Su Ye said: "Such a large company and scale, dozens of anchors bring goods and sell together. I think there should be more than 30 million, right?

"More than that. According to my background display, today's jewelry sales are 52.3 million yuan, excluding 20% of returns, the total sales are about 40 million yuan! Su Ye, I have to say, you are really too smart and powerful!

Qin Yue gave Su Ye a thumbs up, and the look in his eyes also showed a hint of adoration and appreciation.

Su Ye said calmly: "I have long said that online e-commerce is much faster than offline sales!" You look at those big anchors, there are hundreds of millions of goods a day! It's just that we make jewelry, we can only sell it individually, not sell it in groups. Otherwise, the sales amount will be higher!

"Yes, you're right!"

Su Ye continued: "So, I think to create a general live broadcast room of beauty star jewelry, you personally bring the goods, and then make some jade pendants such as guardian spirits, jade guanyin, and Buddha gong in batches, I promise that it will not be on the shelves in seconds, and it will definitely make money!"

"Well, that's a good idea too!" Qin Yue nodded in agreement.

Now, Meixing Jewelry Company has completely opened up the online sales market. The sales crowd has also changed from Jianghai City citizens to Internet users across the country.

As long as they like jewelry, they will come to the live room to buy it.

Coupled with Su Ye's publicity, it is possible for Meixing Jewelry to exceed 100 million in daily sales in the future.

Therefore, this is where Qin Yue admires Su Ye.

In less than 10 days, he completely changed the sales method of Meixing Jewelry Company and achieved daily sales of more than 50 million? This has broken the company's all-time daily sales record.

Later, Su Ye said.

To make a pair of imperial green jadeite bracelets, as the treasure of the company's town store, let's not sell it, and when it starts broadcasting, just take it out for the audience to see.

In this way, you can not only gain many fans, but also arouse their desire to buy.

Qin Yue felt that this idea was good, and immediately sent someone to order a superb imperial green jadeite bracelet, preparing to start broadcasting tomorrow, personally bring the goods, and try how the effect was.

Su Ye looked at Qin Hai and said, "Qin Shao, before our gamble was that the monthly sales exceeded 100 million, but under my operation, now the company has achieved daily sales of more than 50 million, so the gambling contract, I won, right?"

"Yes, you win, I admire your business acumen!"

Even if Qin Hai didn't like Su Ye, he had to admire Su Ye's business methods, which were too strong. In just a few days, it brought Meixing Jewelry Company to a new height.

"But my performance yesterday was not bad, right? Without my cooperation, our company would not have the current heat?

After Qin Hai finished speaking, Su Ye said: "Performance is performance, gambling is gambling." So are you going to recognize me as a big brother? What about giving me another Porsche for 2 million?

"But, I..." For

a moment, Qin Hai was a little embarrassed.

Su Ye said with a smile: "Haha, it's exempt to recognize me as a big brother, but don't forget to send me a Porsche of 2 million!"

"No need, I, Qin Hai, am willing to gamble and lose, and if I want to recognize you as a big brother, I will call you big brother." As for Porsche, I'll send it to you in a few days! "

Qin Hai, as the young master of the Qin family, also has his own pride in his bones.

He thought that since he lost the gamble to Su Ye, why not recognize him as a big brother?

And Su Ye gave Meixing Group a breakthrough of 50 million daily sales, and it is also appropriate to give Su Ye a Porsche of 2 million.


After Su Ye's operation.

The door of Meixing Jewelry's online e-commerce has been completely opened.

And as their skills in live streaming become more skilled, the sales of Meixing Jewelry Company will also increase day by day.

It is only a matter of time before it becomes a 10 billion company and a 100 billion group in the future.

But Qin Yue also said it to Su Ye.

Most of the money earned by their company will be invested in the company's internal operations, and then open a branch and continue to live broadcast goods to make money.

So in a short period of time, Su Ye may not get 50% of the commission.

However, Qin Yue assured Su Ye that in the future, what is the market value of Meixing Group, Su Ye can get a share of the total market value minus 2.8 billion divided by two.

Su Ye also accepted it calmly with a smile.

Therefore, he intends to take the Meixing Group as his important hole card. When you need a lot of money in the future, immediately sell your shares for money in case you need it.


In the blink of an eye, it was mid-June.

When the online e-commerce operation of Meixing Group gradually stabilized, the company did not need Su Ye to take care of it.

So, Su Ye, who was idle, returned to Hongxing Square and continued to live a life of drinking beer and eating skewers, so comfortable.

On this day, Su Ye had just returned to the snack street.

Not long after sitting down, two big men walked in front of him.

The people who came were Chen Nao and Lin Xiaohu.

"Yo, Brother Su, what have you been busy with these days? Why haven't I seen you all this time? Calling you out for a drink is not available?

Chen Nao came to Su Ye's side, sat down, and asked with a smile.

Lin Xiaohu also smiled and said, "Yes, Brother Ye, without you, drinking is boring!"

"You can't drink every day, listen to me, quit drinking, and eat some light food, right?" Su Ye said.

Lin Xiaohu also stepped forward and sat down, "How can I quit drinking?" Especially when summer comes, the evening is stuffy and hot, drink some cold beer, don't mention how cool!

"But drink in moderation, haha!"

Immediately afterwards, Chen Nao picked up his mobile phone to show Su Ye.

He said with a smile: "Brother Su, you see that you are on fire, and you said that you spent 100 million to cut out the imperial green jadeite?" When I saw this news, I was going to die laughing! A hundred million? Hahaha, this news can really fool people!

Su Ye smiled and said nothing.

Because of these news, he got it out to fool people.

And Chen Nao also knows Su Ye's strength, his whole body, adding up to 10 million, why 100 million?

"How is the snack street barbecue business lately?" Su Ye asked.

Chen Nag said: "It's okay, every night from six to twelve o'clock is the peak of the flow of people, the daily turnover is about 150,000, deducting the capital and salary, you should be able to earn 780,000!"

"Alas, I really envy Brother Ye's business mind, if only I were half as smart as you!" Lin Xiaohu said enviously.

Su Ye also said: "Thank you for helping me guard the snack street, if you don't dislike it, I will give you a monthly salary of 30,000!"

"Don't, we're brothers, talking about money hurts feelings." What's more, you took us to buy a house before, and you made millions at once, it's too late for my thanks, can I still collect your salary?

After Chen Nao finished speaking, Lin Xiaohu also said: "Yes, Brother Dao is right, I can't ask for your salary!"

"Well, in return, I can only invite you to drink and eat barbecue for free!"

"Enough, what else can we talk about in return?"

Chen nagged Su Ye's words, and his face was full of righteousness.

Later, the three began to get together again, drinking wine and eating skewers.

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