Su Ye also nodded silently and put the money in his pocket.

Because Su Ye knew that to do business, it was necessary to start the capital.

It is impossible to work part-time, and it is impossible to work in this life.

So he has to go into business to make a lot of money.

"Sister, your milk tea!"

"Sister, what were you muttering with Su Ye just now? Didn't give him money, did he? I know you're soft-hearted!

"It's better not to give it, if you give it to him, you will also take it to gamble, and you will owe millions in debt, I will see how he will live in the future!"

Xia Xiaojian came back from buying milk tea, pulled Xia Ning's sleeve and ran straight away, without looking at Su Ye.

Xia Ning turned to gaze at Su Ye and said goodbye.

Su Ye still stood in place, silently watching Xia Ning's back, until she completely disappeared on the street corner, Su Ye came back to her senses.

He lit a cigarette and held it to his mouth, while thinking about a question.

Yes, I am born again, but how can I make money?

With the five thousand yuan in his hand, it is not enough to rent a shop, how can he go to business?


Su Ye spat out a smoke ring and sat under the poplar tree to swipe his mobile phone, wanting to get some inspiration from it.

But at this moment, he suddenly brushed a piece of news.

[On April 10, the Jianghai City Bridge broke, and vehicle transportation was blocked. The price of vegetables and meat in Jianghai City has skyrocketed, which has attracted major attention from Sheep TV News, and reporters are currently interviewing and investigating on the front line! After the reporter's interview, it will take at least a month to repair the Jianghai Bridge, which means that in this more than a month, the food price in Jianghai City will rise or fall! This

news, Su Yan has already experienced.

Because Jianghai City is inland and water transportation is inconvenient, most of the goods are transported through the Jianghai Bridge.

Once the Jianghai Bridge breaks, prices in the city will rise.

The cost of flying in is too high, and the price is still expensive.

So during that time, a pound of cabbage could be sold for 15 yuan.

Su Yan vaguely remembered that at that time, he was gambling in a bar to eat a vegetarian fried noodle for 35 yuan, which was really black-hearted.

"Huh? No, no, April 10th? Isn't today April 6th?

Suddenly, Su Yan realized that something was wrong, and then muttered to himself.

Last night, Xia Ning said that they went to go through the divorce procedures on April 6.

In other words, today must be April 6th, but why can I brush the news on April 10th?

Su Ye picked up the phone and continued to scroll down.

The news behind is April 11th and 12th.

Can he even turn to the news for 2023?

So Su Ye understood.

He was indeed reborn, along with his phone, three years ago.

And then he had his phone, which still had all the news from three years ago.

For Su Ye, this is a plug-in existence.

If Su Ye can know what can happen in three years, is he afraid that he will not make money?

For a while, Su Ye's heart was extremely excited.

He thought about it.

It's April 6th, and April 10th is four days away.

After the news of the Jianghai Bridge break, the city's prices soared more than 3 times in one day, and the Municipal Supervision Bureau could not suppress it, because many citizens were afraid that they could not buy vegetables, so they began to stock up wildly.

Even if prices rise, it is better than starvation.

Su Ye instantly saw the business opportunity.

Yes, as long as he now hoards a lot of food and sells it on April 13, his profit will be at least five times greater.

Just do what you say.

Without saying a word, Su Ye immediately took a taxi to the largest vegetable market nearby.


Jianghai City, Lin'an District vegetable market.

This is the largest vegetable market in Linchuan District, but because the time is close to noon, not many customers buy vegetables.

A huge vegetable market, there are only dozens of people as far as the eye can see.

There are about 800 square meters and more than 100 stalls.

If you want to rent here, you have to say less than 100,000 a month, plus the vegetables stored in the vegetable market, the total value should be more than 500,000.

But Su Yan only has 5,000 yuan on him, how can he buy this vegetable market?

But Su Yan was unwilling and only did 5,000 yuan in business.

Even if he made five times as much by then, it would be only twenty-five thousand yuan, which would not be enough to pay interest on his gambling debts.

No, no, I have to find someone to borrow money.

Su Yan took a long breath, opened the address book, and found the person he least wanted to see.

This person's name is Chen Nao, known as Brother Dao.

Su Ye borrowed 2 million gambling debts from him, and after the profits rolled, he now owes 2.38 million.

And Brother Dao also sent someone to find Su Ye to pay back the money, Su Ye hid when he saw someone, how could he have the money to pay him back?

That Dao brother also said ruthlessly, if Su Ye did not pay back within a month, then someone would break his leg. Although it was a scare, Su Yan was still afraid that Brother Dao would hurt his family.

In the past, what Su Ye was most afraid of was Brother Dao.

I didn't expect to borrow money now, and the first thing that came to mind was Brother Dao!

Because everyone around him knows that Su Ye owes money for gambling, even if he has money, he will not lend it to Su Ye.

So, with apprehension, Su Ye dialed Brother Dao's phone.

The phone is busy, maybe Brother Dao is calling again to collect debts.

Su Ye dialed three times before the phone was connected.

Inside the phone, a rough and fierce voice suddenly sounded.

"Damn, Su Ye, do you still know to call Lao Tzu? What do you say about money in debt? I tell you, if it's not this month, Lao Tzu will really ask someone to break your leg! "

Brother Dao is imposing, and opening his mouth is a threat.

Su Ye was embarrassed, and said softly: "Brother Dao, lend me 500,000 yuan, I will definitely give it to you if I copy it!" "

What? Also borrow 500,000 to gamble? You really can't change the dog to eat! Brother

Dao scolded and said with a grin.

"Brother Dao, you believe me, as long as I turn over this time, I owe you money, and even the capital and interest will be returned to you!"

"Then what do you take to settle the debt? I see your wife and daughter are good, hahaha..."

On the phone, Brother Dao showed a burst of laughter.

Su Ye's eyes sank, now, Xia Ning and Su Zihan are his last counterscales, if Brother Dao dares to move them, Su Ye will definitely kill all of them.

"I advise you to better not touch my wife and daughter!"

"Yo, aren't you just a rotten gambling dog? Why are you negotiating terms with me? Want to borrow money? No way! "

Brother Dao is about to hang up the phone.

Su Ye hurriedly said again: "Wait for Brother Dao, finally lend me 500,000, if I lose, I will go to the black market and sell my organs to pay back!"


On the other end of the phone, Brother Dao was silent for a while, seemingly weighing the pros and cons.

Finally, he seemed to have made up his mind, and slowly spoke: "At most, borrow you another 100,000 yuan, if you can turn over the capital, you will pay me back, if you can't pay it back, remember to fulfill your promise!"


"Okay, 200,000, right? Pay the money at the end of the month, if you can't pay it off, just wait for me!

"I know, I'll pay it off!"

"Okay, it's still that old card, right? I'll hit your card up later! "Good


Su Ye nodded, and then hung up the phone.

On the other end of the phone, Brother Dao still heard a mocking sound.

In his eyes, Su Ye is a cornered rotten gambling dog who wants to borrow money at the end and fight again.

But as the second-in-command of 'Longjiang Gambling Bar', can Brother Dao not know the mechanism in the casino?

That thing has a mechanism and can control points, so you don't want to make a lot of money from the casino.

As for Su Ye's words, even if he dies, it has nothing to do with him?

He is a janitor and a lender.

The more Su Ye borrowed, the more he naturally earned.

That's why Brother Dao agreed to lend Su Ye 200,000.

And these 200,000 are Su Yan's last chance to turn the book.


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