Three days after the reverse/sleepover in Kimura.

Now I went to a village called [Tanimura].

Valley Village is a village situated between mountains and mountains and elongated according to the shape of the valley.

The population is about 300.

It was the third largest village in the territory, following "1 Nakamura" and "2 Isomura", although it had not been able to reach many feet before.

It's a land of good soil and abundant spring water, and the villagers make their living by doing fields and orchards.

Dodo dodo...


So, there were 20 troop affiliates in this valley village, mainly Nao, an ace of support systems.

"This village is so cool when summer comes."

"Yes, it's a little highland."

and answers even as Nao gives instructions to the troops.


And as in Kimura, training near the village gathered a few sights.

It becomes quite a crowd with only a large population.

"Okay. Nao, it's time"


Therefore, switch the training to "To Attract".

Specifically, it feels like magic, guns, firepower, and flying horseback riding.


Then this is the big deal.


"Hehe! Like what?"

The troops seem to have lost sight of this as well.

That's because it's only locally that I want to be cool, rather than anywhere else in the world.

"Hehe, all right, all right. It's time for lunch in here."

When I spoke that way, the spectators applauded me.

"Cah, lord."

"Lord, that's cool!

And such yellow cheer for me.

Huh? Maybe I have a hot phase, too?

And so on and so forth, I was instantly uked, but when I think of the story of Tenzo, they suspect that there is a back.

Well, humans don't suddenly get hot like that.

"Think about it, and I'll make it better."

When I thought so and searched for the right shade of tree, I started eating the rice balls that Mr. Fifty Storms had made me "Go ahead for lunch..." on my way out.

Yeah, that's yummy.

Rice and seaweed go well with the slightly sour fruit called plum.

... mushamshamshamshamsha

Now, eating lunch like that and looking at the village, I stopped looking at a man wearing a single cassette, who was keeping books among private houses.

There's nothing wrong with me. I'm a man, but he's not dressed like the rest of the valley people, and I'm a little concerned.

Musha Musha Musha...... Ohhhhh!

When I finished eating the rice balls and poured the tea in the bamboo barrel quickly, I slowly stopped over to the man and asked.

"Hey, are you from this village?

"Lord...... no. I'm from the Outer Village."

And the man who finally answers.

"Outside Village? Why are people from outside Village in Valley Village?

"Heh. I'm here to quote vegetables to be purchased in the summer from a customer of this village"


When I saw him, he was hanging a booklet like a book on his hip.

I wanted to ask this guy a lot, but the question about what to ask didn't come up well, and while I was lost,

"Now, lord, if you'll excuse me."

And the man in the outer village bowed out for good and left.

Um, I knew you didn't communicate very well with people in the outer village.

But I see.

The outer village is not only responsible for trade with the territory, but also for distributing the products and products of the territory.

Well, that's because there are no villages that can do it just with rice, and no villages that can do it just with vegetables.

There has always been a product circulation where "rice" from Nakamura goes to Kimura and Valley Village in some way, and "vegetables" from Valley Village goes to Nakamura and Kimura...

But you can't imagine that it's been circulating there without a monetary economy. What kind of deal do people in the outer villages do?

I thought you were vaguely exchanging things with things, but you don't really feel like bartering.

(Recently, pt is a wack that made something similar to currency, but distribution is still limited)

Let's ask Garcia again.


The afternoon training ended in a big day, and I stayed at Nao's house at the recommendation of the village chief.

"My daughter is a plain, unassuming child."

"I thought you were always causing trouble to the lord..."

And Nao's parents say.

Is it humble?

They didn't praise their own daughter very much.

"No, no, Nao's doing very well. Troops do commanders, too. You saw the training earlier, right?

So when I had dinner, I complimented Nao all the time.

"My lord... ♪"

Nao looks happy.

I wish I could praise you more because you're such a praised and liked child, but, well, a parent can be unnatural if you praise your child too much.

Maybe a distance guy like me needs to do it instead.

"Then, my lord, let's keep going."

So, after dinner, the family says they're going out for a bath.


In the first place, all Far Cloud people attach great importance to bathing.

The Far East is a humid, sweaty climate.

Especially since Tanimura is rich in water, nature and baths must have flourished.

There is a culture of creating 'co-baths' with the co-financing of several families, and everyone says they bathe almost every day.

I like baths, too, so I didn't complain there.


But the co-bath was a 'mixed bath' thing, so it's a bit of a bad place to live.

Four families of young and old are rubbing naked or soaking in a hot tub to match Nao's house.

I still didn't get used to the feeling of Raheen coming from the outside, and there was nothing else in the hot tub that was flailing my shoulders.

"Oh lord. My daughter always takes care of me."

Then a beautiful lady on my shoulder called me out, and I set myself up.


"Oh, I'm sorry. I am Manaka's mother."

The museum. Oh, so Manaka is making me a maid.

That guy, if you say so, was he from Tanimura?

Manaka's mother listens to her daughter in the hot tub, so I thought it was the best thing to worry about, and she said, "Manaka does a great job," but my mother is no better than my daughter. She likes to chat and doesn't really try to get the conversation started.

My body was about to climb up, but the lady finally lifted her out of the hot tub.

I was horrified, but as I walked away, I turned back to Nao.

"Nao. Good luck."

And as he left it, Nao blushed and nagged.


Exactly. I didn't think 14 or 15 Nao had any expectations of 'marrying a lord', but they still expect you to be there too?

"Oh, boy, you're in trouble too."

Go home and say so to Nao, who lays the futon in a bass.

The girl shook her head with a boom, causing wet hair from the hot water to stick to her cheeks.

Eventually, when the futon was laid, I slept with Nao.

Well, of course, we didn't do what the villagers expected, and until we went to sleep, we just had an argument about the troop's methods of warfare.

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