Nagoya is one of the most important cities in Neon Country. Its economic strength and industrial strength are among the best.

Because of this, there is a large population and dangers everywhere.

The powerful rogue responsible for guarding Nagoya is Toshiyuki Kanagawa of Nara Nine Realms.

Nagoya Central District, the little-known underground fourth floor of Sakurai Supermarket,

This is the Drifter Headquarters in Nagoya.

Toshiyuki Kanagawa was sitting in his office, leaning back on the chair, closing his eyes and concentrating, his face calm.

It seemed that the death of Crow Tengu last night did not bring much emotional fluctuations to him.

But in fact, this is just due to his character.

His heart had already turned into a long-lost chaotic storm, with anger and thunder suppressed in it.

Dong dong dong~

In the silent office, a rapid and rhythmic knock on the door sounded, breaking the silence in the room.

"Come in."

Toshiyuki Kanagawa opened his eyes, stood up, and sat on the office chair.

His eyes were focused on the door that was about to open.


The door opened slowly,

A man with blond hair walked in from the outside. Yoshiaki Kawai looked at the person in charge behind the desk.

He immediately lowered his head and spoke respectfully,

"grown ups."

"Kawai-kun, you should know everything about what happened in Okayama City last night, right?"

"Understood, I regret Yukida-kun's death."

"What he has done for Neon Country deserves to be remembered by us."

After hearing what the other party said, Toshiyuki Jinchuan looked calm and then spoke,

"I want you to do something."

"Sir, please speak."

Kawai Yoshiaki lowered his head fiercely, preparing to listen to the other party's mission.

"You will go to Okayama City later to investigate Yukida-kun's death, find out the identity of his killer, and then kill him. Do you understand?"

Crow Tengu and Yukiten Kuji died at the same time. Although he didn't know whether the murderer knew the information about him raising ghosts,

But just in case, it's better to kill it.


Kawai Yoshiaki nodded. Although he had some doubts in his heart, he still responded honestly.

In his memory, Mr. Kanagawa and Mr. Yukida of Okayama City did not seem to have such a good relationship.

He suddenly asked him to investigate the cause of the other party's death and avenge him. This behavior was a bit strange.

"This is the arrangement from above. If you can't handle this matter, then I will have to send someone else to go, or go there myself."

He rolled his eyes slightly and looked directly at the other person with an indifferent gaze.

Bring a chill to the other person's heart,

He had also seen the doubts in the other party's heart, and immediately blocked it with the most perfect excuse.

"Don't worry, sir. You don't need to take action for such a trivial matter. I will avenge Yukida-kun."

Kawai Yoshiaki nodded and said.

"Okay, then go down."


After he finished speaking, he lowered his head, raised his steps, and left slowly,


At this moment, Toshiyuki Kanagawa suddenly spoke, Yoshiaki Kawai looked stunned and said quickly,

"Sir, is there anything else?"

"You went to Okayama City to investigate the situation of the corpse graves there. Recently, there have been many cases of corpse graves being destroyed in one night. Go and investigate carefully and find out who is the person who did this. who."


He nodded again, turned and left,


The office door closed again, and the empty room fell into silence again.

At this moment, a gloomy voice suddenly came,

"Let me go too, I'm going to eat that guy alive!"

"Don't worry now. Once the identity of the other party is confirmed, I will let you take action."

After Toshiyuki Kanagawa finished speaking, he leaned on the chair again and slowly closed his eyes.

"It's a pity that the guy in front of Tamamo is dead, otherwise, I can still be of great help..."

At this time, he suddenly opened his eyes,

"Do you have any news about Shuten Doji?"

"I don't know. This guy suddenly disappeared half a month ago. I don't know where he is now."


After the conversation between the two ended, the empty office once again fell into silence like dead water.


At night, over a towering peak outside Kyoto, the crescent moon rises slowly.

Moving slowly in the dark night sky, dotted with stars,

Neon Kingdom Kyoto High Speed ​​Rail Station,

A figure was wearing black short-sleeves and a peaked cap, holding something wrapped in cloth that looked like a stick.

Carrying a backpack, I quickly walked out of the high-speed rail station.

"Is this Kyoto?"

The high-rise buildings are endless like mountains, and the bright neon lights are shining like stars.

A car passed through my eyes, its horn honking continuously.

It is said that during the period when ghosts were prevalent, Kyoto had another name,

Heian Jing,

So this is why those ghosts must come to Kyoto if they want to complete their recovery.

And next door to Kyoto, it is now in ruins.

Countless workers and cranes work there day and night,

Because that is the city of Osaka that was once destroyed by the Divine Cave Elementalist.

He raised his feet, stepped on the ground, and headed towards a taxi parked on the side of the road.

He opened the car door, leaned forward, and sat down on the soft back seat.

He moved his body, closed the car door, and spoke slowly,

"Master, go to the East District."


The driver nodded, put the gear into gear, stepped on the accelerator, and started the car.

As he drove, he looked in the central rearview mirror and secretly observed the people behind him.

The other party's eyes were always on him. Qin Guanqi frowned slightly and said,

"Master, do I have money on my face?"

Am I on a black bus? This driver is so miserable...

"No, no, young man, when I look at you, you don't feel like you are from Kyoto."

The driver smiled awkwardly and looked away from the rearview mirror.

"I'm not from Kyoto."

"I see it, I see it."

He nodded, paused, and then spoke,

"Young man, are you here to do work in the East District? Or are you here to have fun? The East District has not been peaceful recently."


It’s not peaceful. Why is it not peaceful everywhere I go? People die everywhere I go...

Qin Guanqi looked out the window speechlessly, and the green trees were moving towards him.

Then he turned his head and asked,

"Is someone dead in the East District?"

"Ah, yes, it seems you are quite familiar with the news."

The driver nodded quickly, as if starting a conversation.

"Last night at around nine o'clock, a woman from the East District died in the Maichuan Hotel. It is said that all the blood was drained from her body.

The flesh on the legs and hands was also shaved clean by the murderer. The bones were bloody and had pieces of meat on them. The scene was so horrific that the police even vomited when they arrived. "

"The police said that the murderer had a strong sense of counter-detection. They did not find any clues at the scene. Now the entire Kyoto police force is investigating this case."

"Hey... I really don't know any guy who is so scary and capable of doing such cruel things."


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