According to his understanding, Tamamo Mae is a nine-tailed demon fox, but it didn't run from China, so he doesn't know.

The little fox in front of me has spirituality and the mysterious power of running from Okayama City to Kyoto in one day.

Definitely not an ordinary fox,

The little fox turned his head and looked around. After hesitating for a while,

He nodded and admitted his identity,

"Then aren't you a nine-tailed demon fox? Why do you only have one tail?"

He raised his chin and spoke slowly to the raised tail behind him,

A look of doubt on his face,

The little fox looked up at him, jumped up on the cabinet next to the bed,

I dipped the water in the cup and slowly wrote on the table,

"I am Tamamo Mae, but I am just a tail of the main body."

"Just a tail?"

Qin Guanqi's face was stunned, with a look of confusion in his eyes.

"What about your true body?"



There was already some confusion in my mind, but now I have become even more confused.

The little fox nodded and then wrote,

"Well, the real body is dead. Before she died, she transformed a tail into me and asked me to live on her behalf and complete the recovery."

"Then you have recovered now that you have arrived in Kyoto, right? Why are you still like this?"

Qin Guanqi touched his chin and thought for a while, then raised his head and spoke,

"Also, how did your body die?"

"Because I was transformed by one of her tails. I am weak and only in a strange state. Although I have completed the recovery, my strength has not been restored. It will take at least a few months to restore my strength."

"As for the death of the main body... it was because a wanderer wanted to obtain the Night Walking Talisman of the Hundred Demons and control us ghosts.

Tamamo Mae didn't want to let the other party control her ability, so she was killed by the other party, and I was her backup. "

"When I regain my strength in the future, my true body will also wake up."

"I see, who is the vagabond you are talking about?"

Qin Guanqi nodded, frowning slightly.

Could the wanderer mentioned by the other party be the Toshiyuki Kanagawa he spied from the memory of Yukida Kyuji?

"I don't know his name, but I remember his face."

The little fox shook his head and blinked his blue eyes with a hint of cuteness.

"So you keep coming to me because you want me to help Tamamo-mae wake up?"

The little fox nodded, wagging his tail obediently, with a touch of expectation in his eyes.

Qin Guanqi looked thoughtful, he was not interested in the Hundred Ghost Night Talisman.

Even if you are interested, the other party will not give it to you. The other party has already given you the answer before.

"If Tamamo Mae wakes up in the future, will you still be conscious?"

"Yes, I am her, and she is me. When she wakes up in the future, she will know everything I have experienced."

The little fox nodded and wrote what he was thinking.

"Then how high will Tamamo Mae's state be after he wakes up?"

"Ninth level of virtual realm."

Qin Guanqi's eyes moved slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he spoke,

"What can you give me if I help you complete the resuscitation?"

"What do you want?"

"I will help you complete the resuscitation, and you will help me take action three times in the future."

The power in the body needs to consume lifespan. In the future, there will be a strong man of the ninth level of the virtual realm by his side.

He can also have more trump cards, after all, the strong men in the cave,

Not weaker than those high-level officials from various countries.

The little fox pricked up his ears and nodded quickly,

The other party has no intention of attacking the Hundred Ghost Night Talisman. He still has freedom and only needs to help the other party three times.

This deal is not a disadvantage to her.

"Then it's decided."

"Just stay with me during this time."

"Oh, by the way, what do you usually need to eat? Is chicken okay?"

He vaguely remembered that the other party seemed to be a bit picky about food last time in the mountains.

The little fox looked into his eyes, looked at each other, slowly raised his short legs, and pointed at himself,

Qin Guanqi's face was stunned, and he immediately reacted,

"You mean, you want my own flesh and blood to feed you?"

The other party nodded and wrote on the table,

"Human flesh and blood can speed up her recovery time, and those with divine power are even better."

"Well... I remember you were right next to me licking my face when I was in a coma last time. According to that time period, you should have seen me recovering from my broken arm."

"It seems think of me as a long-term meal ticket?" wonder the other party has been following me,

The little fox jumped up on his shoulder,

Close your eyes, rub your face against the other person's face, and beg for forgiveness like a baby,

Qin Guanqi stretched out his right hand and rubbed the opponent's little head. The fluffy hair ran across his fingertips, bringing a soft feeling of comfort that made people unable to put it down.

Just like petting a cat,

"Let's go, it's time for us to go out. We need to find some corpse graves and wanderers tonight to find out about the strength of the awakened ones in Kyoto."

The little fox nodded, jumped down from his shoulder, stood on the table, waiting for the other party's preparation,

After a while, the hotel window slowly opened, and a man and a fox leaped out.

After closing the window, he disappeared into the night sky,


China, Suzhou and Hangzhou,

Due to the summer vacation, South Zhejiang University of Economics has fallen into silence.

The lively atmosphere a few months ago, full of books, laughter and excitement, has disappeared.

But in this quiet campus, there is still a room in the dormitory building of the boys' dormitory with bright lights on, and the windows are scattering faint light.

Tang Qingru has not left the school since the vacation. During the day, he goes back to work in the company to strengthen his practice. After night, he goes back to the dormitory to study knowledge and strengthen his theory.

He rarely spends time on playing.

Ding Dong~

The mobile phone on the table rang gently, and a chat was sent.

Pick up the phone and see that it is a message sent by the professor of economics of South Zhejiang University to several special students in their group.

"I have bought your tickets to Tokyo for you. Study hard these days. If you don't understand anything, just ask me. "

"You are representing the school and the country at the University of Tokyo this time. It is very, very, very important. You must not be careless."

Ding ding ding~

The sound of tapping on the screen slowly sounded, and Tang Qingru silently replied with two words "received".

He has excellent grades in school, respects teachers and is deeply loved by teachers and professors.

According to the assessment results and the recommendation of the teacher, he has obtained the practical opportunity to represent the school to study and exchange at the University of Tokyo today.

This opportunity is also the only quota for their Economics University.

And he went with three students from Nanzhe University and four students from Tsinghua University and Peking University.

This exchange meeting is very, very important, so he specially asked for a few days off from the company,

and devoted himself to learning,


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