After leaving, CCG, Krehe was a little dazed, because she really didn't know where to find the master, after all, that leader was the CCG who had just left... So, she kind of wanted to scold the sect leader, because if he didn't go so fast, I'm afraid there wouldn't be so much going on...

However, she was not sentimental for long, as a man dressed in the costume of a peaceful Taoist came to her side.

"Hello, Holy Lady Bred." The congregation gave Klech a peace church salute.

“?" Klech was a little shocked, "Who are you?"

"Please follow me." The congregation motioned for her to follow.

And Krehe didn't refuse, and directly let Zi push her to keep up with this disciple, not because Krehe was stupid, but because she was really not afraid, after all, if she really encountered danger, she hoped to take a look at the true strength of these Hehe people she had created.

After following her, the two came to what looked like a clothing store.

"Holy Maiden Brech, the Sect Master invites you." He then bowed to Crehe and let her enter the clothing store first, while the man remained outside.

"Oh, you're finally here, Kleher." As soon as he entered the room, Kreher heard the voice of the Master.

When I looked closer, I saw that the sect leader was pointing to a piece of clothing.

This dress is very similar to the clothes worn by the saints when Klech looked at Lifan in his previous life.


Wait! What the saint wears? And then that person called me the Holy Lady of Bred?!" Crehe felt as if she understood something.

"Haha! Looks like you've got it! The sect leader nodded and said, "That's right, I prepared this dress for you, although I can appoint you as the next sect leader, but if such a name is not right, there may not be many disciples who believe in you, and besides, you want to reform what Anning Dao believes in... So, these are all inevitable things, remember when I said before that I needed the name "Brad the Savior"? Now, I give you back this name, but I believe you don't know what the status of this name is in the church now. "

Before the age of fifteen, because Klech had always been in contact with the Master, she naturally knew that the Master had used this name as an agent of God for the followers to believe, but why did he do this...?

"Because that's the only way the congregants know how important you are, and you can use that name to better say what you're thinking, and it's easier for them to accept." "This is the best way, so you'd better just do what I say." "

Uh-huh." Kreher nodded, "But why are you helping me so much!" It's something that's really hard for me to understand. "Yes, Kreher has always been curious about this question, even though he has always said that he will help her because he is a man of destiny.

"Huh." The sect leader's face suddenly showed a trace of sadness, he shook his head and said, "If you said that you wanted to help you a few times ago, then I can only say that this is because you are a man of destiny so I want to invest in you, because then I may be able to have a day where I can communicate with God, and that time I have truly realized..."

"But... I didn't find out until one day... It turns out that the God I believe in is so casual that even His agent has to play with it as a toy, so that's why I began to plan to give up my belief in God..."

Is that so? Klech was speechless, for she knew that the agent was her, because she had heard the Master say that she was the agent.

"That's... Why would God treat agents like this? According to you, the pain of gouging out the eyes and cutting tendons that the agent has suffered is actually allowed by God? Or is it because God is having fun? As she spoke, Kreher became more and more angry, because the pain was unbearable for ordinary people, and it would take great pain for her to stand up again, and although the human body was miraculous as Master Mato said, who could know the pain she had endured for three years. Even Master Mato just knows it's hard and uncomfortable...

No one knows their pain, and now someone tells you that the pain you are going through is purely because God wants to see you in pain, how can anyone bear it!

"Go to TMD Gods!" Klehe scolded, but she wasn't too sad because there was no need, after all, even if she knelt on her knees and begged for God's forgiveness, it was already a fact that she had been hurt like this.

Therefore, Klehe was not sad but became even more excited after scolding, "Master, since you have decided not to believe in the original god anymore, how about we believe in the new god?"

"A new god?" The sect leader squinted and smiled, "What kind of god is that?" "

The god named Internachonaire." Kreher smiled and continued, "But He doesn't make believers believe in himself like other gods, His idea is to make each believer believe in himself before anyone else!" Only as ordinary people, you and I are no longer attached to the shackles of the powerful, but struggle, and exchange the struggle for everything we ordinary people, the powerful occupy eighty or ninety percent of the resources of the empire, and the rest of the people are in a miserable state, so the god Interna Cinnail will lead the people out of suffering! "

Uh-huh, that's good!" The Sect Master nodded, then handed her a book and said, "This is the doctrine you need, and I have it ready for you."

Cracher opened the supposedly doctrinal doctrine with suspicion, and found that its preface was already very much in her style.

"A ghost, a ghost of the Tranquility Dao Internachonaire Sect, roaming around the Empire............"

"Good fellow..."Klehe blurted out, she was a little shocked, she stared blankly at the sect master, and now Klehe was suddenly a little scared of this... And it's a special scary....

The Sect Leader, on the other hand, just shrugged his shoulders and said, "I just knew it."

Kreher made an old man, mobile phone, subway .jpg expression, looking at the sect leader, "Is this really a prediction of the future?" This is already out of the world, and why can such a thing be predicted!! Do you really know everything?

"Nope." The Sect Master shook his head, "I only know what I know. I know your teachings because they will be of great significance at some point in the future.

"You're praising me too much, you're not praising me, you're not teasing, you're not like that." I'm curious now how much you can predict in the future.

"Anything I want to know, I know." The sect leader replied lightly.

"What?!" Kreher was obviously unsettled, "So your prediction of the future is actually a causal weapon?!"

"What is a causality weapon?" The Leader obviously didn't understand what Krehe was talking about, but the Leader wasn't stupid enough to hear why, "I can know what I want to know, but I can't change anything. Then he held up the doctrine and said, "It's like this doctrine, because this thing will be created by you, so I can help you in advance, according to the original plan, it may take you years, ten years, or even decades to write this doctrine, but now I have saved you a lot of time, but for example, I know that your eyes are gouged out but I can't change this fact, that's my problem."

"I can't change the course of the future, but I can move the course of the future."

"Uh-huh." Kreher nodded, "I probably understand, which means that you can't change your life against the sky!"

"That's a kind of funny statement, but it's true." The Sect Master nodded, "I really can't change the fate of others.

"So... Sometimes it's very sad when I can see the tragic fate of others but I can't do anything about it, and that's why I created the Tao of Tranquility. There is nothing to believe in Anning Dao, I think you know it, but the real reason is because my original intention is just to save those who are miserable.

"Still." The Sect Master paused, "Until I predicted you, I actually believed in the existence of God... Merely...... I'm disappointed in the true God too... So...... Perhaps, the true God is not really God, and what is not God is not necessarily not God.

"God can be you and me." Kreher nodded, "Everyone has the potential to become a god!"

"Yes." The Sect Master handed her the doctrine again, "It seems that your thoughts are almost the same as what this doctrine says." "

“???" Krehe was stunned, "Good fellow, this is what I will write in the future, you will use what I will write in the future to educate me, isn't it a little bit of a dip!" "

Hahaha!" The sect leader spread his hands, "Although you wrote it, you will have to think about it for a long time according to the prophecy, so you have to thank me!" Then, the sect leader stood up and pointed to his clothes and said, "Okay, Holy Maiden Bred, change your clothes, I'll take you to the inside of Anning Dao to have a look, I remember that you haven't really been here!" "

What? I really want to wear it!

"Of course!" The Sect Master nodded, "You're a saint!" "

Poof! Isn't it really just talking?

"How is this possible?" The Master patted her on the shoulder and left the room, leaving only Klech and Purple in the room.

"Purple, I'm going to change my costume."

"Yes, master." Purple turned around very tacitly.

Dotea: Isn't the protagonist of this chapter actually me?

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