Chapter 190 – Ancient Dragon Cub


I go back to the hovercraft and confirm our course of action. It started to look a lot different than I initially thought it would. In the first place, a considerable number of the rebel forces seem to be attached to the “magic academic zone,” and as far as I can see from the flames that are going up one after another there, it seems that they are steadily being worn down.

I can’t tell what’s going on in the capital with my eyesight, but it appears to be little more than a skirmish, so there’s no need to worry about it falling right now. If that’s the case, it’s not too late to see how far the mages of the Republic will go…?

“What do you think, Demon King?”

Feudal Lord McKin asked me with a slightly amused look on his face.

“What do you mean? We should just head straight for Hagwai, right? You see, we have nothing against these mages or the magic cave, nor is there any use for them.”

“That’s surprising. I thought you were going to bring down the hammer of the Demon King because those mage-like people are being impudent or something.”

“No, why are we talking about this? They are not hostile to us.”

 “If that’s the case, then the East Territories, the North Territories, and the Imperial Kingdom are all in the same boat. It’s just that the blades that were aimed at the South and Central Territories happened to catch the Demon King in the act…”

“You talk about it as if it were someone else’s problem. You should be a little more thankful for the good fortune you have. If you had seriously offended Takifu, whether by chance or not, not only the capital city of Hagwai but the Republic itself would have been scorched to the ground, you know.”


“What are you surprised at? He could crush 30,000 soldiers in half a day. And he did it while humming a tune.”

“Hey, Mir-san, at that time, I was not only humming, but I was so desperate that I didn’t have the slightest bit of time to spare. Stop making up stories to people who don’t know the facts, seriously.”

Mir-san’s mouth is agape with a look of “Oh, that’s so boring!” I don’t know anything about it. I don’t want her to make up some legend about a demon king that is unknown to me.

This is a good opportunity for me to explain that I have never attacked anyone myself unless they hurt me or my friends. In the case of Cassmeer… well, it’s just a matter of course, but still, if the city had not been attacked indiscriminately, I had no intention of annihilating the imperial fleet.

“I honestly don’t know where the Demon King draws the line between friend and foe.”

“Even though I am neither their vassal nor their fellow countryman, I feel sorry for the innocent people who are being oppressed. How broad is the mind of the Demon King.”

“Hmm. There seem to be some facts mixed in with Jou-chan’s story, but I saw that not all of them are true.”

Mir-san, the deputy captain has already figured it out. There are no standards, to begin with. The Republic isn’t my country either, even though I’m only there for the winter. I didn’t want to get too deep into it, but I found myself cooperating in a counter-landing operation on the capital, which doesn’t make sense either.

I really don’t know how it came to this.

“Takifu, start the engines. They’ve spotted us. Magic detection has reached us.”

“Roger that. Let me know if there’s an attack.”

Opening the throttle of the Griffon, we descended from the ridgeline toward the plain. Although it is only for comfort, I put up the southern territory flag borrowed from Feudal Lord McKin on the side of the vehicle to show our flag banner.

Depending on whether or not there will be an attack on us, we will decide whether to head for the capital city of Hagwai or face the mages. If possible, I want to avoid an all-out war. Both emotionally and from a cost standpoint. 

“Mir, can you limit the counterattack to a minimum of damage only if you feel we are in danger?”

“Yes, but… you are naive.”

“If the Republic becomes like a kingdom, we won’t be able to get enough seafood.”

A reaction of half disgust and half trepidation came from the aft cabin compartment, but I ignored it for the moment.

“Takifu, someone’s coming.”

“Is it the enemy?”

“I don’t know. It is a quarter of a mile away. Is that… an elf?”

Myrril pointed the muzzle of the general-purpose machine gun, MAG, in that direction but did not fire. So I guess there is no confirmed hostility. I can’t see it, but… no, I can see it.

A red thing blinks in the snowfield and comes toward us in a straight line with tremendous force. When I saw that it was a magician’s cloak, I jumped on the external deck of the Griffon.

It was a red cloak, which meant that it was probably not the imperial army. I glanced back, but there seemed to be no intention to attack. Perhaps to show there is no hostile intent, that person keeps both hands holding a magic short staff raised where I can see them.


I came to the side deck to the side of the driver’s seat and peeked in to see an elf, still young… or young enough, with a big smile on that person’s face. That person is short-haired, thin, and beautiful, but I can’t tell if it’s a man or a woman.

“Where are you going?”

Oh geez, don’t talk to me while I’m driving. Also, don’t open the hatch and get in the vehicle without permission. This elf seems to be the type that has no sense of distance. Myrril replies in a slightly annoyed voice.

“We are going to the capital city of Hagwai. Sorry to interrupt you while you’re in the middle of your business, but our business is only to recapture the capital from the rebels. If you don’t interfere, we won’t interfere either. How about it?”

“Fine. But you guys are interesting. What do you call it…?”

“I’d prefer to avoid that kind of prying if you don’t mind. Can you bring an adult with you?”

“Yes, yes, that’s what I’m talking about. You are not afraid of the mages of Hagwai. I thought you might be overconfident about the power of this… interesting magic ship, but you’re not. To begin with, this is not a magic tool. This strange smell is refined from ancient oil…”

“How can you talk so freely? I’m busy with the war. Can we talk later?”

“I’d be happy to help you under certain conditions.”

“No need. If you have the ability to care, I would appreciate it if you would stay away.”

Perhaps she was in a pre-combat state of mind, or perhaps Myrril-san was getting more and more aggressive. But the elf child seemed unperturbed by the harsh words, smiling and laughing. Either this elf is very confident, or can’t read the air, or both.

However, it seems that the surrounding people can’t stand the tense atmosphere, and Lord McKin offers a helping hand. Whether it was really a helping hand or not, I don’t know.

“Hey, you elf over there. Don’t mess with those two. Or you will regret it.”

“Heh, I can’t believe the Southern Lord would say that much. Are they good enough to beat me?”

“I don’t know who you are. It is not such a trivial matter. The question is whether the Republic will be destroyed or not. If you understand, go home. I’ll explain it to the people in the magic cave later.”

I felt the air tense up.

I feel like this mage has gotten serious? Will you stop it, that kind of thing?


The young elf laughed.

“If that’s the case, I’m getting more and more interested in it. All the mages in the army have been burned down, so the only people surrounding Hagwai are the demon slackers. Surely you guys would be a good match…”


Nojaloli hooks pierced deeply into the smug-looking elf’s solar plexus, and the elf faints in agony, foaming in the mouth.

“You’re being a pain in the ass… Why don’t you take your boring ramblings somewhere else, kid? I’m saying you’re in my way. If you can’t understand me unless I say it clearly like this, are those big ears for decoration? Is there shit stuck in your big, silly head? Huh!?

This is bad.

The fool who doesn’t know his place is desperately trying to get back on his feet. I commend him for enduring it all, but it’s impossible; he’s got only millimeters left on his life gauge. I don’t know what you’re trying to do with your newborn fawn-like legs, but if you fight with Mir-san anymore, your life will be in danger…



The elf was completely knocked unconscious as a pale blue light of magic scattered from the elf’s back, where it was struck by the nojaloli hook (the second shot) as if it was trying to exercise some kind of magic.

“Move aside, you small fry!”

Hey, hey! Myrril-san!? This kid is twitching with white eyes, but you didn’t kill this kid, right!?

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