She moved her steps and stood in front of the mirror. She stretched out her hands and patted her cheek gently. The emotion in her eyes became much firmer.

"Nie Nanyan, are you ready..."

I took another deep breath, opened the bathroom door, and slipped out.

Qin Guanqi sat on the bed, holding the remote control in his hand, adjusting the content on the TV.

At this time, the sound of the bathroom opening was heard. When I turned around, I saw classmate Nie running out quickly.

"Get some clothes."

She took the newly bought clothes and ran in quickly.


The bathroom door was closed again, and not long after, the sound of the showerhead came from it.

It's a pity that the glass in the bathroom of this hotel is not transparent glass, otherwise...yes, it is what you think,

After a while, the bathroom door opened again.

Nie Nanyan's hair was soaked, and the bath water dripped from her black hair, as delicate and beautiful as a hibiscus emerging from the water.

She had already taken off her coat, and was wearing a newly bought blue shirt. She had a graceful figure, and her eyes and fingertips exuded endless charm.

She was standing next to the bed with a hairdryer in her hand,

"Aren't you going to take a shower?"

"Wait a minute. I'll blow your hair first."

Qin Guanqi lifted his body up from the bed like a spring, walked to the other party, and snatched the hair dryer from her hand.


The sound of the hair dryer running sounded in the room.

Nie Nanyan sat by the bed, and Qin Guanqi knelt on the bed, holding a hairdryer in one hand and stroking the other's hair with the other.

The black hair was flying in his sight, like wisps of willows swaying on the lake, graceful and charming in the wind,

While the hot wind blew his hair, the fragrance of the other person's body and shower gel slowly spread to the tip of his nose.

Nie Nanyan closed her eyes, feeling the warmth and gentleness of the person behind her. From the beginning to the end, the corners of her raised mouth never closed.

"Okay, it's done."

Turning off the hair dryer in his hand, Qin Guanqi moved his knees and moved his body to the bedside.

"I'm going to take a shower. If you're sleepy, go to sleep."

He touched the other person's head, then put away the plug and cord of the hair dryer, and walked into the bathroom.

When he turned off the lights after taking a shower, Nie Nanyan was already lying on the bed with his eyes closed, as cute and cute as a lazy cat.

I don't know if I'm really asleep or pretending to be asleep.

Qin Guanqi smiled softly, dried his hair, and walked to the bed.

Turning off the lights in the room with a snap,

Room 703 fell into darkness, and the moonlight outside the window had been blocked by the evil spirit.

Only the neon lights on the roadside were thinly sprinkled on the curtains, providing a little brightness to the dim room.

Classmate Nie, who was pretending to be asleep, felt nervous, frowned slightly, and subconsciously grabbed the mattress under him.

The quilt on her body was lifted up, and she could feel that someone had gotten into the quilt and slept next to her.

Suddenly, a hand stretched out from behind her and hugged her body.

There was also a feeling of obstruction on her back, and a figure had already hugged her in his arms.

Classmate Nie was so startled that he opened his eyes. Qin Guanqi's gentle voice came from behind.

"Go to bed, girl, don't think too much."


She slowly closed her eyes and reached out to grab the big hand on her waist. Her nose twitched, filled with the familiar smell of Qin Guanqi.

At this time, the little paper man climbed out of her coat and ran to the bed in a hurry.

I stretched myself, took a nap, and then fell asleep next to the pillow.

I don't know how long it took, but Nie Nanyan opened her eyes, turned around in the other person's arms, her pupils trembled slightly, her breathing was slightly rapid, and she looked straight at the other person,

"Qin Guanqi, are you asleep?"

"No...why are you looking at me like this..."

Qin Guanqi also opened his eyes. Even though his vision was extremely dim, he still found the other party's eyes like a galaxy.

In the dark environment, two pairs of eyes faced each other,

Classmate Nie couldn't suppress the tenderness and love in his heart, his eyes were full of spring water, he raised his body and kissed the other person on the mouth,

Feeling the softness on his skin, Qin Guanqi put his arms around the opponent's slender waist, raised his body, and pressed the opponent underneath him.

The lips parted, and the breathing in his mouth became heavy. He suppressed the instinctive desire in his heart and spoke quickly,

"Classmate Nie, have you thought about it? Once you do something like this, there will be no chance of regret."

"Think about it, Qin Guanqi, I love you, and I am willing to hand over my future to you."

Nie Nanyan's charming eyes were as silky as silk, her cheeks were flushed, and her expression was full of enchantment.

She put her arms around the other person's shoulders and kissed him again.

Qin Guanqi closed his eyes, hugged the opponent with his right hand, stretched out his left hand, and slapped the little paper man next to the pillow.

Then with a sweep of his left hand, he swept the other person off the bed and floated to the ground.

The little paper man looked confused, and his brain hadn't reacted yet. As soon as he stood up, he saw the other party sweeping him again.

He took off all the clothes from the bedside table and placed them directly on his body.

In just a moment, a belt fell from above, pressing him tightly under his clothes.

There was a squirming movement under the clothes, but no matter how hard the little paper man tried, he just couldn't struggle out from underneath.

One minute later, the ups and downs of the struggle returned to calm, the little paper man gave up resistance and just gave up,

You TMD, you are great, you are noble, you 1080P~!!

You are plotting against me, right? You wait for me!

(The following is omitted)

The moonlight spreads, like a light silk slipping down, thick milk tea, pouring on the dark clouds covering the sky,

The whole cloud floats slowly, thick like a soft cotton quilt, and undulating like a vast and clear sea,

In the quiet Nanzhe University, the night wind blows, and the lake surface is stirred up, like a broken mirror, spilling a layer of broken silver,

In the hotel on Student Street, in room 703, waves of sound slowly emerge,


Nanzhe Women's College,

Wisp of blue-white smoke floats up from behind the computer,

Yan Gui and Qian Mo are sitting on the chairs , looking at the battle records left in the computer, his expression was solemn.

On the screen, a figure with strange behavior moved slowly. When the camera captured his face,

the other party had a dull expression and empty eyes, as if he had no soul, just like a body.

Every action was like a puppet, with difficulty.

But it was precisely this difficult action that made him fight like a rabbit, chasing the stars and the moon.

While moving quickly, his attack was as fierce as a tiger, like a human-shaped Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"I know who he is..."

"Puppet Master!!!"


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