"Hey, time is running out now, Yan'er, you should be about to break through to the Tianshu realm, right?"

Li Qingyi sighed. His originally turbulent mood was inevitably a little anxious.

"Qin Guanqi...have you reached that level now?"

She had learned from Nie Nanyan that Qin Guanqi disappeared in order to regain his strength and become a god.

Finally solve the problem of evil spirits,

But now that the other party has been away for half a month, she is really worried that she and others will not be able to survive when the other party comes back.


Magic City, April 17, 17:45,

At the Shanghai International Airport, dozens of large passenger planes are landing one by one.

Xia Qianshan and Yang Shu were also surrounded by some mausoleum guards.

Arriving at the airport where the plane landed,

The slide of the passenger plane slowly opened,

Several patron saints raised their feet and walked out of the cabin of the passenger plane first.

Standing on the opening below the slide, ready to go,

At this time,

Another figure walked out of the cabin. He was wearing a black suit and trousers, and his golden hair was gradually graying.

He has a high nose bridge, slightly sunken eyes, and sharp angles on his face. When he was young, he was considered a handsome guy.


Eugene snorted coldly and looked down at the tomb guards who came to greet their patron saint with dissatisfied expressions on their faces.

After all, Wyatt, a strong man in the celestial realm in their country, died in the hands of the other party.

But even if he was dissatisfied, the cause of this incident was that Wyatt disclosed Qin Guanqi's information to Kezer.

As a result, hundreds of thousands of people died in China,

In addition, now that Kezer has arrived at the city, he can only temporarily put aside his hatred and focus on the matter.

Put it on the other person's body,

The patron saint of their lighthouse country, when Kezer was about to land in the lighthouse country,

He has given up on the people and land of the Lighthouse Country, taking with him all the sacred objects and false sacred objects,

Depart for China,

After all, with the strength they have now, it is simply impossible to compete with Kezel's Corpse Tomb Army.

Death is certain,

But as long as they are still there, the Lighthouse Country will not be destroyed.

If they all died in the battle, the Lighthouse Country would be completely destroyed and there would be no hope of reconstruction.

It is undeniable that although this is against morality, it is indeed the best way.

He lifted his steps, walked down the stairs, stood in front of the tomb guard, and spoke coldly,

"Long time no see, Xia Qianshan."

"Yeah, long time no see."

Xia Qianshan stood with his hands behind his back, smiled slightly, and spoke slowly,

"I have to say that your Lighthouse Nation has indeed made the most correct decision. I originally thought that you would fight to the end and never retreat."

"Hmph, don't be complacent. If we solve Kezel's matter, I need you to help me rebuild the Lighthouse Country."

This time they were at the end of their rope and had no way out.

Destiny has made his choice, whether good or bad,

They are not sure either,

"Let's talk about this kind of thing later."

Xia Qianshan immediately changed the topic and focused on the patron saint who continued to walk off the passenger plane.

"Is this all the patron saint of your lighthouse country?"

"Of course it's impossible. Some of them are rushing over on aircraft carriers. It will take a while."

"That's good. We have already sent notices to other countries. As long as they are smart enough, they should come to China. If they don't come, there is nothing we can do."

Xia Qianshan moved his body out of the way, leaving a passage.

"Come on, Eugene, we have prepared a dinner for you, so that you can take care of yourself."

Eugene didn't say much, and took Gladstone and others towards the car that the other party had prepared.


China Magic City, April 20, 12:45,

"Huh? It's really strange. Why are there so many foreigners on the road in recent days?"

"No way, don't you know? It is said that there are monsters in the fog. Many countries have been destroyed by those monsters, so recently many foreigners have come to China to take refuge."

"This is the reason why we evacuated the Magic City this time."

"Yes, it is said that the Lighthouse Country has been occupied by monsters. Do you think it is scary?"

In three days, the powerful people from Neon Country, Sunset Country, Hengshui Country, etc.

All responded to China's call and mobilized all the awakened divine power in their own country.

Preparing for the final battle with Kezer,

This battle determines the life and death of all countries. It is also the only thing they can do in this life-and-death situation.

"The fog on the sea has thickened, and they are coming!"

On the lighthouse on the shore of the magical city, the expression of a person with divine power changed slightly.

He immediately raised his right hand and issued an alarm to the tens of thousands of awakened divine beings in the Demon City.

In the mist at the end of the sea, he discovered an extremely terrifying evil god's power!


Not long after,

Above the coast, sharp figures fell from the sky, like falling rain.

Spread on the road along the shore,


Xia Qianshan frowned and his face was solemn. He could clearly see,

The sea in the distance is freezing bit by bit,

A thick cold air is coming from the surging black mist!

Click~click~click! !

The sound of condensation of sea water slowly came,

Everyone looked down and saw the waves crashing against the shore just not far in front of them.

It has been frozen by a layer of frost and solidified into a slapping posture,

The black mist from the sea gradually came over, like a demon with its mouth open, or a cloud covering the sky,

The tens of thousands of people with awakened divine power on the shore involuntarily felt a sense of depression and gloom in their hearts.

"I saw them."

Thousands of meters away from the coast, the advancing black fog slowly stopped,

Gradually spread out towards the surroundings,

The dense crowd, like a ball of ants, appeared in everyone's field of vision.

The leader stood with his hands behind his hands, his head raised and his chest held high. There was a sense of indifference and coldness in his ice-blue eyes.

His expression was extremely calm, and there was no disturbance in his heart, as if everything was under his control.

As long as China is destroyed this time,

Then he can take out his divine will from Qin Guanqi's body and regain the power of his evil god.

And next to him, there was a little girl wearing a Gothic Lolita outfit with a ferocious face.

In addition, several other forbidden level experts also surrounded him,

The number of people alone is thirteen.

"Thirteen forbidden level experts? Why so many?"

Xia Qianshan frowned and looked extremely ugly.

There are only ten people in Tianshu Realm, Tianshen Realm, etc. in total.

It was originally number 11, but Qin Guanqi didn't come, so naturally he couldn't be counted.


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