When he came to his parents' bedroom, he heard some servants talking.

"Well, how is my mother now?" Kreher asked a maid.

"Miss, Madame is fine now, you can rest assured."

"Mother, have you rested?"

"Probably not yet."

"Hmm." Creher nodded and knocked on her mother's door.

"Mother, it's me Krehe."

"Mm-hmm, it's little Crehe, come in!" The mother replied from inside the house.

Opening the door, she found her mother leaning against the bed, being fed by Cole, who was a maid.

"Mother, I'm here!" Crehe smiled and walked over to Elaine's bed.

"It's just a pregnancy, you really don't have to serve me like this." He waved his hand at Cole, "Cole, you're Crehe's personal maid, and taking good care of her is the key."

"No!" Cole shook his head, "Miss Kleher is all wrong love, and my favorite will always be Lord Elaine!" "

Hey, hey, hey! Cole, I'm still here, hey! Kreher sighed as she looked at her personal maid, who was showing her loyalty to others.

"Poofhaha!" Ai Lian covered her mouth and smiled, "You two are really living treasures!" After saying that, he recalled, "Speaking of which, Cole I remember when you became Kreher's maid, you were very unhappy!

"How dare you?" Cole shook his head, "I've always followed Lord Elaine's orders. "

..."Elaine raised her eyebrows, while Crehe on the side lowered her eyebrows.

"Mother, can you know if the baby you are carrying is a boy or a girl?" Kreher asked.

"Hehe, how can I know this? What, you want a sister?

"No, no!" Kreher shook her head, "I want a brother." "

Brother?" Ai Lian felt a little puzzled, "Why do you want a younger brother?" You don't look like you're going to like mischievous people!

"But the family needs someone to inherit it!" Kreher frowned and said, "If it's still a girl, maybe the family will face the problem of heirs..."

Ailiane glanced at Crehe, took the porridge in Cole's hand and drank it herself, after drinking, Ailiane nodded and said, "Your father is going out in a month, do you know about this?"

"I know, I know your father told me that you were pregnant."

"Mmmm, you'll be busy with this family from now on!" Ai Lian smiled.

"It's okay, it's my duty to do this for the family." Krehe touched his mother's belly and said, "I just don't know when this little baby will grow up!"

"Soon." Ai Lian smiled, "Your father is going to leave in a month, so you better go and talk to your father more!"

"What is there to talk to him! It's you who has something to do now! You're pregnant now! "

It's not the first pregnancy, and I don't have the panic of the first one for a long time..."

It's funny to think about it now! Elaine smiled and touched Kleher's head, "It's so funny that the baby that used to be in my womb is so big!" It's really unforgiving!

"Isn't your father going to leave in a month?" So, you should quickly learn from him how to manage Xi family, as the eldest daughter of the family, you can't do anything!

"Well, of course I know that! Don't worry, I'll learn Xi from my father. "

Alas. It's really hard for you, it's only eight years old... It's so much to take on. Ai Lian glanced at Cole and said, "Cole, Krehe will be handed over to you, she can't do it without you!" Taking care of me or taking care of her is the key. "

Mom." Krehe touched Elaine's leg, "You're really worried, I'm eight years old, can you not underestimate me so much?" And you're the one who needs to be taken care of now! "

Cole, you're my personal maid, aren't you?"

"Yes, Miss."

"Do you have to listen to me first?"

"Of course, Miss."

"Then, I command you, during your mother's pregnancy, you must take good care of her! Do you understand? "

Yes, Miss."

"Uh-huh!" Kreher nodded happily, while Elaine sighed but didn't have anything to say, after all, her daughter was for her good...

"By the way, I heard that you and your father bought a slave and came back, what are you going to do with that slave?"

"Ah, you're talking about Knight, I made her my Shadow Warrior, and she can protect me instead of Cole."

"Is that so?" Ai Lian nodded, "Then you have to pay attention to safety, the current imperial capital is not like the original one, no matter what you do, you have to be careful and careful." "

I see, Mother, don't worry, I'll take care of it, and my father has also contacted General Bud and asked him to teach me how to fight, I'll be fine, you can rest assured."

"Uh-huh, that's fine." Ai Lian nodded, "Alright, Klehe, you go to your father, your mother and I really don't need you here, what you should do now is to replace him as soon as possible."

"Uh-huh, don't worry! I'll go. "

Let's go!"

At Elaine's urging, Krehe left the room and went to her father's study, knocking on the door and entering the study, where she found her father writing something.

"Father, what are you writing?" Klech asked.

"Ahh It's Crehe. Aite looked up at Kleher and nodded, "It's just something you need to know after I'm gone, you're still young, so I'm afraid you'll forget, so I've written something down."

"In the future, as long as you do what I give, there will be no problem in managing the family, but..."

Kreher interrupted Aether, "I'll make my uncle look good, you know what kind of person I am."

"Revenge is something I will definitely do, you don't have to worry." Crehe said resolutely.

"But that's what I'm worried about... I don't really want you to take revenge, because the minister has his back... We rely on the emperor but the emperor is credulous ministers, we have nothing to rely on now, not to mention, the old stubbornness of General Bud is impossible to protect us..."

You're safe

...""..."Instead of replying, Krehe changed the subject, "Father, I plan to fight you the day after tomorrow, I want to see how big a gap there is between me and you..."

"Is that so?" Aite raised his eyes and looked at Kreher, and found that she did not reply to herself, Aite roughly understood Kreher's plan, he wanted to persuade but his daughter was generally the kind of person who "I was wrong, but I won't change", so persuasion was useless, Aite could only shake his head and answer this question, "Of course no problem, I also want to fight with you." "

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