The two passed through the Nuwa Temple, walked up the stairs, and finally stood in front of a courtyard.

Dong dong dong~

Dong dong dong~

After Nie Nanyan knocked on the door, he opened the door and walked in with Qin Guanqi.

I saw a white curtain hanging down in the center of the classical hall.

And inside the curtain, there seems to be a slim woman in white sitting.

"Master, we are back."

Nie Nanyan lowered his head, stood in front of the curtain, and spoke respectfully,

"Well, it's good to be back."

"Yan'er, don't you have to go back to school in the afternoon? Go quickly, it will be bad if you are late."

The voice of the woman in the curtain gradually sounded, and Qin Guanqi's face was slightly stunned. The owner of this voice was exactly the same as the person who was looking for him in Neon Kingdom.

"Yes, master, I'll leave first."

Nie Nanyan nodded, slowly turned around and left. When passing by her boyfriend, she blinked her eyes mischievously, and then quickened her pace to leave.

The master asked him to leave because he probably wanted to talk to his boyfriend about something.

The door of the courtyard slowly closed, and only Qin Guanqi and two people were left in the huge classical hall.

He lowered his head and spoke very politely,

"Hello, senior."

"You're welcome, Qin Guanqi, we have already met."

"Thank you for the hard work on the Divine Cave this time. You prevented the complete recovery of the gods. This is a good thing for the whole world."

"Your Majesty, your words are serious. I wonder if your Majesty still remembers the agreement between us?"

Looking at the woman in the curtain, Qin Guanqi said calmly,

"Of course I remember."

The woman raised her right hand, and on her slender fingertips, five-colored divine light suddenly lit up.

Facing the void in front of you, tap lightly,


A five-color dot leaped out from the fingertips, crossed the surrounding space, and flew out of the white vertical curtain.

He headed towards Qin Guanqi's position and suddenly got into his body.


Qin Guanqi frowned and spread his right hand. He could keenly notice that,

A mysterious force flowed through the meridians and blood in the body, and finally headed towards his eyes,

The eyes were full of colorful divine light, and the boundless divine power was like a liquid that turned into substance, flowing through the pupils.

Qin Guanqi closed his eyes and wrapped this divine power in his eyelids.

In the deepest part of the pupils, cyan divine power burst out, turning into streaks of light,

· When he opened his eyes again, the divine power flowing inside had disappeared.

And in his world, there was once again a touch of color,


The cyan divine power entered the body and formed a dark green divine pattern in front of the black and gold divine tomb.

"What kind of divine pattern is this?"

"This is the power of the folk ghost God Zhangliu, which can provide early warning of death crises."

"It will be useful when you go to that place."

The golden font gradually appeared, Qin Guanqi's face was stunned,

"Where is that place?"

"Kunlun Mountain."

"Kunlun Mountain? Should I go to Kunlun Mountain?"

"Well, that place is very important. The secret of this world is right there."

The font of Shenling was immediately erased and written again,

"You should go take a look."

"The secret of this world...I know."

Qin Guanqi nodded, doubtful in his heart.

"You go kill some corpse tombs during this time, and I will help you communicate with some divine tombs in case you need them."


After finishing the conversation with Shenling, Qin Guanqi clasped his hands in his fists, bent down and spoke,

"Thank you, sir."

"No need to thank me, this is what you deserve."

"The injuries on your body have disappeared. It seems that Yan'er has mastered the power of destiny very well."

The woman spoke softly, the corners of her mouth raised, and she felt extremely relieved.

They are the only two people who have awakened Nuwa’s magical power. If she dies in the future, Nuwa’s magical power can be passed on.

"Sir, let me ask... is there any news from the Lighthouse Country?"

After Qin Guanqi hesitated for a while, he slowly spoke,

"Yes, but it's not good news."

The woman picked up the teacup next to her, took a sip, and continued,

"When Kezel left the Lighthouse Country, he took the fetish Skid Platney away."

"Skid Plattney?"

He frowned slightly, then his expression changed and he spoke in a startled voice,

"That ship?"

"That's right. The ship was taken away by him. When he appears next time, there will probably be an army of corpse graves around him."

After hearing what the other party said, Qin Guanqi looked solemn, and suddenly felt worried.

I have taken advantage of the opponent's will. If Kezer wants to start a war, I am afraid that the first one to come will be Huaxia.

"Don't worry, practice hard. Only when you become stronger will you be able to change some things."

The woman seemed to notice his worry and slowly comforted him.

"By the way, Yan'er has also been to Kunlun Mountain. If you want to know anything, you can ask her."


Qin Guanqi raised his eyes slightly, feeling a little surprised that Nan Yan had also been to Kunlun Mountain.

Then does she already know the secrets of this world?

But after thinking about it, he felt that it shouldn't be possible.

If the other party knew, Shenling would never let him go to Kunlun Mountain again.

"I understand, thank you sir."

"Go on, come back and spend time with your family and Nan Yan this time. There are still many things waiting for you to complete in the future."


Qin Guanqi nodded, slowly turned around and left. After closing the door, he raised his feet and headed outside Tianshu.

The strange thing is that Tianshu is obviously very big, but since he came in, not a single tomb guard has been seen.

Following a wave of fluctuations around him, his figure also left Tianshu,

Back to where we were halfway up the mountain when we came in,

"It's time to look for that guy. I haven't seen him for so long and I don't know where he is."

As he lifted his steps and walked down the mountain, he took out his mobile phone and found Yanagisawa Akira's phone number.

After a long connection, the guy over there finally picked up.

Before he could speak, he immediately heard a tentative voice coming from the other end.

"Hello? Who are you?"

"It's me, Qin Guanqi."

With a slight smile on his lips, he reported his name to the mobile phone.

This is the new mobile phone number he changed after returning to China. It is normal for the other party not to know.

"Qin Guanqi??"

"So this is your phone number. Do you know how much your death affects me?"

Since he completed his mission, the files of Tomb Keeper Fifteen have been unsealed.

All the people guarding the tomb knew that after he became a corpse tomb, he faked his death and left China, and entered the sacred cave to become a young man.

Yanagisaki is certainly the happiest about Qin Guanqi's "resurrection".

The Four Sacred Beasts that he spent many years investigating,

It didn't work once, so he was buried with Qin Guanqi.

How could it not be heartbreaking.


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