"Long time no see, Han Zhe, Fang Ting."

Gu Zhenzhen greeted with a smile, her eyes and smile were very sincere.

If you don't know Gu Zhenzhen's character, you would really think she is a good girl and how good her relationship with Han Zhe is.

Gu Zhenzhen is a rural girl in a small town in the north. Because of her outstanding appearance, she has been the object of criticism since she was a child.

But the arrogant Gu Zhenzhen doesn't like this kind of discussion about her appearance and figure.

She feels that she is objectified, like a commodity being jumped around, very cheap.

So in order to change her fate, she has studied hard since she was a child, wanting to leave the countryside and live in the town, so that she doesn't have to live with uneducated rural people.

Her parents disliked her for being a girl, so when she was in junior high school, they asked her to drop out of school and go out to work to earn money for her younger brother Gu Junqi's dowry and help the old Gu family to continue the family line.

Gu Zhenzhen couldn't change her parents' attitude, so she had to go out to work. With her extraordinary wisdom, she made a small fortune by reselling mountain products, but she didn't give it directly to her parents.

She negotiated with her parents and could pay for her brother to marry a wife, but her family had to support her to study, and she would earn the tuition by herself, without her family's care.

Her parents thought it was a good deal, so they agreed readily.

That year, 15-year-old Gu Zhenzhen came to the town to attend high school for the first time, which completely changed her outlook on life.

The information from the outside world that teachers and classmates told her was both fantastic and desirable.

So Gu Zhenzhen studied hard and started a business at school, monopolizing the cosmetics and daily necessities business in the girls' dormitory.

By the time she was in the third year of high school, she had earned enough tuition and living expenses for four years of college, and even had the start-up capital for doing business in college.

In this way, she was admitted to Jiang University and came to Jiangcheng with the money she earned.

Many students who were admitted to Jiang University with her spread Gu Zhenzhen's experience, and Gu Zhenzhen naturally became a noble girl from a poor family in the eyes of teachers and classmates.

Capable, studious, and motivated, everyone thinks that such a girl will have a bright future and become everyone's pride.

Because of this, Han Zhe has a good impression of Gu Zhenzhen and begins to pursue her.

But what Han Zhe didn't expect was that all this beauty was acted out by Gu Zhenzhen.

Her so-called business is nothing more than joining forces with gangsters outside the school to bully classmates and force them to buy her things.

And Jiang University spread her deeds, and she deliberately let people say it, in order to establish a persona for herself and do business on campus.

In her previous life, Gu Zhenzhen not only took advantage of Han Zhe's love for her, but also let Han Zhe be her free labor.

Even after knowing that Han Zhe was Han Zhenghui's son, she wanted to smoothly establish a relationship with the Han family.

She even began to abandon Han Zhe and pursue Han Wenjie, hoping to use Han Wenjie to invest in her business and reach the pinnacle of life.

For this reason, she even sold her body and spent a night with Han Wenjie at a high price of one million.

At that time, Han Zhe was heartbroken and thought it was forced by Han Wenjie.

While feeling sorry for Gu Zhenzhen's tragic experience, he couldn't bear to blame Han Wenjie, his younger brother, and tried his best to excuse him.

Little did he know that in the eyes of everyone, he was a clown.

After rebirth in this life, Han Zhe would certainly not like her foolishly again.

It's just that Gu Zhenzhen was not a girlfriend before, and she voluntarily became a licker, so she couldn't blame the other party.

So this time, he didn't have any hatred for Gu Zhenzhen, just a stranger.

Facing Gu Zhenzhen's false greetings, Han Zhe felt disgusted, but he didn't tear his face.

"Long time no see, we are here to see the house, please introduce it."

Han Zhe responded with a smile, that smile was obviously a smile, but it made people feel very distant.

Gu Zhenzhen keenly felt the difference, but now she was at work, she couldn't say much, so as not to cause trouble for herself.

This sales lady's job doesn't make much money, but it can help her get to know many rich people.

Although it's just some middle-class families, it's enough for her to develop into her own customers and make more money for herself.

"Okay, let's take a look at the sand table here."

Gu Zhenzhen continued to maintain a professional fake smile, and walked to the sand table with Li Hu, Han Zhe and Fang Ting.

Along the way, Gu Zhenzhen observed Han Zhe and Fang Ting with a squint, and saw the two people smiling at each other and holding hands, and suddenly her heart skipped a beat. Could it be that Han Zhe and Fang Ting are in love?

If that's the case, who will take me to the Han family in the future? There is still no clue about my current relationship with Han Wenjie, and I can't do without Han Zhe as a middleman, and my business still needsHan Zhe is a good hand at free labor.

"Uncle, are you planning to buy a house for Han Zhe? What price range do you need? Do you have any requirements for the house type and location?"

Gu Zhenzhen asked enthusiastically.

"I really don't know these. I'm buying it for them. It's fine as long as they like it. You ask them, not me. I'm just following to watch the fun, haha."

Li Hu smiled honestly and pointed at Han Zhe and Fang Ting.

Are they really together! ?

And it has developed to the point of buying a house?

This is just a summer vacation. What happened in the meantime? Why is there such a big change?

Gu Zhenzhen felt that her brain was not enough, but she still forced herself to be calm, continued to maintain a professional smile, and asked.

"Then, what kind of house do you plan to buy, Han Zhe?"

Han Zhe did not answer Gu Zhenzhen directly, but looked at Fang Ting.

"What do you think?"

Fang Ting smiled sweetly, thought about it, and told Gu Zhenzhen her requirements.

"A two-bedroom apartment is enough. We have one room, so uncle can stay when he comes. Anyway, the house doesn't need to be big, as long as you can be with your loved ones."

Fang Ting said what was in her heart. Han Zhe could feel her sincerity, and was even more moved. He asked proactively.

"Or should we get a large flat? I don't want to let you down."

Fang Ting smiled and shook her head.

"No, this is the money uncle gave you to buy a house. You are not allowed to spend it carelessly. Follow the previous budget and don't let uncle worry."

After Han Zhe told Fang Ting about this, Fang Ting was very moved. She felt that Li Hu was able to do this for an adopted son, which was really good and worthy of their respect and filial piety.

If it was to buy a luxury house, Fang Ting would have tens of millions on her, which was completely enough, but this time it was Li Hu who took out the money to buy a house for Han Zhe, and she didn't want to steal the limelight and embarrass Li Hu.

"Okay, then I'll listen to you. We'll have a two-bedroom apartment!"

"Yeah, that's enough, right, uncle?"

"You little brat, you're not as sensible as Xiaoting. You'll have to listen to Xiaoting about everything at home!"


The three of them were having a great time together, and Gu Zhenzhen was almost biting her teeth.

Han Zhe, you're a big liar!

Didn't you say you'd be my lifelong licker? What are you doing now?

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