
Han Zhenghui threw himself in front of Han Wenjie regardless of everything, looking at Han Wenjie who was rolling on the ground in pain helplessly, and kept shouting his name, but he didn't know what to say at all.

Seeing his beloved son suffer so much, Han Zhenghui felt distressed and angry. He turned his head and glared at Han Zhe, questioning indignantly.

"Han Zhe, you beast! How can you be so cruel! He is your brother. What deep hatred does he have with you? Why do you torture him like this! You are simply not a human being!"

"Aren't you powerful! Kill me! Kill me if you have the guts! I want to see if you have the courage to bear the infamy of patricide! Come on! Do it!"

Han Zhenghui was so angry that his blood was boiling, and his blood was boiling. For a while, he was not afraid of Han Zhe. He actually started to confront him head-on, and even ran over, grabbed Han Zhe's arm and hit him hard.

That posture really felt like he wanted to commit suicide, and then hit him to death.

He wanted to drag Han Zhe to hell with him.

Han Zhenghui thought that as Han Zhe's father, Han Zhe would never attack him, but he was wrong. In Han Zhe's eyes, Han Zhenghui was not even as good as a passerby, so what if he attacked him?


Han Zhe stretched out his hand, grabbed Han Zhenghui's neck, and lifted him up into the air.

Han Zhenghui's whole body was hanging in the air. The strong feeling of suffocation made him instinctively grab Han Zhe's arm, trying to pry him apart so that he could breathe again.

Han Zhenghui's face was full of fear and surprise. He never expected that Han Zhe would actually attack his father. Is this kid crazy? Is he really not afraid of being cursed in this world and having difficulty surviving?

No matter which country, patricide is a condemned evil, even after being punished by law, even if he dies, he will be despised by the world.

Han Zhe is now attacking his father. Does he really not care about how he will live in the future?

"Don't act like a father in front of me. You don't deserve it. You are not my father. You have no right to act like a spoiled child in front of me!"

"Don't you want me to kill you? Great! Anyway, I have chopped so many people today, but no one has died. If I get caught, I will be at a loss. It is better to kill you. It is not a loss."

The perverted smile on Han Zhe's face frightened Han Zhenghui so much that he trembled all over. When he was still wondering whether Han Zhe was threatening him, he clearly felt that Han Zhe's hand on his neck was constantly shrinking, and the strength was gradually increasing. His breathing became more and more difficult.

Until this moment, Han Zhenghui was really scared.

He no longer doubted that Han Zhe would kill him.

There was no emotion in Han Zhe's eyes, no reluctance, no struggle, he really wanted to kill himself.

"Spare... Spare... Me..."

Faced with the fear of impending death, Han Zhenghui was scared.

He used all his strength to squeeze out a few words from the crack of his throat and begged Han Zhe for mercy.

Han Zhe sneered, full of disdain.

This is the arrogant and arrogant head of the Han family in the previous life. He thought he was so brave, but when facing death, he was a cowardly waste who begged for mercy.


Han Zhe threw Han Zhenghui to the ground with a casual throw. Han Zhenghui felt that his bones were scattered, his internal organs were displaced, and blood with saliva flowed from the corners of his mouth. It was obviously internally injured.

"Do you know why I didn't kill you?"

"It's not because of your begging for mercy, nor because I still regard you as my father and have feelings for you."

"It's just because I haven't had enough fun!"

"Han Zhenghui, Han Wenjie, I am officially notifying you now that today's farce is just the beginning. In the days to come, I will make the Han family restless, step by step towards the abyss, and eventually perish, from Jiangcheng, no, from this world, completely disappear!"

If Han Zhe's crazy words were put at the beginning, no one would believe him and would only regard him as a madman.

But after Han Zhe's series of crazy behaviors, no one doubted the truth of his words.

Many wealthy people who have cooperated with Han's Group have begun to consider terminating the contract.

The Han family is targeted by a madman like Han Zhe. Who knows what will happen in the future? This kind of time bomb-like risk is unpredictable. It is too terrible. It is better to break it off as soon as possible.

Those wealthy families who have little cooperation have also decided to keep their distance from the Han family from today to avoid being implicated and provoking Han Zhe, a madman, and bringing unnecessary losses and troubles to themselves.

Han Zhenghui looked ugly and stared at Han Zhe. He knew how much threat Han Zhe's operation would bring to the Han Group and the Han family. The cooperation with many wealthy people in Jiangcheng would be terminated, and the major families that were originally on good terms would be terminated.They will also become distant. After the market opens tomorrow morning, the stock of Han Group will plummet. The loss is incalculable, at least it will start at hundreds of millions.

He really regretted it at this moment. If he had known that Han Zhe would harm himself and the Han family, he might as well not abandon him at the beginning and strangle him to death to eliminate the trouble!

This little beast is simply not worthy of being his son!

Han Zhe certainly didn't know what Han Zhenghui was thinking at this time, but he didn't care about it at all, but walked towards Fang Ting with a smile on his face.

"Now that the chores are done, it's time to deal with the things between us."

Han Zhe walked in front of Fang Ting and said gently.

"Well, how do you plan to deal with it?"

Fang Ting smiled like a flower, looking at Han Zhe playfully, she didn't think that Han Zhe, who was covered in blood, was scary at all, but felt that Han Zhe at this moment was unprecedentedly kind.

Because she could feel that Han Zhe really loved her and really responded to her love.


Fang Ting was kissed by Han Zhe before she could react. It only took one second for her to go from being caught off guard to enjoying it. During this second, Fang Ting had waited for a long time and her tears of excitement flowed out.

"Are you satisfied with this treatment?"

Separating his lips, Han Zhe asked with a smirk.


Fang Ting smiled with tears in her eyes and nodded, giving Han Zhe a positive answer.

"Let's go, let's go home."

Han Zhe took Fang Ting's hand and left directly.

The guests who had been shocked by this scene, at this time, didn't know whether they were afraid or hadn't recovered, and automatically made way for them and watched them leave in a swagger.

When everyone was in a state of confusion, only Han Wenyi in the corner was excited.

Great! The scene just now was really great!

Han Zhe really didn't let himself down. He gave himself the best creative inspiration ever.

A man covered in blood, a woman in an evening dress, a bloody battle scene, stunned guests, under the cold moonlight, the man kissed the woman, and the woman's face was still covered in blood. What a perfect fusion, what a beautiful scene.

"Let's call this painting Bloody Kiss! I have a feeling that this must be a painting that can shock the world!"

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