When I instructed the consular units to lift from the tower, I returned by air to the territory.

In preparation for the Sea Dragon Sea Serpent Battle.

"" "Welcome back, master" "

So, before the battle, I decided to look at the domestic affairs and returned to the house, but Igarashi and Garcia weren't there.

Only three maids were guarding the hall.

"We are both going to Igarashi's home"

And Ikoka.

"What happened to the rice field?"

"No, it seems that customers are coming today."

Customers are not uncommon in Nakamura's influential Igarashi family, but for that reason, is it enough to go to Garcia?

"Do you know who the customer is?"

"Yes, I'm sure you came to the Imperial City with a strange name ..."

Said Watermelon, as if to remember.

"I told you, Daijin-sama."

"You're the Minister!"

I put on my coat again and hurried to Igarashi's house.

When I arrived at Igarashi's residence, there was a basket of black painted `` Kuronu '' at the eaves `` Nokisaki '', and more than a dozen direct-drained `` spotted '' military officers seemed to be You can see guarding the mansion.

Apparently it's really like that.

The military officers looked at me and persuaded myself and ran a hand on a bunch of swords, but when my young wife came in and turned out to be "the lord of this land," she was warned. Was.

"Whoa, do you. The minister is really here."

"Yes. I don't feel comfortable living."

When guided by the young wife and going through Engawa, the shoji in the room of the most sunny Buddhist altar opens.

Sue ...

In the back of the room was the Minister of the Imperial City.

Below that are Igarashi, Garcia, and the landlord Isao and husband.

Even though Garcia and Igarashi are still there, it seems that Isao and her husband just turned blue and faced the minister's visitor.

"Oh, Aiga! I heard you're on the quest?"

When I came, the Minister welcomed me with a happy face, and Isao and her husband gasped with a relieved face.

"Yes, I'm accumulating experience points and just came back. But I was surprised that the Minister himself was coming to Tomo. What was going on?"

And me.

"Wahaha. I'm traveling around the country because there is a reason. I stopped by a distant cloud because I had some use."

"Is it for you?"

"Um. About Igarashi."

So I got a bit of a bad feeling and was surprised.

"What is Igarashi-san?"

"Um, actually. Monster damage has increased more than ever before in the Far East. Even if you ask adventurers to defeat monsters, the central must take command for recovery. And Maro's political affairs are also increasing, which means that there is a shortage of central staff ... "

The minister keeps a sigh there.

"There, Igarashi-kun, who had been seconded to you, came to see if I could come back soon, because if she was there she was a hundred-man power."

"Uh ..."


Igarashi was originally the Secretary of the Minister.

So, like the legendary bamboo princess famous in the Far Eastern cultural sphere, returning to the moon, Igarashi will eventually return to the Imperial Capital ... I thought that day would come someday.

Shobon ...

"But Maro was marvelous."


"Igarashi wants to continue working under you."

`` Yes !? ''

Is that OK? The female secretary shook his ponytail, nodding at me.

Igarashi-san ... I really love my hometown.

I think it's a heart that needs to be respected, but isn't it possible for the minister to just answer the demands?

I'm originally a secretary of the Minister.

"As for Maro, I was going to force him to take him home, even if he wanted to stay at home."


"But you and Igarashi aren't engaged .... I can't say that I'll be strong and come back."


"Husband ... (whispering)"

When I noticed, Garcia was doing a peace sign at an angle only visible to me.


Garcia's guy brought me and Igarashi-san's "Fiancee Setting" with a quick wit.

I'm a little distracted but fine play.

"Wahahhh. Anyway, Aiga. Isn't that merchant very much like Atsuatsu ♡? I have to make it moderate."

I thought, but retracted the previous statement.

What did he say?

"Well ..."

Suddenly, when she looked sideways in a tight skirt's ass, she turned her face red with steam and sharp eyes.

You're probably angry at Garcia's shouting.

But it was good that Igarashi-san did not return to the Imperial City.

"Thank you, Minister. I'm sure you'll strengthen your territory and contribute to the empire."

"Um. I'm hoping. I'm sorry that I couldn't return to the excellent Igarashi-kun, but in the long run she would have been under Aiga for the Far East as a whole. Maybe it is. "


When Igarashi-san's story was settled, the minister started talking about quests and territorial management.

The story of one-winged towers and fused stones was an exciting adventure, and there was Isao-san there, so I was very interested in talking about herbs and experience transfer skills.

"Speaking of which, you would have said that at the time of the previous parliament you would build a port."

"Oh yes.

That's it.

At that time, it was the minister who offered a nice idea that the ship should be made of distant clouds.

"After that, how about the construction?"

"Actually that is ..."

The minister said, "Oh, good, good."

"It is common for young lords to misunderstand their territory and say that they can do something they can't do with a good look."


"You are a small country of 2500 grains. I don't know how long it will take to build such a large port. I know that from the beginning."

"Ha ha ha"

"We are paying close attention to the ships, and if you show us the planned port location, let's turn the labor force from the territory to the scale."

Apparently the minister has been a bit early.

"Oh, that's a very grateful offer, but um, um."

"... Minister, you don't have to do that."

If I'm not sure what to answer, Igarashi-san will answer you.

"Igarashi-kun? Pamumu. Don't be afraid. Even if the construction is progressing too much, it is inevitable given the size of the distant clouds.

"No ... I haven't done the construction already."

"What? Did you abandon the construction of the port?"


Mr. Igarashi glances at her eyes, tending to be prone, while keeping her perfect sitting position with her fingertips on her knees.

After receiving her eye contact, I said:

"Minister, the port is already completed."

"How ...!"

In front of the minister who stood out, a huge and well-filled harbor was spreading.

The sea breakwater has already been completed, and the waves in front of the sea are calmer than the inland sea.

Along the way, there was a waterway connecting "Nakamura" "Kan" "Minato", which was used to bring the minister from Nakamura to here.

"It took less than six months for such a major construction .... What kind of magic did you use?"

"I used magic, or used magic, but ..."

I thought a little.

"In the first place, the territory was strong."

Certainly, the power of adventurers of the civilian unit was diverted as heavy equipment power, the possession of Kyoko was used to investigate the sea floor, Akira and Shohei made geological surveys, blacksmiths and carpenters There are some tricks that I have done and I send experience points to ...

This is also because of the fact that there is a community in each village that can cooperate with the general servant “Fushinbo” in the first place.

"Eiga ..."

I'm staring at me as Igarashi-san said something.

"Either way, I can make a dock anyway. I hope you can start building in collaboration with Okuga."

"Oh, that's it."

And I'm muffled,

"It's done too."

Igarashi-san then walked with the lead and led the minister.

Then you will see a dock set up behind the port warehouses.

Unfortunately it is empty now.

However, it is spectacular that the brick underground space is neatly partitioned in the huge depression.

Looking down on this, the minister seemed to have lost his words.

"Well, Maro is also in shipbuilding countries other than Okuga ... but I have never seen such a dock !?"

"It's natural because we're building a ship to defeat monsters."

Igarashi-san told the minister, "Daughter proud of craftsmanship to his dad," which is a little smile.

"So, then, are you finally starting to build a ship?"

The minister looks at my face and swallows me.


Gogogogogogogo ...

Behind it, the [ship] just returned from the test cruise entered the port and the dock gates were being opened.

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