Dr. Kuleha and Vanessa were waiting for Hiluluk to treat the snowman's wound.

Perhaps because Hiluluk was a mediocre doctor who often misled people and was often chased and injured, his movements were skillful and fast, and he bandaged the snowman in just a few minutes.

""Okay, it's time to go!"

Dr. Kuleha urged. After all, as a doctor, she also likes to do drug research. However, her stocks of many drugs are scarce, and the climate of the Drum Kingdom is not suitable for growing some medicinal materials.

Although she charges high consultation fees on weekdays, a lot of money is invested in buying drugs and research equipment.

Of course, more is spent on buying wine.

Shiruluk muttered,"I know, I know! So nagging!"

As he said that, he walked towards Dr. Kuleha with a briefcase.

The snow man looked at the three people leaving and felt a little sad. Could it be that he had finally met a companion who was willing to accept him, but now he was going to leave him again?

Just as the snow man resigned himself to his fate and turned his back to leave, a voice called him.

"Hey! What are you still doing there?"

Xue Nan's body froze when he heard it. He turned his head hesitantly, even doubting whether he was talking to him.

He saw Xiluluk staring with his right eye, as if looking at a patient who refused to listen, and said:"Your injury needs to be changed, why don't you come with me!"

Xue Nan was stunned, staring at Xiluluk, as if to confirm whether this was an illusion. Soon a smile appeared on his face, and his mouth opened wide, but soon he remembered something and quickly covered his mouth again. He nodded and ran after Xiluluk.

Xiluluk said with disgust:"Are you crying? You should be a man, how can a man cry?!"

Xiluluk seemed to have someone to talk to in this team, and he kept talking.

Xue Nan also smiled and nodded from time to time


Several days passed.

During these days, Doctor 20 moved his collection of medical books, some of his medical records, and some books on drug research they did to the ship.

Noah looked at these piles of books and murmured,"It seems that we have to change the ship."

Because the library can't hold some of them, it can be expanded, but it's better to change the ship, anyway, we have to find a boatman.

As for putting it in the king's treasure, Noah certainly doesn't want to, because if you put it in there for a long time, everyone will forget it.

It's like knowing that there are apples in the refrigerator, but you often put the apples in the refrigerator until they rot and don't remember to take them out to eat.

Although Loran usually works part-time as a boatman, the trauma of the boat in the previous battle with the Golden Lion still hurt the keel.

Now the boat can only be said to be able to sail, but it can't last long.

Joanna suddenly shouted,"Eh? Why is that minotaur here again?"

Dalton was driving a sled, pulling another pile of medical books behind him, and stopped steadily on the shore.

Dalton got out of the car and shouted respectfully:"Mr. Noah! This is the book that Miss Kuleha gave to Miss Vanessa on your ship."

Michelle lowered the ladder and shouted:"Have they brought it up?"

Dalton called the soldiers who followed him to bring the books on board.

Noah did not say anything when he saw this. He turned his head and asked Leah:"Sister Vanessa has not been kidnapped by Dr. Kuleha. She hasn't come back for so long."

Leah was also a little worried, but when she thought about it, she felt a little relieved. After thinking about it, she guessed:"It may be that Hiluluk's condition attracted her interest, or it may be that Hiluluk's condition requires a lot of complicated doses of medicine."


Noah pinched his chin and smiled and said,"I heard about him from Sister Joanna before. He is an alternative doctor."

Joanna exclaimed in surprise,"Huh? Is this quack really qualified to be a doctor?"

Noah nodded and smiled,"It's just that he doesn't treat people's physical illnesses, but people's spiritual trauma."

"Maybe it would be more appropriate to call him a 'psychologist'."

(PS: There seems to be no such concept as a psychologist in One Piece, just like in Naruto, it all depends on the Will of Fire to bluff people. Freedom is the One Piece version of the"Will of Fire.")

Joanna half drooped her eyes and said,"Anyway, in my opinion, he is a quack doctor for often injecting patients with drugs that he researched randomly."

Noah spread his hands, indicating that he could not refute Hiruluk on this issue.

Noah turned his head and thought about Vanessa.

He propped his chin with his hand, drooped his eyelids and smiled,"I hope it's not that he feels too comfortable using Sister Vanessa's infinite medicine library and is reluctant to let go."

Leah could only smile bitterly at this.

Noah turned his head, looked at Uta, and asked,"How are Shanks and the others?"

Uta curled his lips and said,"What else can it be! They must still be drinking in that tavern!"

"It is said that the tavern owner sold his collection because of the new national birth. Shanks and his friends have not been back for two days."A little princess like Uta obviously dislikes Shanks and his friends, mainly because they always stink of alcohol, which makes her want to vomit.

Noah murmured,"Is it really that good? I don't know if I bought this kind of wine when I was shopping before."

Noah would buy the local wine whenever he went to a place, and he would buy a lot of it.


Two days later

"Ah! Damn it! What on earth has sister Vanessa been doing for so long?"

Joanna shouted in boredom, lying on the railing of the boat.

These days, she has played the ferocious Labang, met the interesting hiking bear, and played everything that can be played on the island, but Vanessa has not come back yet.

Michelle also said weakly:"Damn it! I should have gone with sister Vanessa at the beginning. Now I don't even know where to find her if I want to."

Noah was not in a hurry at all, and so was Shanks.

Shanks had almost finished drinking, so he pulled his friends to start training domineering.

He himself started fighting with Beckman, and of course the venue was still built by Sibel.


Beckman's gun spit out flames, and Shanks dodged it by tilting his head, and slashed at Beckman at close range. Except for not using the domineering color entanglement, he was merciless.

After Beckman's armament color hardened his legs, he kicked Shanks' Griffin with a side kick, and dark red lightning raged in an instant.




The strong convection wind and the ice surface that broke and even sank more than half a meter under his feet showed the fierce collision of the two domineering.

Noah looked at Shanks with interest and said,"I didn't expect Shanks' armament color to be harder! Is it because of the previous fight with me?"


Noah turned his head to look at Beckman who was opposite Shanks, and said,"I didn't expect that Beckman was also a master of Conqueror's Haki. Shanks is quite capable to be able to subdue Beckman!"

Noah could see at a glance the hidden Conqueror's Haki in Beckman, but he didn't know whether it was not awakened or suppressed.

Roland was holding a pen and a small notebook, and he didn't know what was recorded.

Noah leaned over to take a look, and it turned out to be some suggestions for modifying the guns and some insights into gun skills.

Elena came over with a cart full of meat, and smiled at Roland,"Roland, this is what you want to eat."

Noah was no longer surprised by this.

Roland put the notebook on the railing of the boat, picked up a piece of meat with her left hand and ate it. This was her third meal today.

Because of the Swallowing Fruit, Roland can absorb the energy from meat to the greatest extent to become stronger. At the same time, her appetite has begun to catch up with Noah, and is even about to exceed him.

Just when Noah was speechless, he suddenly raised his head and smiled:

"Finally here."

Liya and the others were also stunned for a moment, and then they all looked towards the shore.

They saw a black shadow gradually approaching, and the girls stared at the black shadow with a smile.

After a few seconds, Vanessa appeared in the sight of the girls. She was riding on a reindeer at the moment. The only feature was that the nose of the reindeer was actually blue.

Vanessa turned over and got off the reindeer's back, and said to the reindeer with a smile:"Thank you, Chopper!"

Unexpectedly, the reindeer blushed and even opened his mouth to speak, saying:"You are so polite, Vanessa, and thank you for taking care of me during this period of time."

The girls also got off the boat at this time, and heard that the reindeer actually spoke, and they couldn't help but raise their voices in surprise and said:"Huh? The reindeer spoke!"

Chopper turned his head and looked at the women. After a quick glance, he immediately fixed his eyes on Irene. His face suddenly changed and turned into a form like a civet cat.

He hurriedly hid behind Vanessa, but there was something wrong with his hiding posture.

Vanessa smiled and asked,"Chopper, what's wrong? They are all my partners."

Chopper swallowed and pointed at Irene and said stutteringly,"The breath of this woman is so scary."

Vanessa tilted her head in confusion.

After Vanessa's questioning, she realized that Irene had unconsciously brought such a big psychological shadow to Chopper.

It turned out that when Irene found Chopper, she immediately became alert, holding Frost and Snow tightly in her hands, and the whole person showed the momentum of a swordsman.

This made Chopper, who was born as an animal and was born to be particularly sensitive to danger, his hair stand on end. At that time, he rolled and crawled away without looking back.

Even now, when he sees Irene, his legs and feet still go weak unconsciously.

Vanessa comforted,"Okay, don't worry, Irene won't hurt you."

After hearing Vanessa's words, Chopper slowly walked out.

He looked at Irene and found that Irene was also looking at him with a silly look on her face. She looked harmless and didn't look like she was going to chop him into eighteen pieces if they disagreed.

He even wondered if he was scared by humans at the time, so he had hallucinations when he saw humans.

After thinking about it, Chopper breathed a sigh of relief and approached the girls with an embarrassed smile:

"Hello, my name is Tony Tony Chopper! This is the name that Doctor Hiluluk gave me, and I'm glad to meet you!"

The girls were instantly attracted by Chopper's cute look, and even Joanna quickly rushed over and hugged Chopper, kneading him continuously, as if she was playing with a rag doll.

Chopper was completely frightened, pushing Joanna, looking like a victim, shouting"No","Don't come over","Let me go" and so on.

Michelle also asked Chopper curiously,"Chopper, are you a reindeer that ate the raccoon fruit, or a raccoon that ate the reindeer fruit?"

Chopper didn't care about anything else in an instant, and shouted with fierce eyes and fangs:"I am a reindeer that ate the human-human fruit, not a raccoon! Remember that!" He looked ferocious, but in the eyes of the girls, he was so cute.

In an instant, Chopper was kneaded by the girls again.

Chopper could only look up at the sky with despair on his face


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