When I got up from the hot spring, I drank fruit milk (from Tanimura) and Garcia drank coffee milk.

Very much.....

As I place my hand on my hips and tilt the bottle to my chin and throat, I feel a rounded lump sticking to my wipe under my right shoulder blade.

I thought it was Mr. Fifty Arashi, so I kept drinking and looked back.

"... I'm sorry, Aga-sama. We're done here."

The female secretary holds a dumpling fan "Uchiwa" in her hands in a yukata with her hair down, making it a bit unsatisfactory.

He's worried that I gave up the water in the private room to the women's team.

"Not at all. I was with Garcia, and it was a big bathing area."

"But instead of the lord, I used a private room....."

"You can say that the lord is good. And you seemed to have fun too."

"... let's have fun (...)?"

Mr. Fifty Arashi stares at us with his neck closed.


"No, it must have been fun. Come on, let's get back to everybody."

When I put the bottle of milk in the bottle with that deception, the three of us went back to the room.

"... what about Glico?

When I got back, I tried to calm down and listen to Cross, but there was no sign of him in the room.

"Mr. Glico went to the table tennis court."

Watermelon says.

In that case, I thought it would be good to visit from here, but at that time, the neighbors just brought the meal, so I didn't.

"Excuse me."



"Hey Shiso!!"

When I saw everyone's happy faces, I just hated myself for worrying about the brave party.

It's a comfort trip, but I can't tell everyone that.

"" "Please!!" "

I shook my head and decided to enjoy dinner with everyone in front of me.

"Nh, no way. Husband."

"Oh, yeah."

Especially this white raw fish, The Spot, is horse.

That's a fishing village.

The black liquid and green condiments (from Tanimura) made from fermented soybeans go well with the fish.

Everyone said it was delicious and ate it.

"Hehe, you're okay for a bit."

So Liv smiled ill and tried to get his maids to drink local sake.



"It's time to stop..."

Chairman, the temperament of the squid did not drink like that, but the watermelon and manaka had one mouth and two mouths of alcohol to drink, and their faces turned bright red, saying, "I'm completely drunk" and "We're not adults anymore."

I didn't think it was a particular problem, but it was a big problem that Mr. Isaraki glanced at Spin.

"Hey, only Mr. Fifty Arashi can really stop now!

And when Liv changed and hid the liquor bottle, the female secretary was flustered.

Poor thing, but there's no other way.

Wow, I ate too much ~

"It's painful....."

I can't eat anymore.

After meals.

Garcia, watermelon and manaka turned their stomachs upside down.

On the other hand, it is strange that Liv, who seemed to have eaten as much molasses, has a cool face.

"What is it? I'm sorry."

Liv lifted his hair so he lit the cigarette.

I flipped my yukata around the belt like a tuna, and my upper body was always on a cool tank top with a necklace, but my stomach didn't seem to be swollen at all.

Where did the food go?

After that, there were several groups of visitors in this room.

Natsume-san, the chief of Kimura, the elder of Nakamura, the chief of Yoshioka Shrine...

The people of Yuanyun "Tokumo" attached great importance to the bath, so many people came to stay from the first day of the opening, and it seemed like they came to greet me knowing that I was there.

Especially since Natsume-chi is on the western side of the territory, it is still a surprise because he walked to Isomura, which is located on the eastern side of the territory.

Anyway, it's good to have more fun for the people.

"My lord....."

And some of the visitors looked like Akira.

"Oh, Akira!

As Akira was the discoverer of the hot springs, she was invited by Isomura.

Next door is his newly married wife, whose heartburn makes her think of his lonely back when she first met him.

"Oh, oh, oh, hot springs. I hope so.

"Yeah! Thanks. Thanks to you, I put it in a nice bath."

He laughed when he said that and slapped his shoulder.

"My lord, here, here... here was made by Shohei and Odaiba. I'll take it."

"Ah? Ah. What the hell is this?

I heard that Akira had gone home illuminated before she answered.

It looks like a scroll was handed over, so I'll try spreading it out.

I looked at the contents and I didn't really understand it.

"... this is a map."

and Mr. Igarashi taught me.

Yes, it is.

In the geological survey of Akira, it seems that Shohei wrote down that the detailed survey of the territory had advanced and the geology and topography had become clear.

There were a number of tables and drawings describing formations and elevations in various formats, and I didn't really understand them, but the map describing the positional relationship of the entire territory was well understood, and the following is it.


To Teito To Oka

▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ □ □ ▲ ▲


▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ Outer Village □ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲



▲ ▲ ▲ Okumura ▲ | ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲

Magic Mine ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲


▲ □ □ ▲ ▲ Kimura □ | □ ▲ ▲ ▲ □ □ ▲

▲ □ ▲ ▲ ▲ □ □ □ ▲ ▲ ▲ □ Isomura □


□ □ ▲ □ Medium | Village □ □ □ □

Old □ □ ▲ □ □ | □ □ □

Port □ □ □ □ | □ □ □

□ □ Building □ □ □ □ □


□ Port □ □ | □

# Shimamura #


▲ = Mountain

□ = Plains

| = Ogawa

This way, it's not convenient for East-West traffic.

That's right.

This led me to talk about territorial management.

Traffic in the territory was connected by waterway to Kimura, Nakamura, the museum, and the new port, but access to the "Magic Mine" in the west and the "Isomura" in the east was still undeveloped.

I wish I could fly away with the Black Wang Maru, but I'd like to make things easier for my people.

"Traffic infrastructure is fragile.

and Garcia.

From the point of view of building the banking system, the merchant wants the businesses beyond the village's boundaries to come out from the people.

Well then, why don't you lay down the magic train?

That's what Liv says.

"Sure, if the whole topography is clear, it's easy to plan the route."

The Magic Railroad.

I certainly wanted to lay it on my territory.....

"But you're still working on land warfare weapons, aren't you? You can't afford that?

"It's okay. Ichiro and you are growing up quite a bit."

But there are limits to the supply capacity.

"What do you think of Mr. Fifty Arashi?

"... just as the port of battle contributed to the technology of building this inn, so could the technology of laying railroads come alive in battle."

Well, that makes sense.

Well, in the meantime, if so, which line should I lay it on?

When this happened, my dreams swelled.

We were a little excited to discuss the various plans before going through the map.

... so, how long have we been talking about this?

The maids playing cards on the futon had fallen asleep long before them.

As time progresses, Liv falls asleep, and Garcia finally falls asleep, the excitement of the argument finally subsides.

"You've been talking a lot."


Mr. Fifty Arashi was also a little tired. He shifted the heel of his seated seat, stacked his knee in the shape of a "ku", and looked out the window.

Beyond that darkness,

I'm relieved....

The kind of bugs that squeal is beginning to change until yesterday.

"Summer is almost over...."

When I snapped, Mr. Fifty Arashi with sharp eyes looked at me with a dumpling fan "Uchiwa" so as to be unusual.


I smile back at the Yukata beauty and look back at the map of the territory that Akira gave me, and I realize how satisfied my breasts are.

At the same time, it erased the backlash of caring about the crosses, which had been moody until now.

I think that the identity of that satisfaction is the "confidence" in the present companions, the present territory, and the present self.

Confidence in oneself now testifies to the fact that it is not "untimely" for a brave party.

There was nothing I could do about my whereabouts being gone, and I could be sure that my current location was here without a lie.

... but...

But I'm sure there won't have been days of adventure with Cross.

That's why I thought it was natural to worry about them if I heard they were not feeling well, so I didn't have to apologize to my current friends.

Well, shall we go to bed now?

"... yeah"

That said, turning off the light of the magic lamp that shined brightly on the tatami tatami mat, the darkness near nature swallowed everyone sleeping in the river shape.

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