"The Tomb Keeper Fifteen has died, and his files will be permanently sealed in the Tomb Keeper's database."

Looking at the information on the screen on his wrist, Qin Guanqi looked confused.

Why did I die...

"What's going on? Isn't the bracelet still on my body? And my life information has not disappeared. How can I be judged to be dead...Is it because I am a corpse grave..."

He frowned and immediately planned to contact Classmate Nie who was far away using the communication information on his bracelet.

But when he clicked in, he discovered that his communication qualifications had been canceled by the terminal, and he was indeed in a state of death.

"Fuck...you really think I'm dead."

Qin Guanqi looked shocked. Just when he was at a loss, the scene around him suddenly changed.

It turned into chaos, as if we were in a deserted space.


His pupils shrank, his face became serious, and he held his right hand empty,

Black flames and thunder squirmed on his right hand, raging, waiting for an opportunity to strike. The evil god's power in his body gradually dispersed towards the surroundings.

At this moment, a voice came into his ears,

"Don't be nervous. This is the space I created. No third person will come in except you and me."

This voice is gentle and soft, like a wind chime, whispering softly,

The space in front of him appeared with folds like water ripples, and a woman wearing a plain white gauze dress and a veil appeared in his eyes.

The woman's veil seemed to carry a mysterious power, making it impossible for him to see the other person's appearance clearly.

And he can't sense the opponent's strength, just like ordinary people,

"Who are you?"

Qin Guanqi frowned and spoke in confusion,

The divine power on the opponent is the divine power of the Chinese Divine Tomb, and he is a veritable guardian of the tomb.

Looking at it like this, the other party seems to have been waiting for him here.

"I'm from Tianshu. I'm looking for you because I want you to do me and even China a favor."


He raised his eyebrows. Isn't Tianshu the headquarters of the Chinese Tomb Keepers?

From this point of view, the other party’s background is not small.

"What do you want from me?"

"I want you to help investigate the plan of the Divine Cave, or the plan to destroy the Divine Cave."

The woman stood there, her lips under the veil slowly speaking,

"Investigating the Divine Cave?"

Qin Guanqi's eyes moved slightly and his brows furrowed. If he wanted to investigate the plan of the Divine Cave, the best way would be to join if he couldn't defeat him.

To become a member of the Divine Cave, the other party's meaning may be the same as what I guessed.

Working as an undercover agent in his own graveyard, 'three years after three years',

"So what can I gain?"

"When it's done, I can help you see a color."

"You know my secret?!"

Upon hearing the other party's words, Qin Guanqi's pupils shrank, with a hint of horror deep in his eyes.

No one but himself knows that he can awaken his divine power when he sees colors.

How could the person in front of me know this?

"I have no idea."

The woman shook her head, her brows furrowed slightly, with a look of confusion on her face. The veil swayed slightly as she shook,

In fact, she doesn't know the other person's special nature, nor does she know the other person's secret identity buried under the iceberg.

The person in front of her was the same as she had seen before. She could not see any details. She could not see the past, present, and future clearly.

But this matter is on the road to her own future destiny.

However, what she can initially confirm is that the other party is the corpse who died sixteen years ago.

But... why was the other party resurrected? Why did he become a tomb keeper again? These things make no sense at all...

"Then how do you know I need to see color?"

Qin Guanqi frowned, then spoke, with a hint of doubt in his tone,

"Well...because I saw my own destiny."

After the woman finished speaking briefly, she remained silent.

The chaotic space here became quiet for a while,

After Qin Guanqi hesitated for a while, he looked at the other party and slowly spoke,

"I know, I will complete this task."

Not for anything else, because the other party has revealed to him in a subtle way that his mission will definitely succeed.

Moreover, he really needs the opportunity to see colors,

"Thank you very much."

"After this, Qin Guanqi will be in a state of death. Your identity information will be included in the top-secret files of the tomb keeper, and you will become the only corpse in this file. No more than three people will know your identity.

Before this mission provides valid information, you have no identity, and the country will not provide you with any support or help. You can only rely on yourself for everything. You will remain anonymous and bear all the loneliness and helplessness alone. "

"Then what if I want to contact you and provide information?"

Qin Guanqi frowned slightly and spoke quickly,

"Don't worry, I will have a tomb keeper responsible for talking to you when the time comes. However, your call is one-way. You can only talk to her, but she can't talk to you."

"And you have to be aware that your communication records are likely to be intercepted by other countries, so the frequency should not be too high to avoid exposing your identity."

"As for the other party's communication information, just slide your address book to the bottom."


Qin Guanqi nodded, and immediately followed the other party's method, sliding his address book to the lowest level, and saw the other party's communication information.

That was a tomb keeper named "Rose".

"Okay, I've told you the details. It's up to you to complete your mission. Neon Country is a good place to improve your strength, so that you can protect yourself when you enter the God's Cave in the future.

As for the news that you are alive... remember, don't tell anyone, whether it's your relatives or your girlfriend.

But don't worry, your girlfriend will come back to find you. Don't worry."

When the woman finished speaking, her voice became smaller and smaller, and her figure became fainter and fainter, slowly disappearing.

This chaotic space also disappeared with the disappearance of the other party.


The sound of the car's horn came slowly. Qin Guanqi turned his sight and found that his position was back on the road.

"The first thing I have to do now is to work hard to improve my strength, and then find a way to let the people in the God's Cave notice me."

He looked thoughtful, this is not It is not a simple task.

It is not difficult to get the attention of the God Cave, but it is the most difficult to improve strength and enter the God Cave.

As long as he has strong strength, he can create a panic in Japan like the elementalist of the God Cave. Wouldn't more people know him?

However, to achieve this goal, his strength must at least be improved to the Abyss Realm.

"Ok, that's decided. I will improve my strength to the Abyss Realm first."

"Before that, I have to find a way to enter the urban area of ​​Benxiong City."

He raised his head and looked at the cars passing by from time to time on the side of the road, intending to stop a ride.

He took off his bracelet and turned it into a pair of glasses and headphones.

The glasses can translate the Japanese language he sees, and the headphones can help him understand the other party's language.

But he doesn't speak Japanese, so it must be a bit troublesome to communicate. During this period, he has to find a way to learn Japanese by himself.


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