quick reaction stopped him.

"Nani! You shouldn't be able to get up now."

Duke was a little shocked. If it weren't for the bright red on Xibel's chest, he would have thought that he was dreaming about the knife he just made.

At this moment, Irene flashed beside him and dragged them aside with one hand each.

"Huh? She's fine too?! What's going on here?"

Duke was no longer as serious as he was at the beginning, and his expression changed again and again.

Sibel smiled and said,"Why so many whys! We have the best doctor of the future!"

"And you are really cautious. We were all lying down, but you were still able to react with your observation Haki."

As he said this, Xibeier's expression became stern and he shouted:

""Ice hour!"

Duke found that the temperature around him suddenly dropped to below zero, and even continued to drop at an unabated speed.

Duke quickly covered his body with Armament Haki, and then suddenly pushed Sibel away with force.

Sibel also took advantage of the situation and jumped back to land steadily.

Sibel looked at the purple frostbite on Duke's hand at this moment, and smiled:"It seems that Armament Haki is not omnipotent, but it is more likely that you have not practiced it well enough."

Duke looked ugly, but did not refute. People like him are either yes or no.

Sibel raised her right hand and smiled:"Your knife just now hurt me a lot, but it's not that serious."

As she spoke, her fist was suddenly covered with a touch of black, and she smiled smugly:

"It was just in time to awaken this thing, otherwise that knife would not have just that little depth."

Duke's expression was solemn.

Armament Haki!

This female swordsman actually awakened Armament Haki.

Awakened in battle?

It should be said that she is a genius after all, even her character is so good, otherwise how could she stabilize her mind and break through in battle.

But fortunately, she just awakened, and the Armament Haki can only cover a small part, not to mention entanglement.

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