The two girls were so excited that they had to wait for the next day.

"Uh, grandpa, that's too early!"

Just before the two girls reacted, Ji Lingchen spoke first.

Although he also wanted to have his own offspring, his strength was there, and there were still three children of destiny that had not been wiped out, so Ji Lingchen had not thought about leaving his offspring on Earth for the time being.

Moreover, according to his current progress, he would soon be able to ascend to the fairyland, and he would probably be separated from Li Xueqing and Wu Xueqin at that time.

Although he believed that Li Xueqing and Wu Xueqin's talents could ascend to the fairyland when the fairyland was opened a hundred years later, Ji Lingchen did not want to miss the time with his son or daughter.

Hearing this, Ji Wudao and Qin Bingyuan nodded.

They had Ji Lingchen not long ago, and at that time they were already more than 1,500 years old, so they could naturally understand Ji Lingchen's thoughts now.

It was too difficult for a strong person to conceive a child, and it would take a long time of communication to achieve it.

"Well, since you are going to live in Los Santos for a while, then find a room in this palace to live in."

At this moment, Qin Jiangshan looked out the window, and the sky had darkened, so he spoke.

Ji Lingchen and others naturally had no objection and went out soon.

Ji Lingchen picked a room at random and lived with Li Xueqing and Wu Xueqin. They were all husband and wife, so living together was naturally not something to be avoided.

"I still have some things to deal with, you guys take a rest first!"

After explaining to Li Xueqing and Wu Xueqin, Ji Lingchen planned to go out directly.

But at this moment, Li Xueqing and Wu Xueqin pulled Ji Lingchen and said with a hint of expectation on their faces.

"Although we know that you have a big secret, as your women, we still hope to help you when we have the chance!"

"So, can you take us with you?"

With the strength of the two, they are enough to protect themselves in the beautiful country, and Ji Lingchen began to think about whether he should take them with him.

After a while, Ji Lingchen shook his head and sighed.

"If you want to come with me, then come!"

Anyway, it's not something worth hiding, so it's not a big deal to take them with you.

Hearing this, Wu Xueqin and Li Xueqing couldn't help but be happy, and they quickly got up and followed Ji Lingchen away.

With Guan Yu's protection, the three of them were not discovered by Ji Wudao and others even after leaving the room.

In the sky above the beautiful country, Ji Lingchen and the two women were moving in one direction. It must be said that although the martial arts strength is far inferior to that of the Dragon Country, the technological strength of the beautiful country has developed to the top, and even weapons that can kill the peak of the martial arts saint exist.

Soon, under the leadership of Ji Lingchen, they arrived in front of an ancient castle.

"This is William Castle!"

When Wu Xueqin saw the castle, she couldn't help but say in surprise.

Hearing that this was William Castle, Li Xueqing's eyes lit up, and then she said.

"Isn't this the territory of the Golden Hand Gang?"

"Yes, our target this time is the boss of the Golden Hand Gang!"

After Ji Lingchen said this, he walked towards William Castle on his own, and the two women walked in without hesitation.

When the two came to the door of William Castle, two men in neat suits and sunglasses stopped them.

"Stop, who are you? This is a private territory. If you come closer, you will be killed!"

The two white guards looked at Ji Lingchen and the other two with a bad face, and they looked like they would fight if they disagreed.

And Ji Lingchen said lightly without hesitation.

"Kill them!"


Before the two guards could react, they saw Li Xueqing and Wu Xueqin attacking with lightning speed. The two guards were not strong, both at the peak of the Grandmaster level, so they were naturally no match for Li Xueqing and Wu Xueqin. They were killed in a second after just one encounter, and they couldn't even send a message of enemy attack.

Ji Lingchen walked towards William Castle regardless of anything. He just moved his fingers and the huge super alloy iron door was directly shattered. You know, this is a super metal that even the Martial Emperor may not be able to blast.

Wu Xueqin and Li Xueqing hurriedly followed.

As Ji Lingchen blasted the door to pieces, the huge movement directly shocked the entire

All the Golden Hand Gang members in William Castle were awakened.

"WTF, is there an enemy attack?"

"Damn it, who dares to attack our Golden Hand Gang's territory?"

"I think the other party is ready to die!"

All the strong men in William Castle were dispatched. They were certainly not fools. The two Grand Master Peak guards at the door were killed, so the strength of the newcomers would definitely not be lower than the Martial King Realm, so the strength of the strong men who came out in full force was at least the Martial King Realm.

At the same time, in the depths of William Castle, the boss of the Golden Hand Gang, a gorgeous woman with blonde hair and blue eyes, was lying on the bed thinking aimlessly.

"Hey, I don't know when my Dragon Country fiancé will come to see me?"

In the next second, a commotion came, and the woman woke up directly from the bed, and then a trace of anger appeared on her face.

"Damn it, those idiots made such a big noise, and no one even stopped them?"

After saying that, she put on her clothes and walked out angrily, but just as she was about to open the door, a huge force came from outside the door and blasted her out.

When she reacted, she saw Ji Lingchen and two women walking in from outside the door, and when she looked outside, it was densely packed with blood mist. Obviously, many people died outside just now.

Seeing this scene, she finally felt a little fear at this time. She still believed in the strength of her men, even if she couldn't kill them so easily.

Thinking of this, she took a deep breath, then forced herself to smile and slowly looked at Ji Lingchen and said.

"Sir, I don't know how our Golden Hand Gang offended you. Please tell me so that we can have a chance to apologize?"

"Oh, your Golden Hand Gang didn't offend me in any way."

Hearing Ji Lingchen's words, she was stunned for a moment, but the next second Ji Lingchen continued.

"It's just because your Golden Hand Gang has a relationship with someone who shouldn't have a relationship, so I'm here to send you off!"

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