Chapter 179 – Isolated South

They said 5,000 gold coins, but I didn’t understand how much that was.

The reception room at the lord’s mansion where we were shown in. Although we had changed into some kind of tailored formal wear, the place looked out of place for us, as we were in a dowdy, overcrowded room, and the things in the special wooden box the size of an attache case were carried in a cart and piled up in front of us. The number of items was twenty-five in all.

When asked to check, I opened one of the boxes and found that it was lined with a thick inner lining, and although there was some room to spare in terms of volume from the outside dimensions, it would be impossible for one person to carry the box if it were packed any more tightly.

I guess money is heavy. I was impressed as if it were someone else’s problem.

I don’t think it matters because I will take it home with my storage, but I think the gold standard is also a difficult thing for people.

“Well, this is a thank-you for securing the Sea Serpent and the Eastern Lord. Please tell me anything you want regarding the reward for defeating the pirates. I’ve made arrangements to meet most of your expectations if you tell old Marl there.”

It sounded as if he was saying, “I won’t be around then.” Was it true what the old butler named Marl had told us?

“I heard that you are going to die tonight. Is it true?”

This is a direct question from Mir-san. But the lord was unfazed; his eyebrows lowered, and he smiled.

“What, has the old man told you? Yes, that’s right. But it doesn’t matter. Even if I die, I will not break my word. No gratuities, no rewards, no grilled Sea Serpent meat, after all.”

“You don’t look ill. From the color of your blood, it can’t be a curse. It doesn’t look like you will be executed for some trivial offense. So, is it a grudge?”

“…Well, something like that.”

Does that mean someone is trying to kill him? Did he receive a death threat that he will be killed tonight? If it is a criminal organization, he should be able to handle it with the soldiers he has on hand. If so, it’s either the public authorities or the national army. They’ve already captured the Eastern Lord, so is it the Northern Lord? Or is it the council or some higher authority of the republic?

“Hey, Demon King. Are you interested in becoming the Southern Lord?”


“Feudal Lord-sama, Takifu is a foreigner, you know? I mean… I don’t know if it’s true or not, but didn’t you say yourself that he is the Demon King of Casemaian?”

Tig said with a look of dismay (and a funny honorific), but McKin didn’t seem to mind.

“If you say so, I originally belonged to the Kingdom too. The law of the republic does not limit the place of birth for the selection of lords. Neither race nor ideological beliefs. The only requirement is “the recommendation of two or more persons who have served as lords of the Republic.” I don’t think there was any clause that says the Demon King can’t be elected, was there?”

I wonder how serious he is about this, but he instructed Marl the butler, to bring out a document. I can’t read the content, but from the way the story goes, it’s probably a transfer of authority as a lord or something.

“That’s probably because it’s not worth bothering to write about. In any case, I’m afraid I must decline.”

“That’s unfortunate. When I die, the political economy will stagnate for a while. If you could take care of it just for the time being, the people would not be left on the street. I don’t have any family members, and I don’t have anyone I can trust to take over.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, but is there any way you can avoid dying?”

“There may be a way, but we’re past the stage of trying it out. Yes, we will be out of Lafan by the announced time. There will be no consequences for you.”

“Leave? The lord? Does that mean you’re going to invade somewhere?”

“Something like that. If I fortify here, the enemy will burn the whole city to the ground. I don’t want Lafan to become a battlefield. I’m going to attack them before they attack us. If I’m going to die, I’d rather die under the banner of the Southern Territories.”

“That’s fine. McKin-dono looks somewhat like a Kraken.”

Hey, Myrril-san⁉︎

“Well, that’s a great compliment!”

The lord can’t afford to be so foolish, you know⁉︎ And that’s not what we’re talking about⁉︎

“So, who’s the enemy?”

“I don’t know. They call themselves the Koubi Tribe.”

“Koubi Tribe? Is it a tribe? A clan? Or is it an ideological group?”

The lord shook his head at my question. It seems that the identity is unknown because of the mask and the hood.

“The first person killed was my father, who was lord two generations ago. Next was my brother, who succeeded him as lord. As foretold, he was killed in front of me on the night of the thousandth day after his inauguration, and his body was taken away.”

It was some kind of grudge, I thought. That being the case, it is hard to understand how someone of unknown background could hold such a grudge. Unless, of course, the perpetrator is quick to forget, and the victim is forever oblivious.

“McKin-dono, can you think of anything else?”

“Oh… yes. I heard that in my father’s generation, they raided the stronghold of the bandit guild in the territory and destroyed it. The number of villains they killed was one hundred and forty. I heard that the remnants who escaped from there formed a new group, but that’s about the only thing I can remember that would be held against them.”

“Perhaps that’s not true. That is probably a mistake because Takifu blew that one up. It’s that grumpy priest from Roses, isn’t it?”

Watching Myrril, who replied easily, McKin-dono turned his attention to me. When I nodded, the fat lord and his butler, Marl-san, laughed happily.

“I don’t know then. Anyway, this night is my last with you. I’ll excuse myself first, but please enjoy yourselves.”

“Don’t be silly, Feudal Lord.”

Myrril’s chilling voice stops the lord in his tracks and freezes everyone in the area.

“Do you think such rudeness is acceptable? Even if the Demon King risked his life to accomplish such a feat, you know? You must be a fool if you think that he would allow a butler to present the reward to him instead of handing it over yourself!”

The lord looks troubled and asks for my help. It is reasonable what Myrril-san says, but of course, her true intention is different. Well, I guess you could call it a kind of tsundere. I shook my head at McKin-dono, who was asking for help.

“Well, I have to agree with her, McKin-dono.”

In the end, neither she nor I dislike this kind of honest person.

“No, but… it is not my intention to involve you in this matter.”

“It’s too late for that. The threat of the East Territories is gone, the threat of the Sea Serpents is gone, and all that remains is the North Territories and… that “something tribe,” isn’t it? It is not too late for a feast of roasted meat. We are not so twisted that we can enjoy ourselves unreservedly at a banquet in the absence of the host.”

In short, don’t die on your own because the alcohol will taste bad. As one would expect from Myrril-san, she speaks very manly.

“I’m used to this kind of thing. I’ll lend you a hand at least a little. At least let me take you to your destination. The demon king’s household servant will take you there.”

“…Destination, huh? If so, it’s the port town of Cathmire in the Central Territories. The only port in the Central Territories, located on the border between the East and North Territories. That’s where the cargo ship was stopping this time.”

“I see. How far is it?”

“About 250 miles to the north along the shore. Of course, it is enemy territory, so they will not let us through easily.”

To be honest, I don’t really care about that. But what should we do? It was about four hundred kilometers north along the coastline.

“Is there any other problem, Demon King?”

“I don’t think it’s a problem, though. Do we take the land route or the sea route…?”

“By sea.” “By sea.”

“It’s land, isn’t it?” “Let’s go by land.”

“Sea.” “Sea.” “Land.” “Sea.”

The two members of the Battlecry and I are the land route group. The rest prefer the sea. I could understand the Lord and Calmon and his father, but surprisingly, Mir-san seemed to like the ship as well.

I prayed to my dear god of commerce without being able to think straight.


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