Pu Daoshi's expression changed, he quickly dropped his teammates, kicked his legs hard, and his body jumped out from the moment the purple light hit,


The thunder light sliced ​​through Park Yu's body, directly killing him into two pieces, with blood splattering everywhere.

"Found you!"

Pu Daoshi, who dodged away, seized the opportunity, raised his legs and ran immediately, heading towards the place where the lightning just appeared.

He opened his hands, blue water flowed in his left arm, and red flame burned in his right arm.

He raised his hands, and two forces immediately burst out around his body, like two long whips, waving around,


Looking at the inferiority countryman who was coming towards him and the eighth-level divine power that surged out from the opponent, Qin Guanqi did not show any mercy. He held his right hand in the air and bent his five fingers.

Flame, Thunder, Qingmu, Shixian, Emperor Jun, in addition to the divine power of time in the body,

The remaining five divine powers all poured out and converged on his right hand.

He quickly raised his right hand, used his strength to form a fist, and punched the opponent away.

boom! !

The two powerful forces collided together, and the whole earth trembled slightly.

This force exploded from the center, and then its residual power and counter-shock force pressed towards the bodies of the two people.


Pu Daoshi groaned, a surge of blood surged from his chest to his throat, and scarlet blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

His body was affected, and he was immediately shaken back and fell to the ground with some instability.

After Qin Guanqi felt the force of the counterattack,

He frowned lightly, and immediately let go of his body. Using this force, he kicked his legs and jumped towards the back like a dragonfly touching water.

The two figures were forced to separate, and at this moment, the purple smoke filling the air gradually disappeared.

But the formation produced by the furnace is still functioning.

Looking at the young man with a delicate and handsome face not far away, his brows were furrowed and his face was extremely solemn.

It was this guy who killed three divine awakeners in their team,

"How come this Chinese is so strong...Five divine powers, first-level realm, are you kidding..."

He clutched his aching chest, breathing a little heavy and slow.

"But it doesn't matter. I'm not weaker than him. I come from a country with great inferiority complex."

Putting down the hand covering his chest, he narrowed his eyes slightly, with a sharp look in his pupils.

"You brat, I will let you know the consequences of offending a country with inferiority complex."

Ignoring the other party's arrogance, Qin Guanqi looked naughty and raised his right hand with a smile on his face.


Put your thumb and index finger very close together, leaving a very small gap between them.

This is an extremely insulting gesture to men from countries with low self-esteem, indicating that they are not only short, but also incapable of strength.

"You are looking for death!!"

Park was furious, his face was twisted, he gritted his teeth and raised his legs,

Rushing towards the opponent's figure,


He shouted loudly, stepped on his right foot, rose into the air, and kicked someone below him.

At the same time, the power of water and fire wrapped around his right leg,

The divine power on his body was like a stormy sea, facing Qin Guanqi's face,


Qin Guanqi immediately put away his playful smile, snorted coldly, and took a step back to give himself room to respond.

He suddenly raised his right leg, and with a ferocious light of lightning, he raised his leg and kicked sideways towards the opponent's offensive.


The legs collided together, and the two forces made bursts of roaring sounds.

Pu Daoshi quickly fell from the sky and punched the person in front of him, killing him.

Qin Guanqi moved very quickly, his head turned to the right, and from the corner of his eye he saw the iron fist crossing his cheek.

Stretching out his right hand, he grasped it in the air, and the burning flames in his palm burst out like a curtain.

Pu Shishi's pupils shrank, his figure immediately retreated, and he raised his hands.

The water god's power in his body was quickly mobilized, instantly pouring out from his skin and flesh.

It turned into a water barrier, protecting all around him.

The flames and water flow collided together, and the sound of the two resisting, balancing, and melting each other reached their ears.


Qin Guanqi's eyes moved slightly, he raised his right hand high and slapped it down on the ground.

Where the palm of the hand touches the ground, a green divine power quickly spreads out,

boom! !


The ground behind him suddenly cracked open, and a green dragon made of vines and trees broke out of the ground.

The dragon roared angrily, and powerful air waves splashed out in all directions.


Qin Guanqi whispered, and held his right hand in the air, and the green divine power lit up dazzlingly in his palm,

With a roar that shook the sky, Aoki Shenlong blasted towards the person opposite,

"Attacking me with wood? What a joke!"

There was a cold murderous intent in Pu's eyes, as well as a deep disdain.

With a kick of his feet, his body shot out like a cannonball.

His right fist was clenched, and a prairie fire burned on his right arm.

The fire grew bigger and bigger, and it loomed like a giant tiger behind him.


With an angry roar in his mouth, he punched out with his right fist.

The giant flame tiger roared and headed towards the Aoki Shenlong in front of it to kill him.

For a time, the fighting between dragons and tigers formed a state of anxiety on the battlefield.


At this moment, Qin Guanqi's eyes suddenly opened, and a purple light burst out from the depths of his pupils,

With a 'pop' sound, he clapped his hands together, and suddenly the sky was filled with wind and clouds, becoming dim and dull.

Boom boom boom! !

Thick thunderbolts flashed down from the sky. They passed directly through the fire above the two people's heads and poured towards the ground like giant purple pythons.

Zizzizi~! ! !

The ferocious lightning was like a downpour, covering the entire battlefield.

Some of them headed towards Pu's dead body, forcing the other party to dodge again and again.

A part of them went towards the flaming giant tiger, killing it without a trace, turning into flames and faintly disappearing.

This not only resolved Aoki Shenlong's dilemma, but also directly caused a lot of obstacles to Park's death.

Looking at the figure who was resisting the thunder not far away, Qin Guanqi stepped hard with his right foot, a dent appeared under his feet, and he rushed out quickly,

He stretched his right hand back, quickly pulled out the Tang Dao stuck at his waist, and slashed the opponent's body with one slash!

The red flame burned out and turned into a flaming crescent in the air. The powerful burning heat left a deep ravine on the ground.


Pu Dao gritted his teeth and looked extremely ugly.

He jumped up and retreated to the side,


Crescent Moon slashed at his previous position, with dust billowing and smoke rising everywhere.

Before he could react, a bolt of lightning came towards him.

"Kneel down!!"

Qin Guanqi's eyes were extremely fierce, his pupils were full of cold murderous intent, and his thick voice was like thunder.

Hold the handle of the knife tightly with both hands, facing the opponent's shoulder,

Cut it off with one knife!


The blade is extremely sharp, just like chopping melons and vegetables, it directly cuts off the opponent's shoulder bone.

Continue to draw along the chest, across the opponent's body, bones, and blood and flesh from the lower waist.

Instantly cut the opponent into two parts, upper and lower.

The red blood is like scarlet paint, spurting out from the blood lines on the opponent's body,

Dye the earth red!


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