When Yuri woke up, a strange ceiling jumped into his eyes.

You're finally awake.

I hear a voice and I look at you.

Then I saw my former classmate, Delhi, tending her sword at the window.

"Delhi-kun... where are we?"

"It's my inn room."You've been asleep for three whole days. "

Three days?

That's right.

When I saw the Bikini Armor Magic Warrior, there was a flood of information in Yuri's head.

However, the information could not be processed and left only an impression of shock for him.

When I try to remember, my head hurts like a crack.


"Hey, don't push yourself. Take a rest."

"... why?"

Yuri holds his head and asks.

"Why did you bring me into the room?"

"I don't know how you feel, but I don't know."

Delhi continued looking out the window.

"I used to be the same as you."I thought this world was worthless, so I locked myself in my own.But that won't save you.We have to face the real value of living with people who are closer to us. "

"... after all, you've grown up."

Yuri said with disappointment.

"That's the way grown-ups cheat."I just can't escape the daily reality. "

That's right.

The former kingdom of Andersen, where Yuri and Delhi were born, was ruled by a demon king but developed economically, but it was a country that lost its intention to develop its economy due to its long-standing subordination.

For a child who grows up in such a country, being an adult is only 'obedience'.

And to obey is to lose.

It is the usual practice of adults to bring the [Daily Reality] to the cunning [Katsura] without obeying or losing.

"Yuri, that's not true. Don't run away. rather...."

That's enough!

Yuri seldom shouted out loud.

"I'm so frustrated. I thought you were on the same side as me."


Silence dominates the room.

After a while, it was not the words that broke the silence, but the sound of the door being knocked on.

"I have a visitor. Hold on a second."

Delhi laid down his well-maintained sword and headed towards the entrance of the room.

"Hey, Delhi."

Mr. Cross?

It was Cross Andrew the Brave who came to visit the room.

"Oh, I don't see any signs of people."Is anybody here? "

"I'm an old friend. I think I'm feeling a little sick, so I'm getting some rest."


The hero peered into the back of the room, and his eyes met those of Yuri, who was standing up on the bed.

"You're such a cute girl, aren't you?"Are you dating someone? "

"... he may look like a girl, but he's a man."

Delhi answers with a bitter smile.

"Oh, I'm sorry, that's rude."But a friend of Delhi's would be a good guy.Let's play together when we're feeling better. "

Having said that, the hero turned a smile like the sun.

(Is he a brave man......)

Yuri's face turned to cross for the first time.

A strange man.

It's like walking with a pure heart, and there is a refreshing [Sawa] that everyone seems to like.

(Maybe that's the kind of mind that stains the dark [Yamato] beautifully.)

Delhi asked Cross if Yuri thought so.

"By the way, Mr. Cross, what do you want?"

"Oh, that's right. Delhi, I need a hand with this.I wanted to adjust my sense of close-quarter combat. "

I see.

Delhi replies, looking back.

"Yuri, I'm going to train."Anyway, you're still resting.You can stay here as long as you want. "


I'd like to talk to you a little bit more slowly.

Left unanswered, Delhi sighed and went out with Cross for training.

Yuri, who was alone, rose from his bed.

My head doesn't hurt anymore.

As he opens the window with his thin fingers, he remembers the hero's sunny smile and crushes it.

"That brave person may be worthy of the Devil King's family....."

When Yuri stepped onto the edge of the window, he turned back and flew into the sky like a reaper.


The day after I bought the old Earl's Palace.

Garcia and I used to pick out furniture and stuff in the shopping district of Zaharbelt.

It's for the Count's residence.

In the meantime, I think I can achieve my goal.

That's right.

Although it was much larger than expected, it was possible to purchase a base in Zaharbelt.

S-Class registration is also waiting for 150 troops to arrive.

I want to go on an adventure soon.

"Milord, are you tired of Zaharbelt already?"

"It's not like that."I've been training a lot of territory folk since the previous A-Class Quest.I want to try it in the S-class real-world battle as soon as possible. It's the breeder's feelings. "

Igarashi-san, who was away today, reported back to the hotel while talking like that.

Dear Ayga, I just got a call from Alliance Headquarters.

From guild headquarters?

“Yes, they said, 'I have some serious news for you, please come to headquarters as soon as possible.'”

Major announcement?

I have to go all the way, what the hell.

We are also quite busy hiring servants and purchasing supplies to move our base to the former Countess Mansion.....

"Milord, please leave us to ourselves."Of course, Igarashi-san and Bell-chan are also willing to help, so don't worry. "

Garcia said, and Igarashi-san also nodded in excitement.

"I'm sorry. Then I'll take care of the rest."

I was worried about the big news, so I left the rest to the best of my people, and I went out.

...... So, Guild HQ.

I call the reception as soon as I arrive.

"You're Aiga Janiez, aren't you? This way, please."

The receptionist said that and guided me to the corridor behind this "general reception".

In contrast to the sweat on the front of the reception desk and the beakiness of the adventurers with chest hair, there is a sense of penetration into the back of the world with a very quiet backdrop.

Katyun, Katyun.....

As I climbed the stairs and went to the second, third, and fourth floors, I felt that the passing officials were going to the elite.

How far are we going to go?

"This way."

Eventually, the receptionist opened the door to the room marked "Conference Room 1" at the far end of the fifth floor.

A heavy wooden door.

Beyond them, wide-hearted men sat with their desks lined up with letters of their mouths.

I'm sure it's the Eli people.


At the same time, the atmosphere here seems to be manipulating the world from the back.

I felt nervous because I was brought to the staff room.

Did I do something wrong?

I've brought Aiga Janiez with me.

When the receptionist said so, the elf man rose from one of the seats and approached.

"Hey, thanks for coming."

"Ah, you were the last..."

And he was an elf, which was called the great wise man El, the day that he came to make the S-class registration.


The Great Sage Elle slapped me on the shoulder and looked back at the meeting and said:

"Gentlemen! I would like to leave the next Demon King Quest to this Aega Janice!"

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