Noah didn't care at all. Ordinary steel was no different from thin paper to the swordsman.

But he was more interested in what Rosalind said about being able to boil the sea in ten seconds.

"This ability is very effective against enemy ships and enemies that fall into the water."

Noah touched his chin and nodded.

Rosalind nodded and said,"Although the boiling point of water is only 100 degrees, I can transmit my high temperature ability through water as a medium, so I can make the temperature in the water higher than 100 degrees."

Noah said,"As long as you are satisfied, there is nothing you can do if you are not satisfied."

Noah shrugged with a nonchalant smile.

Noah turned his head to Leah behind him and said,"See if Shanks and the others have woken up and are ready to go."

Leah nodded and left.

Noah then asked Rosalind,"Are there enough supplies?"

Rosalind recalled and said,"Probably enough. There are only about five days left of the voyage."

Noah nodded and said,"That's fine."

Immediately, Noah thought of the banquet last night, and he didn't know if Shanks had enough supplies.

Leah came back and bowed and replied,"Lord Noah, it's ready."

Noah nodded and said,"Let's go then"


Shanks rubbed his head with his sleepy eyes drooping, feeling a little hangover headache, and said weakly:"Beckman, did Noah fall down in the end?"

Beckman picked up a cigarette and put it in his mouth, looked at Shanks speechlessly, and said unhappily:"I fell down before you!"

He seriously suspected that Shanks did it on purpose, poking his wound.

Shanks laughed, patted Beckman's back a few times, and suddenly said:"Haha, by the way, you are too lame, you fell down so quickly."

Beckman retorted with a fierce look:"You are the same, otherwise you wouldn't ask me such a question!"

Shanks picked his ears and turned his head to change the subject:"I didn't expect Noah to be so drunk, and he is only twelve years old, he is simply a natural freak."

Shanks learned this from Noah when he was drinking and bragging with Noah last night. Shanks was shocked at the time.

Beckman lit the cigarette in his hand and said,"Although he is a little surprised to be twelve years old, his face is indeed very childish. If he were shorter and his eyes were more innocent, there would be no difference between him and a twelve-year-old boy."

Shanks nodded and suddenly laughed,"I didn't expect this kid to be such a kid! No wonder he likes Uta!"

Beckman glanced and said,"You can't beat him!"

Shanks said unconvinced,"After all, he is still a kid. Maybe he is still drinking milk on his own ship!"

Beckman said expressionlessly,"You can't beat him!"

Shanks was a little crazy:"Except for strength, what else can he compare with me!"

Beckman looked Shanks up and down, and was speechless that Shanks had no self-awareness at all. He patted Shanks on the shoulder and said,"It's better to compare strength than anything else. Work hard to practice. After all, those things are innate. You can't compare them if you can't. But strength has a lot of acquired components."

Shanks looked at Beckman in confusion, not knowing what he meant.

"Hey, Beckman, what do you mean by that? I don't understand you."

Beckman had already stood up, turned around and waved at him, but ignored him, and ran to call other companions to start the boat.


One morning,

Uta sat on the swing on the boat and asked Rosalind boredly,"Sister Rosalind, why do you want to eat the hot fruit? It's not fun at all!"

Rosalind covered her mouth and laughed,"Your Song Song Fruit is not fun at all? Then why did you eat it?"

Uta blushed and retorted,"I ate it accidentally because I thought the fruit looked good. And my fruit is not that simple. I can pull you into the Song Song world, where I can control and create everything."

"Huh?!" ×n

The girls thought it was magical. Joanna asked,"Isn't this invincible?"

Michelle nodded in agreement and said,"What's the difference between this and God?"

Uta's face turned redder after being praised. She waved her hand and explained,"But the stronger the person, the greater the consumption after being pulled into the Gege world. So the feeling you gave before was just a sleep, that's because……"

Uta poked her finger and said embarrassedly,"That's because I fell asleep as soon as I pulled you in."

No wonder the girls thought that the Song Song Fruit was just a lullaby, and they fell asleep as soon as they sang.

Vanessa comforted her,"It's okay, Uta, as long as you work hard in the future, you will definitely become stronger."

The girls also comforted her in this way, and they did not mean to underestimate this fruit.

After all, falling asleep while fighting, what's the difference between this and a death sentence?

Not to mention that Uta's strength in the Song Song world can be greatly increased, and the enemy's strength will be compressed because of the loss of the home court.

Luo Lan also put forward her own opinion. She believes that spiritual death is more thorough than physical death.

So if you die in the Song Song world, you will most likely die in reality.

Uta didn't know that she could control the body of the person she pulled into the Song Song world at will, because she still couldn't use the fruit ability normally until now.

Noah and Luo Lan played chess while listening to Uta talking about her fruit ability.

At this time, Noah had just finished his chess move and looked up to find a very strange island in front of him.

Noah pointed and asked Loran:"Are we there yet?"

Loran turned around and shouted with a smile:"Everyone, we are at Magnetic Drum Island."

The girls hurried back to their original positions. Sibel ran to the helm, ready to find a place to dock, and Michelle prepared to fold the sails.

Noah looked at the island in front of him. It was obvious that the sea water and the surrounding seas did not have a winter climate, but as soon as he got close to the climate around Magnetic Drum Island, there was an inexplicable sense of separation.

It was as if winter had suddenly arrived.

There was nothing to see on the island, it was just a sea of white. Noah could see some buildings on the island, which should be the clubhouse for the residents of the island.

The only thing that surprised Noah was that there was a towering mountain in the center of the island, like a big tree.

The thick clouds in the sky covered the mountain tightly, as if it was a big tree blooming with white cotton.


After everyone parked the boat, Shanks said that they would just go up to replenish some supplies and let Noah and the others go to find Dr. Kuleha.

Noah and the others naturally didn't mind, but as soon as they got off the boat, soldiers surrounded them.

A minotaur in a green coat came out.

Noah was not interested in him, his eyes were fixed on the weapon behind him - a weapon similar to a shovel, and he blurted out:

"Is your military system to use soldiers to cultivate farmland and become self-sufficient in farming to reduce the amount of food that civilians have to hand in?"

Noah touched his chin and said in agreement,"It seems that your pseudo-king is rare and wise, and has a good brain to think of this system."

The minotaur Dalton was about to ask them about the purpose of coming here. After all, Shanks' pirate flag was flying high, which was extremely eye-catching.

Shanks' name might be well known in the second half of the Grand Line, but if you don't pay enough attention to newspaper current affairs in the first half, you might not know that Shanks is a man with a bounty of more than 1 billion.

In addition, Shanks is usually very unremarkable, which makes it even harder to tell.

Noah suspected at first that Shanks did it on purpose, in order to fool the enemy and let them down their guard.

Dalton was stunned by Noah's words before he could say anything, and even immersed himself in his guess involuntarily.

Eh?! What the man said is really good. This way, a lot of military expenses can be saved, and this group of soldiers can also be trained. physical strength.

But he quickly got rid of this idea. Once he told this idea to Wapol, Wapol might agree that the army should be self-sufficient, but the money saved would definitely not be distributed to civilians, but would go into his own pocket for his own enjoyment.

This would not reduce the burden on civilians, and would offend these soldiers.

After all, being a soldier is an idle job. You don't have to do anything. You just have to stand there at the appointed time.

Pirates generally don't attack the Drum Kingdom. After all, it is a member of the World Alliance, and Wapol has the right to call in the navy.

Ordinary pirates will not gnaw on such a hard bone. Non-member states of the World are much more attractive. At most, they will carry some bounties.

This is too good for them.

Dalton came back to his senses and asked Noah and others in a stern voice:"What are you doing?"

Noah's face was���Unhappy, is this questioning me?

Liya stepped forward very tactfully and said with a smile:"We are travelers, we are here to find Dr. Kuleha and buy some supplies."

Dalton looked at the group of women surrounding Noah, and secretly thought:

It must be a noble young man from a kingdom who brought his maid and housekeeper out for fun.

But when Dalton heard that they were here to find Dr. Kuleha, his face changed slightly.

The soldiers around him ignored Dalton and pointed their guns at him, asking,"Do you know that witch? If you know what's good for you, tell me where the witch is."

Dalton glanced at the soldiers, feeling a little dissatisfied, but still apologetically said,"I'm sorry, our country is now implementing the 'doctor eradication' operation. The king wants to form a team of 20 doctors and invite 20 top doctors to join the team. Dr. Kuleha is one of the doctors who is unwilling to obey the king. Now I don't know where she is hiding. Please don't resist. As long as you tell the truth, I will definitely guarantee your safety."

Dalton inevitably felt a little guilty, but when he thought that the other party was not from his country, the guilt in his heart was much lighter.

Thinking of this, Dalton couldn't help but curse that the Golden Lion died at the wrong time. According to the report of the Golden Lion some time ago, Wapol found that the dignified Golden Lion couldn't even handle a small rudder. He realized that the greatest treasure of his country was those doctors.

As long as he owned all the doctors, then no matter if the citizens or other bigwigs wanted to be cured, they would have to offer their treasures and beg him to treat them.

So the absurd plan of"eliminating doctors" was born.

Noah's face was gloomy, and even Alyssa and Vanessa, who usually had the best temper, looked unhappy.

The atmosphere of the whole scene suddenly became heavy...

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