Jayce covered his armament color with one hand and rushed towards the four women at the speed of an arrow.

Although one hand was broken, Jayce's strength at this moment was even stronger than before, like a beast that had been aroused.

In the game, it is called"rage at low health".

"I'll do it!"

Joanna was about to rush forward, but Rosalind got there first.

Joanna could only pout and say,"How cunning."

Rosalind kicked forward with one foot, raising a cloud of dust, and kicked at Jace's fist.

"Iron block, red cherry blossoms!"

The calves in short high heels instantly burned, and the scattered sparks were as beautiful as scattered cherry blossoms.

"I'll break your legs!"

Jace's expression was ferocious, and the color of his fist became brighter. He seemed to have seen Rosalind's legs being beaten into a knot.

Rosalind's mouth curled up.




Jace looked at Rosalind who was in a stalemate with him, his eyes full of disbelief.

Rosalind stood on one leg and steadily withstood Jace's attack.

Jace glanced at Rosalind's burning kick, and he found something.

"This... is this Armament Haki?"

Rosalind smiled and said,"Of course, otherwise I wouldn't dare to take your punch head-on!"

Although Jace looked ugly, he pretended to be calm and shouted,"Stinky woman, don't think you can fight me with your poor Armament Haki!"

Sure enough, as soon as Jace exerted force, Rosalind flew backwards in an instant.

But Rosalind rolled several times and stopped on the guardrail of the ship.

Just when Jace's expression was slightly relaxed, his Observation Haki suddenly acted up and issued a strong warning.

Jace stared at a place not far from him and shouted in surprise,"What's there?"


Suddenly a voice rang in her ears, and he remembered it immediately. It was the voice of the woman from the Department of Natural Sciences.

He seemed to have thought of something, and bit his tongue fiercely. Sure enough, the scene around him seemed to change.

A woman appeared in front of him, holding a spiral ball of fire, and sneered:

"Spiral Kagutsuchi!"

A solid spiral column of fire gushed out from her hand and shot straight at Jace's stomach.


In an instant, Jace felt the breath of death. He could only use all his domineering power to infuse his fist and punched the incoming column of fire fiercely.


In an instant, the flames were blocked by Jace's attack. A heat wave was set off on Jace's side, and some flames on Michelle's side were carried by the air wave. However, as a user of the Flame-Flame Fruit, Michelle didn't care at all. Instead, she shouted and continuously output the flames in her hand. The column of fire became bigger for a while.

Jace seemed to have his potential stimulated. The veins all over his body were revealed and squirming like a centipede, and he suppressed the flames in front of him step by step.

At this moment, Joanna and Alyssa suddenly appeared on his left and right. They attacked from both sides and kicked him hard at the temple.

Jace quickly gathered some armed color to resist.

Joanna and Alyssa's mouth corners curled, and a stream of energy wrapped around their feet (or claws)

"Peacock dance!"

"Suzaku Seal!"

A ball of fire appeared on Joanna's feet, and when she kicked towards Jace, it turned into a powerful shock wave with fire attributes.

Alyssa's feathers trembled, shining with colorful light, which shook Jace's mind. In an instant, the Armament Haki on his head disappeared, and even the strength of his hands that resisted Michelle's attack began to weaken.

Finally, the two kicked Jace on the temple.


Jace's sides seemed to be crushed in an instant, and Jace's eyes began to become bloodshot.

Only then did Jace wake up from the illusion, but it was too late. He could only question in vain whether these women were playing him, and why they suddenly awakened Armament Haki while fighting.

But he didn't even get to ask, because after Jace let go, the spiral torch that attacked him pressed against his stomach.

In less than a second, the pillar of fire appeared. Behind him.

Michelle dispersed the fireball in his hand and immediately collapsed to the ground.

As for Jace, he saw that he had the same hollow belly as the future Whitebeard, without a drop of blood flowing out, and he even faintly smelled the aroma of barbecue, with a bit of burnt smell in the middle.

He touched it with his hand, as if he couldn't believe that he was going to die, but in the end he could only fall on the deck in vain, his wide-open eyes full of unwillingness. After all, he didn't have the vitality of a monster like Whitebeard, who could still be so fierce with a hole in his belly, and he could still beat Blackbeard with the last two holes. He actually died in the hands of a group of rookies, how unwilling!


Michelle sat on the deck exhausted, and smiled with tired eyes:"Finally won, fortunately there is sister Alyssa's illusion, otherwise I wouldn't have time to condense that thing."

That kind of flame not only has a temperature of nearly a thousand degrees, but also has a spiral piercing effect. Michelle's mental and physical strength are drained away like a sink when she controls it.

Even though she is a fantasy beast, Alyssa is quite tired at this moment. After all, she is not a strong attacking fantasy beast. She smiled with fatigue in her eyes:"If it weren't for Rosalind's help to distract his attention, he would have seen through that illusion."

After all, Alyssa is much weaker than Jace, and because she is afraid of hurting her partners, she doesn't even dare to use psychedelic powder, and the same goes for her voice. She can only use her eyes and colorful feathers to cast illusions, so the illusions she uses are very weak.

Alyssa is also very distressed about her ability. She is too weak in team combat. If she is not careful, she will affect her teammates. She doesn't know if it will be better to conduct precise training on her abilities in the future.

Joanna pouted and said dissatisfiedly:"It should have been me just now, but Sister Rosalind got there first."

Rosalind's forehead was sweating, and she waved her hand embarrassedly:"That's because I feel embarrassed that Joanna has been acting as a meat shield before."

Joanna reluctantly agreed with her explanation, but after all, as a tank warrior with self-healing, if she didn't take over, who would?

Joanna gave a look that said you're being nice, and then she began to use the healing flame to heal the women's injuries.

In the battle just now, even Michelle, who had been attacking from a distance, was beaten with bruises all over her body, and even broke two ribs.

However, the reward was that all four women awakened their observation Haki, and the three women except Michelle awakened their armament Haki


Noah laughed and said,"See, we won!"

Shanks said with dead fish eyes drooping,"With that potion and Joanna's healing flame, as long as he is not killed instantly, we can definitely kill him."

Noah laughed and said,"It's only been more than 20 minutes!"

Shanks curled his lips and said,"That man's physical skills are good, but he was too careless and lost an arm. However,……"

Shanks didn't say anything, but he was thinking:

Even if there was no accident, he would have died. The attack power of the natural Flame-Flame Fruit is recognized to be strong. The attack power of the Suzaku Fruit is even stronger than that of the Flame-Flame Fruit at normal temperature. Coupled with the weird five-colored Peacock Fruit and Rosalind's amazing kicking skills, death is inevitable.

From the time Jess looked down on the four girls who were not even newcomers because he was an old man in the New World, he was doomed to fail.

How stupid!

Although it is one thing to have no Haki, Haki is just a plus. Even if Luffy didn't learn Haki, he defeated Rob Lucci, who was comparable to the vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

Strength = physique + strength + technology + fruit ability + Haki + some other minor factors.

Jess still doesn't understand that those who can be Haki are not necessarily strong, but strong people will definitely be Haki.

Noah clapped his hands and laughed,"Anyway, judging from their smiles, they have gained a lot. With the guidance of the elders of the New World, their horizons will surely be broadened."

Shanks smiled and shook his head, saying,"These people are at most stronger than supernovas (excluding the supernovas of the later worst generation). They are Umit's bodyguards. With Umit's timid nature, their chances of fighting are pitifully small. These people probably haven't become much stronger after becoming Umit's bodyguards."

Noah shrugged and said,"At least they all know dual-color domineering, so they can teach them."

"Just wait and see. Liya's situation should be almost over. I can see that the life of the man with the gun is almost extinguished."

"Oh? You still have this ability?"

"Well, even if your observation Haki is stronger, you can still sense the weakness and decay under the raging fire."


Umit saw that Jace had been defeated, and he gritted his teeth in hatred, thinking whether he should take action himself.

But when he thought that the other captain had not yet arrived, Umit softened again.

He saw that Reagan's death was approaching, and the situation on Duke's side seemed to be getting worse, and he had already thought of escaping.

But just as he was about to take the devil fruit and run, whoosh!

A blue energy ball hit his way.


This attack only broke a piece of wood on the ground, and the attack power was very weak.

He looked in the direction of the attack and saw two large sailing ships. He vaguely saw a person standing on the side of the ship.

Umit understood that this was a warning to him. He could hit his way accurately from such a distance, so he could easily hit his head.

He didn't dare to bet whether he could dodge this person's attack or defend against his attack.

Umit quickly raised his hand and shouted,"What do you want? I have money. I can give you a lot of money!"

At this time, Alisa came over and said,"Leave the devil fruit!"

Alisa did not mention money. After all, the biggest joke in the world is that Noah is short of money.

Umit looked embarrassed. This was a gift for his aunt.

But he soon realized that in this situation, saving his life was more important. He nodded and said,"Okay, okay."

He also put the box on the ground and pushed it hard in the direction of Alisa.

After doing it, he glanced in the direction of Noah and found that Noah seemed to have relaxed his vigilance after seeing Alisa get the devil fruit.

Umit took advantage of Alisa opening the box to check, and instantly flashed to the side of the ship, and then jumped off the ship.

This set of actions was smooth and flowing, as if it had been rehearsed thousands of times.

Even Alisa in front of him saw him jumping down as soon as he opened the box.

However, Umit forgot that it was no longer the sea below. It had been frozen by Sibel at the beginning.

So... bang!

Umit fell headfirst like a carrot in the field, but he quickly pulled his head out and ran all the way out of the freezing range, but he finally escaped into the sea.

When Alisa saw Umit trying to escape, she didn't want to chase him in a hurry, because her physical strength had not recovered yet. After all, although potions have no side effects, it is not advisable to drink too much in a day.

She was not sure that she could beat Umit. What if he was pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger?

And the most important devil fruit has been obtained.

"Eh! What a pity, I can only let that scum go for now!"


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