"Hey...their battle today is either the first battle or...the last battle."

Qin Guanqi sighed in his heart, his face a little gloomy,

"It doesn't matter, they sacrificed, and us."

Nie Nanyan raised her hand and put it on his shoulder, comforting him.

The conference hall was extremely quiet. Some people frowned and looked worried. Some people lowered their heads and remained silent.

My heart was up and down, and my heart was slowly hanging in the air.

"Okay, everyone, don't worry. The two adults will be fine. Before they come back, each of us should do our own thing."

An old man in Tang suit stood up slowly and spoke slowly to everyone in a rich voice,

His code name is Dark Horse. He is a super strong man of the ninth level of the Beginning Realm. Among all the tomb guardians in this conference room, his strength can be considered to be among the top five.

Speech naturally has a certain weight,

Turning his eyes, Dark Horse focused his eyes on Qin Guanqi and the two of them, and then spoke,

"I will arrange personnel to protect you two in the next few days. I will not let Kezel's minions harm you. Don't worry."

"That's the end of today's meeting. Let's all go back."

In the conference room, everyone stood up slowly, frowned, and left with worried expressions.

"Let's go too, girl."

Qin Guanqi took his girlfriend's hand and led her away slowly.

Exited the conference room,


Outside the door, a tombkeeper wearing blue short-sleeves slowly called him,

"Hello, who are you?"

Qin Guanqi frowned slightly and looked at the other party with a puzzled expression.

"My name is Bai Ge, I am at the ninth level of the Void Realm. During this period of time, I will be responsible for your life safety."

"But don't worry, I won't interfere in your life, nor will I pay attention to your private affairs. If I leave in an emergency and you encounter any problems, just contact me through the bracelet."

"I have the power of space to find your location."

Bai Ge slightly touched the bracelet on his right hand with the bracelet on Qin Guanqi's right hand.

The communication information of the former appeared immediately on the latter's bracelet.

In addition, there are also space marks left by the opponent,

"I understand, thank you."

He nodded and spoke politely,

"It doesn't matter, actually...I'm quite curious about your strength..."

Bai Ge smiled softly, turned around slowly and left,

"This guy seems to want to fight you."

Nie Nanyan leaned into his ear and spoke softly,

"Don't worry about him, I have no intention of spending time on such things."

"Let's go back to the hotel and take you to eat delicious food at noon."


The taxi stopped slowly, and Qin Guanqi and the others got out of the car.

The hotel security guard immediately ran over in a hurry and spoke softly,

"Hello Mr. Qin, someone is looking for you in the hall."

Qin Guanqi booked the presidential suite in the hotel, so they would naturally pay attention to it to avoid offending him.

After learning that the strange old man sitting at the door of the hotel was here to see him, he immediately brought him into the hotel to avoid discomfort.

"Someone is looking for me?"

Qin Guanqi frowned slightly, subconsciously thinking that the other party was Yanag Zeming.

"Yes, there is an old man with a fishing rod and fish cage. He was sitting in front of the hotel. According to our understanding, he came to see you."

The security guard spoke and followed him towards the hotel.

"The old man with the fishing rod and fish cage?"

Qin Guanqi's expression changed, and the old man who was in Geer City at that time immediately appeared in his mind.

According to the description of the divine mausoleum, the other party... is a god!

He immediately quickened his pace and hurriedly walked inside.

Nie Nanyan followed him, also confused and confused for a moment.

Who makes his boyfriend so attracted to him?

In the exquisite lobby of the hotel, a rickety old man dressed strangely,

He was sitting on a valuable tea chair, and there was a cup of cold tea on the tea table in front of him.

This sudden scene suddenly attracted people's attention.

Everyone who passes by the hall will subconsciously focus on him.

The look is extremely weird,

Some people think that the old man’s identity is not simple, while others think this is a kind gesture by the hotel.

But no matter what, no one bothered the old man to avoid offending him.

After Qin Guanqi entered the hall, he immediately focused on him.

His face was slightly happy, and he immediately raised his steps and walked towards where the other party was sitting.


"Oh? You're back?"

After seeing him coming, the old man looked calm and pointed at the empty seat opposite.

"Sit down first."


Qin Guanqi nodded and sat down opposite him.

Nie Nanyan raised his eyebrows slightly. With a surprised look on his face, he recognized this old man as the old fish seller in Geer City at that time.

But how did the other party know they were here?

My boyfriend's attitude is so respectful and polite. It's obvious that he knows his identity.

Moreover, the identity of the other party is not simple.

After thinking for a moment, she sat between the two of them and started making tea.

"It turns out that he is the guardian of Lady Nuwa's tomb. Not bad..."

The old man looked at Nie Nanyan who was washing the teacup with his deep eyes, and nodded silently.

"The old man is really a wise man, and he can see it clearly for you at once."

Nie Nanyan smiled lightly, nodded slightly, and spoke respectfully.

Although she didn't know the other party's true identity, her boyfriend was polite. As the other party's future wife,

she naturally had to be polite.

"Senior, I don't know why you came to me?"

Looking at the hunchbacked old man opposite, Qin Guanqi's eyes were serious and he spoke slowly.

"I am here to help you become a god, Qin Guanqi."


Qin Guanqi was stunned.

Nie Nanyan's hand that was making tea also paused slightly, and looked at the two of them with puzzled eyes.

Qin Guanqi's fate, she has never been able to see clearly, maybe today, is the time when she really understands him.

"I can help you see your seventh color, find your missing seventh soul, and let you become a god."

The old man's face was serious. He has been waiting for this day for a long time.

Protect this After tens of thousands of years in the world, now, I can finally put down the burden on my shoulders and have a good rest.

"What should I do?"

"Leave with me, I will use my godhood to help you become a god."

"Your seventh soul is the most important soul, and it is also the true power of your divine power. It can only be stimulated by divine power."

"In this world, only I can do it."

The only gods in this world are him and Moral. Apart from him, it can only be him.

"Use divine power to stimulate?"

Qin Guanqi was stunned, then frowned and spoke quickly.

"Senior, I have divine will in my body. I should be able to become a god with Kezel's divine will, right?"

"Of course, but Kezel's divine will, if you want to completely devour it, it will take too long, and the human world may not be able to wait."

The old man paused slightly, and there was suddenly a hint of self-blame in his expression.

"Do you know why I didn't dare to kill Moral when he attacked Huaishi?"


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