Chapter 20 – The Sound of Military Boots

“The kingdom’s army has begun to move.”

The elves of the Casemaian Liberation Army brought the information to Myrril and me.

As expected, we were not invited to the war council, but they seemed to be concerned about us. Maybe they are expecting us to be a force to be reckoned with.

“So the war is starting, after all.”

Whether it can be called a war depends on the strength of the kingdom’s army. Looking at the number of people on this side, it is likely that it will end up being a local conflict at best or even a simple massacre at worst.

Of course, I’m not going to talk about it. Instead, I ask as calmly as I can.

“How many soldiers are there?”

“According to the scouts who have infiltrated the capital, the total number of troops is less than 30,000. Infantry 22,000, cavalry 3,000, archers 1,000, mages 200, transportation 2,000, carriages 800.

“…That’s a lot.”

Not just a lot, but 30,000 against a hundred barbarians. That’s insane. What are they thinking? The transportation corps alone could kill us all.

Myrril and I were going to rent a house in the abandoned part of Casemaian to discuss our future, but there was no need for that for the time being. There may be no future. Or, rather, the future that I had just pictured for myself was definitely not there.

A gloomy feeling spreads in my chest.

From the perspective of the kingdom’s army, this is just a subjugation. This is just a cleanup battle to nip a rebellion in the bud. It was clear what the excessive mobilization of troops indicated. Just like the other territories they had annexed and absorbed, they were making an example of those who had rebellious intentions. Even if they surrendered, they were not allowed to surrender. Women and children would be slaughtered at will, without regard to their status.

“Oh, and by the way. There is a rumor that concerns me. It is said that the hero who is summoned from the other world… and his companions will take the lead of the whole army to defeat the abomination that overflowed from the demon forest.”

――Oh, man, seriously?

I tried to keep my face calm so that it wouldn’t tense up. I could see that Myrril’s gaze was directed at me, but I avoided eye contact and tilted my head questioningly.

This is, could it be that my presence has brought in too much force?

“Oh, a hero, huh? Another high-profile guy comes out of the woodwork. …So, what’s this side’s strength?”

“There are about 100 that can fight. I’d estimate that only about half of those can be put on the line as a frontline force.”

Right? I knew that. They call themselves the liberation army of a subhuman country, but in reality, they are just like a bunch of bandits. They can’t even compete with the regular army.

The subhuman troops with leather armor are powerless against regular soldiers wearing armor and carrying swords and possibly shields. No matter how powerful the elves’ longbows are, they are not enough to penetrate the shields. Even if they had that much power, there were only 20 elven archers at most. They would not be able to stand up to 10,000 enemies. It’s not just a matter of numbers anymore. The numbers alone are more than enough to be a big problem, though.

“…So, in terms of frontline strength alone, it’s 50 against 25,000. Or more.”

“Pwahahahahaha! It’s almost funny how far this has come, isn’t it?”

I know, I know, but Myrril-san, please read the atmosphere. The elf-san’s face is dumbfounded, his blood is drained, and he looks like a haniwa (a clay figurine).

“Hey, don’t look so irritated! Aside from myself, who do you think this guy is?”

“Eh, wait, Myr…”

“The name of this man is Tekehu Yoshua, a fantastic and outrageous mage. Just like the hero, he is a monster from another world. He has already declared war on the foolish king of Saliant face to face. I have already assumed that he will challenge the kingdom before long!”

――Myrril-neesan, that’s too much!

There are some things that I feel I’ve told her and some things that I haven’t before I came here, but even before that, the image of me is 100% fictional, far removed from reality.

Moreover, she kept her position as if she had nothing to do with it!

“T-that’s… reassuring.”

I don’t know if it’s a fake smile or an affectionate smile, but the elf’s lips curved slightly.

In fact, if there’s anything they can cling to, they’ll cling to it, even if it’s an illusion. Otherwise, their feelings will be crushed before the war begins.

To the north is a dense forest where magical beasts roam. It’s impossible to escape to another country again after having escaped. Subhumans have always been oppressed in every country. What kind of country would want to protect them by turning the most powerful country against them?

There is nowhere to run. If they are defeated, they will die here. And of course, that means us too.

“By the way… has that scout seen a strange big bow on a cart?”

The elf’s eyes narrowed at Myrril’s casual words.

“Why, have you seen it?”

“You saw it, didn’t you? How many?”

“…4. And about ten smaller ones that the soldiers carry.”

Myrril looked at me with a desperate expression for a moment. If the mechanical bows kill the people here ― and they certainly will be if they are shot with them ― her eyes are telling me that it is her fault.

I smiled and shook my head. That’s not going to happen. I would never allow the technology that Myrril had created to be used as a tool to kill her comrades.

I slapped the little dwarf girl on the back with my hand. There was a resounding thud, and she let out a girlish scream and recoiled. I scratched the head of the teary-eyed dwarf girl and smirked at her.

“Hey, hey, hey, don’t give me that sour look, Myrril-chan!”


“You said it yourself; who do you think I am? A fantastic, outrageous, monster mage, right?”

If you’re going to make a mess of it, you’ll have to ride it to the end with your eyes. It may sound like I’m holding a root, but you’re right. I’m a small person. Anyway, who is Tekehu Yoshua?

“T-that’s right. You can defeat a hero who also came from the other world, right?”

“He’s just an idiot, isn’t he? I could beat him with one punch.”

Oh no, I’ve covered this girl’s crazy story even more. Stop it already. If I raise the bar any higher, I won’t be able to pick up that act…

The dwarf girl and I look at each other with a wicked smile. Our hearts are in each other’s hands, for better or worse.

The elf also doesn’t understand the meaning of “one-punch”, but he seems to have picked up the meaning of “easy win”.

“…Is it okay to trust it…?”

“Of course you can! Right, Mir!”

“Yeah, of course!”

Cheerfulness is part of strength. And bluffing is part of the skill. That’s what the Japanese salaryman is.

Just look at the life of a company employee who has survived by crawling from the bottom to the top!

“So, I have a suggestion. …Or rather a favor.”

The elf stiffens a little at my words. There is no distrust in his eyes. I’m sure he’s still in the mindset that anything can do if he can rely on it. He nodded and urged me to go on.

“I’ll kill 10,000 of those 30,000. I will also prepare the means to kill the remaining 20,000. In return, I want you to lend a hand. Promise me that you will fight with me until the end?”

The elf’s face contorts into a grimace for a moment. And then, finally, a real, not fake, smile appeared on his face. This is the first time I’ve seen an elf smile like that, and it was surprisingly childlike and innocent.

“Of course, even at the cost of my life!”

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