Chapter 12 – Annihilation of Enemy Soldiers

I looked around for a place to hide. They seemed to be coming through a winding path between the woods, which was not a good situation for a long-range gun. A little farther from the edge of the forest, there was a place where a slope had collapsed, and there was a large rock that Myrril and I could hide behind.

We both ran into the shade of the rock and caught our breath before the enemy arrived.

“Is it possible to shoot now?”

“I don’t have any ammunition available right now. And even if I had, I wouldn’t have time to teach you how to load it. Maybe later.”

“I’ll look forward to it.”

This girl, don’t give me that… “It was a promise” look anymore.

I saw a figure coming through the woods. I took my AKM and timed my shot. He was a heavy cavalryman, so of course, he was riding a horse. The weapon in his hand was a long spear. He also has a sword on his hip, but it is an auxiliary weapon. I can’t see the mage whose presence is vital. If possible, I’d like to defeat him first, as he is the biggest threat to us right now.

Myrril, who was watching the cavalrymen on alert in the surroundings, looked back at me and tilted her head.

“You’re not going to shoot?”


The mage. Where is he?

It seems that Myrril has sensed my intentions and has begun to watch the surroundings. It’s not like she’s using detection magic; she’s simply utilizing her ears, eyes, and senses. Her gaze traces something and then turns to the back of us.

“Ahhhh, Yoshua!”

“Hellfire, dance to the breath of darkness, Firestorm!”

A man in a black robe shouted, waving his staff. He was planning to go around our back, but when he realized that he had been discovered, he changed his mind to attack with magic.

Myrril and I threw ourselves in opposite directions, and a spiral of fire passed between us. It seemed to have scraped off the rocks where we had been hiding and grazed the cavalrymen, causing the neighing of horses and shouts of anger to rise behind us.

The mage seemed to be in a panic because his aim was off, and he seemed to be torn between running away and attacking again. The distance between us is less than ten meters, and he seems less experienced than the first mage we killed.

“Protect His Highness!”

From the shouts of the heavy cavalrymen, I guessed that he was an inexperienced royalty with an aptitude for magic. The master mage failed to remove the enemy, and he’s here to avenge him.

I don’t care. We’re unrelated and have nothing to blame… Who are you to attack us on your own? It doesn’t matter if you’re a prince.

I shoulder-mounted the gun and fired a single shot. The bullet in his chest caused “His Highness ” to fall as if the thread had been broken.

“Your Highness!”

I heard the sound of hooves and turned around. The cavalries rushed forward, spear points held horizontally. The men shouted in anger, confident that they would overrun us in a few seconds.

“Ooooh, you lowlife!”

Damn it. Do they think that just because they’re wearing armor and riding horses that they’re alone in a safe zone? Do you intend to bring down the merciless hammer like a god? Just like the royalty who tried to kill me after dragging me in on their own.

“I’ll never forgive you! I will tear you all to pieces…”

The first shot. The head of the leading horse popped and tilted, and the cavalryman who was hit by the piercing bullet fell backward. One of the following horses was caught up in the fallen horse and was sent flying. One shot struck the body of a cavalryman who was close behind. Another well-aimed shot at a cavalryman who had slowed down, perhaps frightened by seeing his comrades or superiors fall one after the other. Finally, I pointed the gun at the fallen and groaning survivor and looked at Myrril.

“Is there any more enemy?”

“No, I can’t see any. That’s the last of them.”

What shall I do? The dwarf girl’s intentions were clear as she stared with sparkling eyes.

“W-will you let me shoot too?”

I knew it.

“You don’t mind killing a human being, do you, young girl?”

“It’s a little late for that. I’ve already had my hands on a few people, even if it was to protect myself. I’m not good enough to show mercy to those who have tried to kill me. It would be a noble sacrifice to gain valuable skills and experience.”

With half amazement, I put on the safety and handed the AKM to Myrril.

I confirm the direction of the muzzle and the mounting of the muzzle, explain the recoil and the sound of the gun, and teach her the procedure for loading and unloading the weapon and releasing the safety.

The half-dead survivor was muttering something that sounded like a curse, but we didn’t care. With the situation so complicated and full of enemies, it’s only a margin of error if one person’s resentment or hatred increases.

“Put off the safety.”





There was a bang, and Myrril’s body shook, and the barrel sprang up.

“…It feels good.”

It looks great. But it’s too damn antiquated, though.

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