The purpose of this visit to Zaharbelt is twofold.

One is [S-Class Registration] at Alliance Headquarters.

The other was to buy an embassy base in the city.

That's why this is a very small journey.


Me, Garcia, and Mr. Fifty Arashi first sailed to Skahama on a regular sailing flight from the new port in the far clouds.

The destination is far away, an unknown land to me, and this is the man.

Black Ohmaru is overmanned, and the ship is too big.

It will be fairly easy to get on the normal route.

"I think it would be better to report to the Imperial Capital before going to Zaharbelt."

That's what Mr. Fifty Arashi said, so I stopped by the Imperial Capital once I got to Skahama.

Then, the minister said he wanted to celebrate, and he was really surprised by the entertainment of giving him a treasure of quest encouragement from the Great King, "You".

"Wahaha! It would be good for the Far East as a whole to have your territory certified as S-Class."

That's what the minister said, so I'm going back to Skahama again, wondering if that's what happened.

From there, I took the international flight of the Magic Ship and left the Far East.

After about four days of shaking, you reach the port town of Marine Label.

"Speaking of which, it was this port town that fired me from the brave party."

Yeah, that's great.


After a night.

We took over the ship again.

It was a boat that my people used to take and I couldn't get on alone.

It's a ship bound for Zaharbelt.

Bobo, Bobo....

Beauty Kana The sea and sky are filled with blue whistles.

The seagull also flew.

However, only the bow, Miyoshi, was facing west.

Now, with the people I'm with.

Well, it's only been a few days since we sailed the Marine Label.

I had hamburgers in the dining room, Garcia had curry, and Mr. Fifty Arashi had pasta.

Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze...

"That said, I can't leave the territory behind much."

Speaking of which, Mr. Fifty Arashi.How's Nakamura's paddy?

"... this year's harvest is expected to grow more than usual."

Garcia asks and Mr Fifty Arashi answers.

I said while staring at the knife with the oil from Hamburg the Black Hair Minotaur.

"That's a good story."

"Yes, uncle... no, a new species developed by Isao Isao Fifty Storms produces twice as much rice as a single ho."

Somehow, Mr. Fifty Arashi also called Isao "Grandpa."

I can't imagine at all.

"But the high harvest and whether it's going to be a" good economic story "are different questions."

"What do you mean?

"It's good that the yield is' stable '.Even if you get more than the population in the territory, it's worth less. "

"... it's called abundance and poverty."

Mr. Fifty Arashi said in front of him a fork wrapped in pasta as beautifully as an artwork.

"I see. I mean, Lord, I have to manage prices to balance product and consumption by increasing rice reserves."

"That's what I'm talking about. As the harvest increases, there's a lot of work to be done."

Garcia, who put curry on her cheeks, replies.

"Well, anyway, we're not going back to the Territory by the fall harvest festival.Tozo seems to be mad at me too.Until then, I want to build a system that assumes the territory, the quest, the Zaharbert... and the return to those three sides.Please. "


That's right.

Well, I guess that's what I was talking about.

Fu, I noticed that the four adventurer-style people who were hanging across from the cafeteria were giving us a vibrant gaze.

Thought it was suspicious air, they eventually got up and approached us with Doya Doya.

Don't bother.

Though I thought so, I developed a defensive magic "barrier" around Garcia and Mr. Fifty Arashi.

Then, on top of the plan, the adventurers surrounded our seats.

"Hey, I hear you said something about quests, but are you adventurers?

First, a warrior-style man cut his tongue so hard.

This one looks like a leader.

"Ah, yes, of course."

The wizard-wind woman in the back laughed with her nose.

Oh, it doesn't seem very strong though.

"What grade are you in?"

That's how I lit the cigarette after dinner, saying, "No, it's not enough to answer."

"Fighting power... hey, 75,000, anyway"

A monk-style man peeks at my combat power, and a bandit man next door starts coming up.

"Damn, you're not up to speed with that kind of combat power."

"You're going to Zahar Belt because you're on this ship, right?Aren't you going up to class B?

"Fufu, I'm here sometimes.Someone in Zaharbelt, the country of adventure, thinks he can fly high just by breathing in the air. "


The laughter is obviously intended to come.

I kept my mouth shut and just stared at them for a cigarette smoke.

"Whoa? What's with those eyes?Want to do it? "

The scene turned pale, and the warrior-style man took pleasure in his arms.

But I threw up the smoke and then I gave it back.

"Give me a break.I know you're strong. "

And they looked at each other.

"Shit, it's a bony guy."

"Uncomfortable! Boring."

And I lost interest and left.

Jesus Christ.

I solved the defensive magic "Barrier" that was secretly hanging around Garcia and Mr. Fifty Arashi.

"People who don't feel good."

"... Aga-sama.Why can't you just punch me to death?

And it's the female secretary who says the funny thing.

"If you do that, you'll have a fight."

I answer with a bitter smile.

"Most adventurers on the ship are stupid.They stopped by thinking, "If you fight, you'll lose your time."I think it's a bump. "

I don't know.


Garcia and Mr. Fifty Arashi were a little dissatisfied.

Well, they're both non-combatant and surprisingly militant.

And that's exactly when it happened.

When the roar "Gou-on" sounded and there was a sudden big shake on board.

Gashan! Balibali...!!

Largely leaning canteen.

People and tables flow like they were on a slide, breaking countless dishes.


"Oh, my God!

In the noisy cafeteria, one of the sailors came down and shouted:

"Oh, is there any adventurer among you...?!

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