When I returned to the hotel that I had just checked out, I heard from my junior that "Tiana-senpai would be the Prophecy Agency".

So I ran alone through the metropolis of Zaharbelt.

"Hah, hah, hah...!"

- I'm not qualified to marry Tiana if I'm still weak.

That's what I've always thought since I started to lose track of the Brave Party.

But I continued my adventure in a different way, and now I've been assigned a Demon King quest.

If I had succeeded in doing this, I could say that as an adventurer, I would have become equivalent to Cross.

So now I can say it with my chest open.

"When this battle is over, I want you to marry me..."


When I arrived at the Oracle, I found Tiana behind me in the hallway.

Sleeveless shoulders bounce, red glasses look back.


But it looked strange somewhere.

I don't have the usual confidence in my back, and that victorious eyebrow looks somewhat weak.

"What's the matter? I can't believe I'm freaking out in a hallway like this."

"No... no, it's nothing."

Tiana turned away in a gesture to straighten her glasses.

Well, more than that, why are you here?

"I asked Emma. I've been working at Zaharbelt, and I have an important story to tell...."

I take the amusement park ticket from Pokke and go on.

That's why we're going on a date.

"It's an amusement park..."

"Have you ever been there?"

Asked, Tiana stared at the ticket, slightly opening her pale pink lips and pawning.

It's a bit strange after all.

I thought so.....

Sure, I was soaring in a Demon King quest, but Tiana had plans for Tiana.

Even if you are suddenly invited, you may be troubled by a woman.

I'm still staying in Zaharbelt until I've signed up for 150 troops.

I can talk to you tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

You look tired, do you want to do it again?

However, she shook her head rather reluctantly.

"No... no! Let's go"

You don't have to do this.

"I'm really fine." I'm sorry to bother you. and..... "

Tiana tends to get a little overwhelmed and gently touches my chest and says.

"I... wanted to talk to you, too."

The amusement park was magically lit up after dusk.

Therefore, we will finish our snacks before the sun sets, and then we will head there.

gay gay gay gay....

When the two of us went out to the city, it was already the usual Tiana.

The beautiful legs on the road are full of confidence, and the gesture of carrying the cup to your mouth with your golden hair in your ears is as feminine as the medicine [sucking].

Ufufu, that's like a flame magic lobster.

When it comes to adventure, women give you a fascinating smile.

The flowers blossomed in the adventure of being apart from each other, and it was so fun that I thought it would be a good life together until I became a grandpa and a grandmother.

... I guess I was just a little tired when I lost my temper.

Now, around 5: 00 pm, the sun tilts.

We enter the hotel and take the magic elevator to the rooftop amusement park.


When the elevator door opened with magic power, there was a different world filled with many playground equipment and magic light.

Magic Rotating Trojan (Merry-Go-Land), Magic Tipper, Magic Coaster.....

I didn't know which way to ride, and I imagined Tiana and "What kind of ride" lined up from the end, hitting each other and coming off.

Particularly, the magic coaster was unimaginable fear.

Placed in a trolley-like box, they are steeply lowered from the mountain tracks by the power of magic.

I don't know if people want to be tested like this.

"Hey, let's ride again."

"No! I'll never ride again!"

"Even though it's so much fun? I'm scared if I'm Aega. Ufufu"

Meanwhile, Tiana seemed very excited, and she was happy to have her cheek [cheek] as [flutter], so I thought that she might be stronger in this part.

... so.

It comes from the magic wheel of the evening.

The Ferris wheel is a strange vehicle that enters a small room and as the large vertical wheel is rotated by magic, the room gradually rises to a high altitude.

It was a shocking ride again, but in a terrified battle, I rode into a small room and the wheels spun around.

The altitude gradually increases.

By the time it was about to reach its peak, the spectacular night view of the metropolis of Zaharbelt had been captured.


That's what I said.

"Tiana, let's get married."


Her heart was shivering, but she lowered her voice and handed her a small box as if she were giving the table salt.

"For once, this is an engagement ring."

When the woman opens the box, the pink gold ring shines.

A poor sigh leaked from her flowery lips.

"... beautiful"

"I actually bought it a long time ago, but I couldn't give it to you." I thought if I didn't become an adventurer on a par with Cross, I wouldn't be the man for you... that's what I thought. "


Tiana's blue eyes glistened with the brilliant [Ran] and [Kiran] as if reflecting hundreds of millions of stars and city lights.

While staring at the radiance of her eyes, I nudged her blonde hair a couple of times, and I put my mouth on the lips of the woman's pointed [and] pleasantly with all the kindness I had gained in my life.

"Pyu, pyu.....

The swelling of each other's upper and lower lips bumps into each other, sometimes sucking each other.

”Nh... fufu”

Tiana leaked a sharp breath and staggered back to us.

The correctly aligned discipline of breast swelling in the chest of the summer sweater crushed softly into my chest, and I feel that the warmth has been accepted as a refined proposal.

I don't think I've caught up with you guys yet, though.

I kept talking when I kissed each other's mouths and threw my fingers out of the mix of women's hairs.

"If I defeat the Demon King class, I think I can become an adventurer in the same class as Cross." So... when this fight is over, we'll have a wedding. "

But when we're done talking.

The light disappeared from her eyes.

What's the matter?

That's what I'm talking about.

Tiana turned her sharp lips towards the void and said this.

I think you should decline this Demon King Quest.

“How's it going?

For a moment, I was dazed not knowing what she was saying.

“That's what I'm talking about. I just climbed to the S-Class and suddenly the Demon King level quest is ridiculous."

“Don't be ridiculous, that's why there's no more chance.”

“Opportunity comes with risk." Your power is the power of development... "First of all, we should build up more territory power."

”Hahaha, don't worry about it”

Laugh so lightly and continue.

"I've done everything I can to make my territory stronger." I'm sure the next quest will be a success. "

"It's all here...?"

Tiana rolled her eyes toward the night view and twitched.

I wonder if that's true.

"... what do you mean?"

"If you really think about the territory, you should be responsible for marrying the wife who is supposed to be the lord of the land." I don't know if it's another Realm House or a powerful person on the land... but it's just that it's not the party woman I was at... "

Shut up!


I hugged her shoulders and said:

"It doesn't matter if there are other marriages for the territory. I like you, Tiana..."


Gashkon!... Pushuuu...

“Thank you for riding!”

The observation wheel circled back to the ground when it noticed.

... you've thrown up a lot of shameful lines.

I get out of the car thinking that way, but then.

Suddenly, I noticed that the next woman's cheeks were flooded with weeping and tears, and I opened my eyes wide.

What's the matter?

"... I'm sorry, I can't marry you"

Tiana left and ran away in tears.

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